Chapter 3: Natsu

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Luffy's POV

"Are you awake?" I said sitting on Chopper's seat

" Huh?" he's waking up

"I think he is going to wake up I am going to call everyone." Chopper said then rush out to call the others

"Where am I?" the guy said holding his head

"Your on my ship. hehe " I said then I smile to him

" Ship?" I think his half awake

"ah. "

" ship... ugh...."

"Waaahhh what happened to you?"

"Ugh....get me out of here.....ugh." I think he is sick again

"Wait right here I am going to call on Chopper!" I said panicking and run out side the clinic and called for Chopper

"Chopper!!! He's awake and I think he is sick again! come here and check on him again."

"O-okay." Chopper said and rush to get to the second floor the others came also

"Ugh...Lucy..." the boy said

"Chopper what's wrong with him?!" I asked Chopper still panicking

"Luffy we need to get him on land." Chopper said

"Why?" Nami said

"He has sea sickness."

"Sea sickness!!!" I said

"That means he can't handle his body when he is on a boat. Right Chopper?" Sanji said

"That's lame." Zoro said

"Whatever just get him on land, Zoro tell Franky to find an island!." I yelled to Zoro and he get out of the room to tell Franky whose driving the Sunny

"Hang in there okay." I said to the boy


"Don't worry he'll be fine." Chopper said


"Okay I am going to cook the elephant fish for him when he gets better again." Sanji said

"Thanks Sanji."

Everyone return to what they are doing Robin is keeping an look out and Nami is standing by with Zoro and Brook is with Sanji. Chopper and I keep on watch on this boy.

"Luffy we found an island." Zoro yelled

"Really, okay hurry and lets land."

While appoarching the island Chopper and I carry him down stairs. When we got to the small island that we found we bring him down to the island.

"Careful Chopper." I said while carrying him off to Sunny

He fell asleep so we wait for him to wake up. Sanji prepare the food already on the carpet we set

"Lucy!!!Happy!!!" The boy said when he woke up

"Oh your awake" Sanji said "Come here and eat."

"Huh?" he looked at us and he looks confused

"Hey I am Luffy. Who are you?"

"Ah. Natsu."

"Come on Natsu lets eat you need to eat to get your strenght back."

"O-okay." he said hesitating

"Who are you guys and where am I? The last thing I remember is falling on our ship."

"Ah so you fell on your ship that's why you are floating on the ocean." Usopp said while eating

"We are the Straw Hat pirates we are the one that rescued you." Nami said

"Ah Thank you for saving me--Whaaaahhh!!!! You guys are pirates....please don't make me cross into a plank and get eaten by sharks....Whaahh Lucy help me!!!!"

"Whoah whoah brother calm down we won't hurt you we are not that kind of pirates." Franky said

"Hahahahahaha he's a funny guy hahahaha." I laugh because he really is funny

"Yah we are not the kind of pirates you think of." Chopper said


"That's Chopper he is the one that saves you."

"Ah Thanks Chopper." Natsu said thanks to Chopper

'Here you need to eat to calm your mind." Sanji handed him some food


"Sanji. My names Sanji."

"Ah thanks Sanji." Sanji just smile and get back to his seat

'Didn't you find something different from Chopper, Natsu" Nami asked Natsu about Chopper

"No. He's a cool tanuki and he save me nothings different right."

"Your a doctor huh Chopper?" Natsu asked Chopper

"Ah.... I am not a tanuki...bakayaro....and don't say I am doesn't even make me happy konoyaro!!!~ Chopper said while doing again that dance. He really is happy

"hahahahaha" I laugh

"Chopper is talking don't you notice that?" Robin said


"I am Robin. Don't you find him strange because he is talking?" Robin asked


"Ehhhh!" We all said

"Why are you guys so shocked. It is because I have a friend that is also taking but he is a cat and he can fly also hahahaha." Natsu said

"A talking cat?!" I said

"Ah he's Happy."

"Oh okay."

"hahahahaha you are really interesting Natsu."

"really hahaha"

"By the way Natsu who is this Lucy anyway? You keep on saying her name while sleeping." Nami said

"Ah Lucy is my partner. I need to find them or Erza will get angry at me. And by the way Sanji this is delicious!"

"Ah thanks help your self." Sanji said offering some more to Natsu

"What were you doing anyway that made you fall to the ocean?" Brook said

"Well i got sick and I hung on the bars of the ship and this huge wave came across our ship and it took me away.We are on this job to find a flower in---" Natsu cut his sentence and he stop on eating

"Waaahhhh a talking skeleton!!!!" HE freaked out

"hahahahaha' I laughed hard

"How....howw can a skeleton talk?" he pointed out Brook while shivering

"Well I eat the Revive Revive fruit that why I am alive. No I am dead already yohohohoho!!!"

"Revive revive fruit?"

"Ah it is a devils fruit."

"Devils fruit!!!!!"


to be continued........

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