Chapter 4: Time To Get Serious!

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Hello guys!!

I would like to give my thanks to those who commented and voted for my story :) And to those giving me  those helpful suggestions. I'll edit the story as soon as I finish the story.

A big shout out to my friends who basically gave me the idea for this story. If it wasn't for them, this story wouldn't exist! Now what a shame would that be. XD

I will also be telling you guys that I might not be able to update the story next week (MIGHT, okay?). We have exams next week that's why. I need to cram a lot XD.

WIsh me luck! I kinda need it.

Making this note short:

Thank you everyone and keep reading on.

Don't forget to:




Ciao, anireader328


Talitha's POV

It's been a month since I found out that I was pregnant. Alexa's been calling me at random hours. She's basically checking up on me.

Aww. She so sweet!

Even though she's busy, she still found time to check up on me. I'm so lucky with her!

I'm staring blankly at the classified ads. Oh my gosh. I have no idea what job should I take. I'm pregnant! I can't just have those small jobs anymore. Alexa's kind enough to answer my medical needs but I kinda draw a line on that one. She's done too much for me already.

It's time for Talitha Stalker to get serious!

Oh man. I can't believe I just thought about that. This is gonna be harder than I thought.

I shake my head.

Okay, Talitha, concentrate!

Ugh, for the love of all that's good and pure, help me find even just one freaking job!

I'm not asking for much right now.

I'm just finding a job that has a high salary but I don't need to work much. It has flexible work hours. My boss would be handsome. He would be so generous and rich. He would give me free stuff! Maybe even promote me and I could work or not work if I don't want to!

Wow. I'm getting too ambitious.

What kind of job that could possibly be that good? Especially if I'm kind of lazy.

I shake my head again.

Concentrate! Concentrate!

My eyes averted to that secretary ad for a business magazine company. Huh, that job is still available.

Hmm. Maybe. Just maybe. I could try to, and I do mean try, get that job.

I nod my head.

I prepared myself and dressed myself to be fit for an interview. I placed my resume in my bag. I already prepared my resume last night. It might not look that amazing but it's.... something, I guess.

After I took my vitamins, I got out of my apartment and called out a cabbie. I managed to catch one faster than I thought. I slid inside the cab and told the driver to take me to The League's company building. The cabbie nodded and started to drive there. I relaxed in my seat then my phone buzzed. I checked it and saw that Alexa was calling me. She must be asking me about my plan to apply for a secretary job. I told her I would last night. I clicked the answer button on my phone.

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