Chapter 11: Cousins

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Yue and Rin arrived at Yue's cousins town. The Straw Hats are following them by the vivre card they get from Rin.

The partners headed to the guild where his cousins are- the Fairy Tail guild.

Yue and Rin was at the door of the guild and visualize it. Yue is looking for his cousin with his right hand on his forehead horizontally. Rin was just standing next to her eating some taiyaki again. This is her favorite food that's why.

"Ah found her! Come on Rin-chan! You too Tony Tony Chopper!" Yue said and rush down inside the guild to the counter.

" MIRA-NEEEEEEEEEE-CHANNNNNN!!!!!!"Yue yelled as he approach the young woman with white curly hair at the end with the same blue eyes as him, holding a towel and a mug.

"Huh?" The woman looked at Yue with confusion

Yue arrived at the counter and hold the woman's hands.

"Mira-nee-chan! Long time no see! It's me!" Yue said

The people on the guild was looking at them wondering who that weird person is.

"Nee-chan?" Gajeel said while crossing his arms approaching them

"I didn't know that you still have one sibling?" Levy said

"Uh... eh..." the woman Yue said that she is his cousin is Mirajane. A member of Fairy Tail guild.

"Mira-nee! We don't have any other siblings right?" Lisanna said as she came to the counter with Elfman

"Lisanna-nee-chan! Elfman-nii-chan!"

"Huh?" The siblings both said

"Who are you?" Cana said holding a bottle of sake

"Yue. Yue Strauus! I'm Mirajane Strauus cousin." Yue introduced himself

"Yue?!" The other guild mates said

"Yue?....Ah! Long time no see! You've grown so much! The last time I see you, your just a little 14 year old kid." Elfman said

"Wow Yue really you've grown your even taller than me and Lisanna. I didn't even recognize you at first." Mira said

"How come you guys didn't age through the years? This is the same faces I've seen the last time we've met." Yue questioned "but Elfman-nii-chan was surprisingly huge

"A lot of things happened. Hahahaha." Lisanna said

"Oh.... alright." Yue said and hold Rin's shoulders "ah Mira-nee-chan,Lisanna-nee-chan, Elfman-nii-chan, this is Rin-chan. She's my partner!"

"Rin Kakihara~desu!" Rin waved at them

"Hello Rin-chan." The Strauus siblings said together

They sit at a table at the guild. "So how was your trip over the world?" Mirajane said serving him a cup of drinks and Rin and Chopper.

Lisanna was starring at Chopper and he doesn't feel comfortable to it.

"It's great I've seen many things. I've met Rin-chan and we became bounty hunters. And Lisanna-nee-chan we captured that one from pirates."

"Bounty Hunters? Why did you became one?" Elfman said

" just happened hahahaha." he laugh as he scratch the back of his head

"Why did you put a chain on this cute creature?" Lisanna said patting Chopper at his head


"C-Cute?" Chopper blushed and stand up at the table he is sitting at "That doesn't make me happy~kono yaro, baka yaro ka! haha~" he said and wiggling his hands and body. He always do this when he is flattered.

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