Chapter 20: Rin's Past

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Robin's POV

~earlier at the Cathedral after Robin and Brook defeated Rin~

"Then tell us so we can understand." I said 

"Why would I tell you that?"

"Ah! What a rude kid." Brook said

"I'm not a kid. And I think by now since the two of you are here, those Fairy Tail members caught your nakama by now." she said

"Fairy Tail?" Brook said

"That was the name of Natsu's guild." I said "What is your connection on Fairy Tail?"

"I don't have anything to tell you....Yue's cousin Mirajane is part of the guild that's why he asked for their help."

"You said you won't tell us anything, but you're telling it to us now." Brook said

"Shut up! I just slip up!" This girl has some kind of Tsundere attitude

"Where are my friends?" I asked

"I won't tell you." I tighten my grip on her

"Okay Okay I'll tell you! I'll tell you!"

Rin told us where we can find Chopper. I hope he's fine and no one's been captured too.


Rin's POV

'I'm sorry Yue-kun...' I thought to myself because I'm so useless. This woman is strong, I underestimated them.

I hope Yue-kun is safe, I'm sure her Captain is much stronger. We picked a wrong target today. But I believe in Yue-kun, ever since I met him and we became partners.

I hate pirates! That became my motivation to become a bounty hunter. I'm already a bounty hunter before I met Yue-kun. I was beating the crap out of that filty pirate at a town in an island at the Grandline.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" A man with silver hair about shoulder length said behind me

"Huh? Who are you bastard?" I said, I am a brute and a badass woman in the past. I've change since I met him.

"That's a foul word coming from a cute lady." He said approaching me. I put down that filthy pirate and he run as far away from me.

"I'm Yue! I'm a traveler. Who are you missy?" he said, like I give a damn care about him.

"Rin. Bounty Hunter!" I shortly said and walk passes him

"Rin-chan, huh? A cute girl shouldn't be a bounty hunter by herself." He said and I stop on walking. I turn around to face him.

"Who are you calling cute?!" I said as I grab his collar

"Woah, woah, easy girl!" I let go of him

"You see I don't have enough money anymore. It's been a year since I've started on my journey." He said trying to look cute

"So? Like I care! See yah!" I said and again walk away

"Can I come with you?" I was startled; because this is the first time someone asked me that

"I need money to continue on my journey. So please let me come with you, even just this once and I am going." He exclaimed and bows his head to me

"Hey! Lift your head up its embarrassing. Okay I will let you come with me. But you better be as strong as I am or I will leave you behind.."

"Really? Yay thank you Rin-chan!" he suddenly put his arms around my neck. I pull it away and smash him down to the ground

"Don't call me –chan!" I said and walk away that guy is stupid

"Ow! Ah wait Rin-chan! We are partners from now on!"

"I said don't call me Rin-chan!"

"You can call me Yue-kun."

"I don't want!"


Since that time I've change a bit. Yue decided to stay being a bounty hunter with me. I was able to smile even though he is this stupid; he is also a nice guy. Whenever I am in danger he is always come to my rescue. When we are sailing in the Grandline Yue asked me a question that brings back all those ugly memories that I tried to buried.

"Hey, Rin-chan, how did you become a bounty hunter?" I didn't answer him first and just keeps on stirring the wheel

"Hey...Rin-chan did you hear me—"

"It's because I hate pirates."

"Is that all?"



"I was a little kid when some pirates attack my hometown. It's a little island in East Blue called Kame Village."

"Kame? Isn't that a turtle?"

"Yeah, it's because that island has the same shape as a turtle. Even though our village is small, we have everything we need to live, food, shelter, and family. We might be poor but we are happy just being together, until pirates came and ruin our lives.

Whenever pirates land on the island, they are threatening the villagers. They always took everything, our food supply, money and everything they want. They will all laugh like a bunch of stupid dogs to us and they are going to leave after they took everything.

My father was a marine captain. Once he came to the village, everything was in despair because pirates just been to the village and raid everything. He said that he is going to put a marine flag at the island and he will protect the village under his name. Since then no pirate ever approach our village, the peace regain on the village once again.

But a certain tragedy happened.  A group of pirates from one of the Yonko Kaido, came to the village and tear down everything, even the flag that my father put up in the village. They are all devil fruit user-zoan type. My father is in the village and he protected everyone. He gave up his life fighting the pirates by himself and some marines with him to protect the villagers. They've manage to took down half of them and they've retreat and left the village, but my father and his men are all severely injured. Not too long my father died, I didn't even get to talk to him because he was brought to the hospital for emergency operation. He didn't survive on the operation and he died. I am in big despair that time because I lost my mother when I was just a kid and now my father is also gone from me.

Since that time I gain to have hatred towards pirates. I went to the coast of the island and there I saw some kind of strange fruit. It looks like an apple but it has some kind of yellow spots on it. I ate it but it taste horrible. And that fruit is the one that gave me powers. It's a devils fruit from the group of pirates of Kaido, they might have left it when they last came here. After my father was buried, that was the time I left the village and became a bounty hunter."

"Why didn't you just become a marine just like your Dad?" Yue asked after I finished telling him my life story

 "Because a person like me is not suited to be a marine like my father."

"Don't say that Rin. You're a great person." He said

"Shut up Stupid."

"hahaha what a Tsundere! Don't worry I am with you now. I don't care if you're a bounty hunter or a marine. Rin-chan is my partner and no one else." He said and put up a huge smile on me.


To be continued...

A/N: We are almost at 8K. ^_^ Keep supporting everyone... 5 Chapters left...

Next Chapter: Yue vs. Franky

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