Chapter 24: Gildarts Shift

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Normal POV

At the guild~

Next morning Nami, Robin, Lucy, Erza, Wendy and Carla, Juvia and Cana go for a shopping and they also collect information about the city of Magnolia.

"Hey Luffy want to join me?" Natsu said coming in at the guild with Happy

"What is it?" Luffy asked

"There's a eating contest at the town. Do you want to join?" Natsu said

"Really?" Luffy said mouth watering

"Yeah! Let's go!" Natsu said and Luffy went on his feet and they dash outside the guild

"Food again. Speaking of food is everyone hungry?" Sanji asked the guild

"Yeah, I haven't eaten since this morning. My stomach is crumbling now. If I have a stomach to crumb. Yohohohoho." Brook said

"Mira-chan, can I use your kitchen?" Sanji asked walking to Mira's counter

"Sure I don't mind."

"Ah~! You're so beautiful Mira-chan~!" Sanji said and twirl towards her

"Aho, cook!'' Zoro mumbled but Sanji still hears it

"What did you say Marimo?" Sanji asked ad lean his forehead on Zoro's

"What did you call me?"

"Alright stop it already! Sanji go to the kitchen and cook!" Mira said while glaring at them and then returned back to her sweet smile after the two broke up

"Is she really that scarier than Nami?" Zoro said

"No Nami is more scary than her." Usopp said

"Super~! Scary hahahaha!" Franky said

"Yohohohoho...Nami-san is scarier than a demon." Brook added


Lucy and the other girls~

"Achoo!" Nami sneezed while walking with the other girls

"Nami-san are you alright?" Lucy said

"Yeah I'm fine. I guess the guys are talking about me again." She said in a pissed tone

Robin chuckle while the Fairy Girls are wondering why?


Luffy and Natsu~

"I'm not going to lose to you Natsu. "Luffy said stuffing food on his mouth

"I'm not going to lose either Luffy." Natsu said doing the same thing

They are like this eating food in the contest for about an hour now. The contest is timeless and the one standing last is the winner of the contest. The other contestants already give up because they can't eat anymore and they are amaze to see the two still eating.

"How long are they going to eat?"

"No, the question is how deep are the stomach of those two monsters are."

"I still have some space left. I can still eat." Luffy said

"I still have some too. Remember this I'm not going to lose to you." Natsu said and swallow a whole steak

"I don't plan on losing either." Luffy said and takes all the food from the table and swallow them all

"Another set mister!" Luffy yelled and a table full of foods was serve in front of them

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