Chapter 5: Seriously?

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Hey fellow Wattpadders!

Thank you to those who commented and voted for my story :) A bunch of happy kisses to you all!! 

The first day of exams just finished.. I'm writing this chapter to celebrate! :D

Wish me luck for the second day of exams...

I'm also writing this as a stress-reliever from studying a little bit TOO much.

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Talitha's POV


Oh, come on. Seriously?

You have to be kidding me, right? The universe is making me pregnant and, yes, I can deal with that, possibly, but this?

That's just plain mean. I mean, what the hell did my ancestors do to be played by fate like this?

My mouth still remained gaped open with my eyes bulging. His expression was pure shock. Can't say I blame the guy. But the one thing that made me really curious is to why he still remembered me. I think that for him, I'm just one of his one-night stands. I just made an impression that he does one-night stands. Oh come on, he's super hot, 'kay? Nothing surprising there.

"Y-You're applying for the job?" he asks, breaking the silence. I have to say, that caught me off-guard. I nod hesitantly. Okay, I regret coming to this stupid interview. My hands start sweating. I need to get out of here.

"You know what," I say "maybe I should go"

I was about to stand up when he stopped me by gesturing to me to stop moving.

"No, don't" he says, sternly "y-you waited in that long line, you might as well get interviewed"


I slump back into my seat. I really, really need to get out of here.

"My resume's not that good" I say "and besides, I don't have any experience being a secretary"

He laughs. Oh man, his laugh is so darn sexy. Wait, what the hell am I thinking?!

Talitha Stalker, you're trying to get out of here, remember?

"No one who is about to be interviewed for a job says something that might decrease their chances of getting the job" he says, his eyes a bit wet from laughing too much.


I know that. I'm not that stupid!

I don't even want this job anymore. Doesn't he realize that I don't want to get hired anymore?

What do I have to do so that he can realize that? Sing it?

"S-Sorry" I say, feeling sheepish then slumped down lower in my seat. He smiles at me.

"Don't be nervous" he says. I nod hesitantly.

"Well then, let's start" he says.

The interview lasted for almost an hour. The woman had to come in and announce that the interview is running too long and the line is getting longer.

Hey,its not my fault. At first, we were discussing my previous job careers and what could I do to promote this company as being a secretary. We then suddenly shifted to personal questions like what is my favorite color, fruit, food and all of the above.

My mind keeps on wondering why is he asking me those personal question. Could he possibly be interested in me?

Nah. Just my imagination.

I'm not planning on telling him that he's the father of my still unborn children. He doesn't need to know. He might not accept them even.

"I should go" I say. He nods hesitantly.

Why is he hesitating? Man, he's making me feel confused. He's making me want to ask what he feels about me. I want to ask him if I'm more than just one of his one-night stands.

I can dream, can't I?

"You'll receive a call in a couple days," he says "telling you if you got the job or not"

I nod then left. 

I got a cab then told the cabbie to go to Hope Apartment. 

I hope I don't get the job. Things are already getting complicated as it is. Suddenly, my phone buzzed. 

>>>>>>>>>>>message from: MOM<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Hey darling!

Just reminding you that we'll be visiting you in the next 3 weeks. Your dad and I can't wait. He was supposed to be the one sending you the text but he got frustrated because he doesn't know how and he smashes his phone in a million pieces!

Don't forget, Talitha Stalker!

We love you. 


I stare as the text, shocked.

Seriously? I forgot about them visiting me. I haven't even told them that I'm pregnant. How am I supposed to say it?

Hey mom and dad, I'm pregnant but I'm not married.

Never gonna work.

I feel like pulling my hair out of my head.

What the hell am I going to do?!


Siote's POV

I'm here in my condo right now. I just finished eating dinner. I directly went to my bedroom and threw myself on my bed. The interviews were horrible. The worst ones were the ones wearing skimpy clothes. They think they're hot even though they're not. They looked disgusting. They don't even have any potential to be a secretary.

Talitha's face made its way to my mind. I groaned, slapping a pillow on my face.

Since that night when we, you know, I never stopped thinking about her.

She never knew that I was so depressed when I woke up in the morning and found out she left. How lonely I felt knowing I won't see her again. She's the only  one who made me feel this way. But there she was, at the interview. 

She was the only one standind out in my mind.

I want to see her. I need to see her.

But how?

An idea suddenly crept out in my mind. I quickly jumped off my bed and hastily grabbed my phone, calling Laudia, my PA.

"Sir?" she says.

"I already have someone I think would make a great secretary for me" I say with a smirk.

"That was fast, sir" she says "and who might that be?"

"Talitha. Janine. Stalker" I say.

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