Chapter 15: Cathedral

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Gray's POV

"Natsu!...Natsu!...... Natsu!" I take Natsu and shake him to wake up. We found him all beat up at the ground.

"Gray....Juvia.....Natsu is...."

"Happy!?" I called. Happy woke up and he is on Juvia's lap. Happy is also beat up. What happened to them?

"Happy what happened here?!" I asked a bit of raising my voice. I'm concerned with these two.

"Gray, Natsu was beaten by Luffy. He said that we our friends got Chopper. We didn't know anything about it. Luffy became angry and they started fighting." Happy said hardly speaking

"Juvia, I guess we're too late. Let's take them to the guild and treat them first."

"Hai! Gray-sama!" She takes Happy and I'm going to carry Natsu

"G-Gray.....put me down....." The guy from my back said

"Natsu what are you talking about your all beat up. Why did you fight their captain anyway?" I asked a bit mad

"S-shut up and put me down! I'm just hungry that's why."

"You're the one to shut up we're going to take you to the guild." He passes out again and I carry him on my back and we brought them to the guild. Juvia treat their wounds and prepare food for them.

"Natsu-san here is some soup, meat and fire for you." Juvia take his food to him. He just woke up and hasn’t spoken any word. He just stare at the ceiling, he sit at the edge of the bed and begun eating his food, Happy is also awake and eating his fish.

"Natsu-san are you alright now?" Juvia asked

"Yeah thanks!"

"What happened?" I asked and he just looked at me

"I just caught off guard! I never expect that he can grow his arms that big! Next time I'll beat him to a pulp!" Ah...he returned back to normal.

“Are you talking about Luffy?” I said

“Huh? Yeah I never expect that he can do that. His arms just grow like giants arms. Where are the others by the way? It’s too quiet here.” He said as he stand up and look outside.

“They’re on a job to capture all the Straw Hats. It was Yue’s doing.” I said to him and he turns his back to face me

“Yue? What is he doing here?”

“It seems that he came to asked help on Mira to capture his target.”

“Target? Who Luffy and his crew? Why would he target them? Did they do something to him? Luffy and his crew are nice people for a pirate. But I’m not going to forgive him that easily after what he did to me.”

“Yue became a bounty hunter.” I said and I can’t paint his face he looked shocked because Yue is like a little brother to him

“Rin-san has Chopper as bait to them, that’s what Juvia here when they are talking about the plan to capture all the straw hats.”

“They have Chopper? Who is this Rin?”

“She seems to be the partner of Yue.” I said

“So Luffy and Sanji are telling the truth. It’s my mistake on not believing on them. But it is still his fault on getting hot headed and came in attacking me innocently. I still get my pay back! I’m all fired up!” I saw Juvia smile on Natsu.

A plate just broke outside the infirmary. Someone is inside the guild. Juvia and I went out to look what is it and we saw a man with straw hat eating a chunk of meat.

“Luffy!” I said

“Straw Hat Luffy!”  Juvia also said in surprise to see Luffy inside the guild

And he just looked at me like he’s thinking something. Doesn’t he recognize me?

“Ah! Gray!” What he really forgotten about me. I just jaw drop and face palm at this idiot. He is like Natsu.

“What’s the commotion about Gray.- Luffy! Damn you! What are you doing in our guild? Are you here to destroy it?!” Natsu said rushing down at the guild

“Natsu! Bring out Chopper once and for all! Or I will do what you’ve just suggested.”

“Hey hey, Luffy calm down. We don’t have anything to do with these things; we just got home from job and just get informed about what’s happening between your crew and the guild. Don’t worry we are going to help you find Chopper.” I said and when I look at them Natsu is stretching his cheek and Luffy is doing the same. “They are still fighting.” I sweat drop

“STOP IT YOU TWO!!” in a split of second this two was down with a bump on their heads

“ow! What the hell is that for?” Natsu said trying to get up on the floor

“Nami! What are you doing here?” Luffy said

“I should be asking you the same question! Why did you go by yourself and where is Sanji-kun? I got separated from Usopp and Robin Brook and Franky also went by themselves. We are all separated you know.” Nami explained angry she’s even scarier than Erza

“Sanji? He’s fighting a friend of them. Nami we have a serious situation here. We are being haunted.”

“Idiot! We’ve always been haunted because we’re wanted persons. And did you just release what you just told me? Chopper is missing and some bounty hunters with mages teaming up with them to get our heads.” She said choking Luffy

“huh? How did you know that Nami?” I asked

“Because I just bump into Zoro fighting Erza. I don’t know what’s happening anymore, so I just followed the vivre card and it leads me hear at this huge building.”

“Ah Juvia just remembered, in case Natsu-san came back, Yue gave me this vivre card before he left.” Juvia took out a piece of paper from her hat and give it to Natsu

“What’s this paper?” he said

“He’s clever, giving a vivre card to a mage, what is he coward that we are going to face him?” Nami said

“They also give each of the guild members who are part of the team the same paper.” Juvia added

“Luffy we don’t have time to waste. We need to find Chopper.” She dragged Luffy out the guild and we just followed them.


Robin’s POV

Brook and I arrived at the said cathedral. It’s beautiful than I expected. I went inside and I saw a woman with cat ears and tail. She was one of the bounty hunters. I drop my bag and get ready to fight. I cross my arms and look at her eagerly. Brook unless his sword.

“Hey you! Where is Chopper?!” Brook stated to that girl

“Huh? Ah Lucky Lucky! I got two of them even without a bait.” She said like she’s making fun of us

“Where is Chopper?” I asked the same question again

“Chopper? We have him, don’t worry you’ll join him later.

“Cien Fleur…Grab. “ I sprout some hands on her and grab her arms and legs

“Oh I’m scared….hahahaha just kidding….Neko Neko no Tora!” she said and suddenly she grow to a huge tiger occupying half of the cathedral.

“Ehhhh????? Tiger! Robin-san what are we going to do?”

Pinch. I never fight a tiger before. What am I going to do?


To be continued…

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