A Stormy Beginning

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With a start, Clover woke up and shot up in her bed, startled by the loud noise that had so rudely woken her up.

"Hey, what's going on around here?" she grumbled as she put on her dressing gown and slippers and marched out of her bedroom. "I hope it's not Alex's cappuccino maker or Normy barging in with one of his video games again."

As she entered the penthouse living room, she saw Sam sitting on the sofa, looking out through the window. Outside, the clouds were dark and thundery, with terrific flashes of lightning and buckets of rain heaving down all over the place.

"Morning Clover," said Sam a little sleepily. "Guess you got woken up by the lightning too, huh?"

"To say the least. I thought the storm wasn't going to hit us until tomorrow," muttered Clover.

"Yeah, well it's arrived a bit early," said Sam. "Guess we're stuck indoors for the day."

A few seconds later, a yawning Alex entered the room with Oinky, her pet pig, trotting by her side.

"Man, the weather looks really wild today," she said, rubbing her eyes sleepily. "It sure looks downbeat out there, doesn't it?"

"You're telling me," sighed Clover as she slumped onto the sofa. "I was hoping to do some shopping for new clothes today and try and get myself a date while I'm about it. Now I'll have to put all my plans on hold. Some weekend this is going to turn out to be."

"Never mind, Clover," said Sam. "We can still do things like watch a movie or something. The day doesn't have to be a complete washout."

There was another flash of lightning and all the lights in the room went out, plunging the place into darkness.

"Oh great, the power's gone!" whined Alex. "Now we can't even watch the telly!"

"Oh this is terrific," groused Clover. "No shopping, no dating and no telly! This day is totally going to be dullsville!"

There was another dazzling flash of lightning and when it cleared, the girls and Oinky had vanished from the room, apparently into thin air!

Of course, in actuality, the spies had just been woohped and were currently sliding down the tube straight to Jerry's office at WOOHP Headquarters

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Of course, in actuality, the spies had just been woohped and were currently sliding down the tube straight to Jerry's office at WOOHP Headquarters.

"Morning, Superspies," said Jerry cheerily as his top agents were deposited on the sofa in front of him, with Oinky landing on Alex's lap. "Nice of you to get here in a flash. Get it? Lightning? Flash?"

"Yeah, haha, very funny, Jerry," groaned Clover as she and the others straightened themselves out. "I hope that you've haven't just woohped us to hear that lame joke."

"As a matter of fact, Clover, I do have a rather important assignment for the three of you," said Jerry. "I need you girls to investigate a new theme park that has recently opened on a island in the Caribbean."

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