Chapter 21

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Hey guys just a really quick thing I was looking back at some of the chapters and had relize that I actually gave the main character a name so I might use it anyways love you.

I woke up this morning with j still holding me tightly to his chest, i was really comfy but knew I had to get up because I had a photo shoot today. I tried to slowly move out of Jaden's arms but his eyes fluttered open and he pulled me right back to his chest, he gave me a little smirk as he did so.
J: where do you think your going
Y: to go get ready for the shoot I have today
J: but that's not till 12:00 and it's only 10:30
Y: j you've lived in LA for how long, and still you don't understand how much traffic there is
J: oh ik but I just don't want you to leave
Y: well you can come to the shoot if you want
J: *he lets out a slight laugh* you thought i was gonna come watch you be a total model?
Y: kinda I thought you had to go to the studio today
J: nope not today that's all tomorrow, but I do wanna take you somewhere after your shoot.
Y: ya and where might that be?
J:it's a surprise
Y: uh ok, anyways can I please go get ready
J: Fine *he groans*
Y: love you bub
I get up off the bed and get my outfit out of my closet and walk to the bathroom to have a shower, I see Jaden leave the room and assume he is going to get too

Jaden's POV 

I walk out of y/n room and walk downstairs to ask Q a question about helping me surprise y/n tonight.
J: Hey Q
Q: Hey j, what's up
J: Not much, I was wondering if you could help me out with something tho.
Q: Ya, sure, what's up
J: well yk I haven't really properly asked here out and i wanted to make it special
Q: ya ofc j, what do you need me to do
J: I will call you like an hour before her shoot ends and get you to go down to the beach and setup a little Picnic
Q: ok sounds good I can fs do that
J: Thanks Q
Q: Ofc
J: I have to go get ready but I'll talk to you later

I head back upstairs and hear y/n shower still on so I don't bother going in.

                            Y/n POV
I got out of the shower and got changed and didn't do my makeup because lily (lily is the one who does your hair and makeup for your shoots) was going to do my hair and my makeup. I walked out of my room down the hallway to Jaden's room when I heard the shower was on, I walked into his room and then into his bathroom.
Y: j?
J: ya, you ok bubs
Y: ya no I'm fine are you almost done
J: almost why
Y: well it's already 11:15 so i wanna start heading out soon
J: ok babe, I'm just about to get out
Y: ok
I walk over to his bed and lye done one my phone and scroll through edits that were made about me and j. I heard the shower turn off and the door open, I looked over to see jaden with no shirt on and a towel hanging loosely around his waist.
J: Take a picture it will last longer
I felt my cheeks get hot and looked away
Y: I wasn't ev-
J: ya you were
He comes over and grabs my chin and give me a little kiss on the forehead
J: it's ok, Ik I'm hot and it's hard to keep your eyes off of me
My jaw dropped
Y: says the one that can't keep his eyes off me when I am in a bathing suit or even your hoodie
J: I can't help that your gorgeous and I am also really hot so we're like a power couple
Y: boy, you gettin a bit to cocky there
We both laugh and I look at the time and see that it's already 11:30 and I say to j that we should leave he goes to his room and changes and then we head downstairs and drived to my shoot.
We had arrived at my shoot about half an hour ago and I had my makeup and hair down, lily and Candice were setting up my set for the shoot when jaden walked in.
J: hey babe
Y: hey
He gave you a kiss on the forehead not wanting to mess up your lip gloss. You caught him staring at you.
Y: caught you
J: it's not my fault you look so good
He said giving me another kiss on the head
Y: haha, thank you babe
*c stand for Candice's name*
C: y/n the set od ready for you
Y: ok I'll be right there
I got up and gave Jaden a quick kiss on the lips and walked over to the speaker and played some music and then started to take pictures with lily and candicce.

After my last shoot jaden said that he was taking me some where and we headed out. To the secret spot. I looked in the back seat of the and saw my bathing suit.
Y: j?
J: yes
Y: why is my bathing suit in the back seat
J: we need it for tonight
Y: Um ok then

We ended up pulling up to the beach and jaden led me down to this amazing little spot that had a little picnic set up for us.
Y:J this is beautiful
J: all for you angel
Y: thank you

We sat down and ate, I noticed he was seeming a bit off and didn't seem like himself. I thought maybe he was just thinking about something or maybe he was just tired.

                          Jaden's POV
I was so nervous to ask y/n to be my girlfriend because I didn't know if she would be confused or if she wouldn't want to or if she just wanted to not put labels on it. Ig y/n noticed that I wasn't acting myself because she ended up asking me.
Y: you ok bubs?
J: oh ya, um, I wanted to ask you something tho
Y: oh ya, ofc, what's up?
J: well y/n Ik that we have technically been quote on quote "dating" but I never really properly asked you, and well y/n I was hoping you would be my girlfriend
I pulled out the promise ring I was gonna give y/n if she said yes and her eyes lit up.

                             Y/n POV
I saw jaden Pull out a ring and I freaked out, I can't believe this I didn't think he would actually properly ask me out.
J: Really
J: Ok greats
He put the ring on my pointer finger and it was beautiful.
*Just to be clear he's not proposing he's giving her a promise ring*
He gave me a kiss on the head and we cleaned up the picnic and went back to the house.

Author note: honestly think this is my favourite chapter.
Words: 1251

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