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"Where are you taking me bello?"

I was sat in the passenger seat in Miles' car, he had blindfolded me back at the house, I thought I was just one of his many bedroom experiments, especially when he whisked me into his arms into a bridal styled hold I got excited.

But I was wrong, he took me outside and put me into the car. Now we have been driving for over an hour. I was getting restless just staring at darkness, the music that was lowly humming around the car wasn't doing anything to calm my nerves either.

I had a multitude of ideas going around my head of where we could be doing or going. But it shot down all my suggestions. So I was still clueless.

"Love, we will be there soon." His places his hand on my thigh, squeezing lightly as he continued to drive, I turned his hand over so his palm was facing upwards. I play with the rings on his hand, tracing mindless patterns on his palm. He loved me doing this, it often said it calmed him down but I think he just loves the attention.

We came to a stop, I think we have finally made it to our destination. I really hoped we had in all honesty.

Miles gets out of the car, I hear the passenger side door open. I reached for the blindfold, but his hands stop my own before I can reach for it. "Just a few more minutes baby." He whispered into the limited space between us. I sigh heavily wanting nothing more than to take it off. Miles takes my hands directing me as I climb out of the car so I don't hit my head on the roof of the car.

He moves behind me, his hands go to my hips as we start walking we aren't walking for long before we stop again. "You can take it off now my love." he whispers into my ear, his lips brushing against my ear lightly. He kisses below my ear before untying the blindfold. I blink a few time, letting my eyes adjust to the harsh New York sun.

My eyes draw up to a sign, I clamp my hand over my mouth, my eyes tearing up as I turn around in Miles' lingering arms. "Why have you brought me here?"

"You've never been here before. I wanted you to see your brothers legacy." I beam up at him, I lean up my tiptoes peppering soft kisses along his jaw to his lips, kissing him deeply. I turn back around looking up the industrialised building in front of me.

I look back up at the gym- Saldaro Gym.

Miles was right, I had never been here before. I may be in shape but I hate exercise, I very rarely came to the fights and I for sure never came to his training, so I never actually saw it.

I'm here now. Finally visiting Giovanni's favourite place. This was where he lived at least 80% of his life. It was a his safe place, boxing was his life.

We walk inside, Miles took the lead, he took ahold of my hand tightly in his own as we walked inside. When you walk inside there was reception desk but behind that was a wall full of glass, beyond that was a huge gym. It was decked out with all sorts of equipment from weights to the many different machines.

It took the entire floor, I don't think I have ever seen a gym this big. Miles squeezes my hand before pulling me along to a metal door that said employees only. He opened the door, inside it was just a long corridor. We headed towards the very end and into the elevator, I was confused.

Where was we going?

Miles pressed a few buttons, swiping a card against some sort of scanner. When the elevator stops and the doors open I find ourselves in a boxing gym.

Similar size to the gym above, it had many training areas, as well as a few mats and rings. I look around, it was very bare down here, there was only a handful of people around. "What is all of this Miles?" I question, gripping onto his upper arm as we walked further in.

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