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The author of this story would like to thank fellow 'Totally Spies' writer jettmanas, who was kind enough to create some new cover-art for this adventure.


Doctor Malcolm Grant was not having a good day. In fact, it currently looked set to become his last.

Panting, sweating, his legs aching like mad, he was running for his very life, trying to put as much distance as possible between himself and the creature hunting him. But even as he pushed his way through the thick foliage of the jurassic-like jungle surrounding him, he knew deep down that he stood little chance of survival. The thing on his tail was a natural hunter and considerably faster and more ferocious than the most fearsome lion on Earth.

"Some holiday this turned out to be!" Grant fumed as he ducked to avoid a low branch that almost knocked his leather hat right off his head. As he pressed on, some thorns caught on his shirt and he had to tear himself free, counting himself lucky that none of the plants on this island were deadly. The real danger lay with the unnatural creatures that were currently intent on devouring him.

There was a sudden rustle in the bushes just behind Grant, followed by an unnerving sound like an alligator gnashing its teeth

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There was a sudden rustle in the bushes just behind Grant, followed by an unnerving sound like an alligator gnashing its teeth. Instinctively, Grant reached for the bottle of water attached to his belt and held it out like it was a weapon, just as his predator leapt out of the bushes towards him, barring the sharp teeth set in its long jaws and raising its clawed hands for the kill. With a startled cry, Grant quickly squirted the contents of the water right into the creature's mouth, before it had a chance to pounce on him. There was a terrific display of sparks and the creature reeled back, shaking its head back and forth as some smoke began to emerge from its mouth.

Seizing his chance, Grant made a run for it, hoping to lose the creature before it had a chance to recover. Of course, for all he knew, there could be more of the beasts on his tail, all too eager to put an end to his currently-miserable existence. But he knew he could not afford to give up. He had to find some way of contacting the outside world and warn them of the dangers on this horrific island.

But as he pushed through the last of the plants in front of him, he had to skid to a halt as he realised he had just reached the edge of a steep cliff, that overlooked a fast-flowing ravine below. Grant gulped as he realised he had no chance of turning back now. He also had no idea of how deep the water below was, how rocky it was or what kind of dangers awaited him below. But as the leaves began to rustle again behind him, he knew he had to take a chance.

As the Velociraptor pushed its way through the dense jungle and prepared to charge, Malcolm Grant took a deep breath and jumped.

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