Hunt Of The Dilophosaurus

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Leaving the wreck of the jeep behind them, the girls wearily began making their way through the dense jungle towards the mountain where they hoped they would find some answers to the strange events occurring at Dino World. They had to move slowly, not only because of various obstacles like fallen trees and exotic plants, but also to lessen the chance of running straight into some bloodthirsty dinosaurs intent on having them for lunch.

"Yuck!" complained Clover as she accidentally stepped into a muddy puddle. "All this grotty mud is doing no favors for my boots! Some vacation trip this is turning out to be."

"Ssh!" whispered Alex who had drawn to a sudden halt ahead of her friends and nervously started to look about their surroundings.

"What's wrong, Alex?" asked Sam quietly.

"I thought I heard something moving about behind those trees ahead of us," whispered Alex. "It made some weird noises like a cross between a bird and a lizard."

Sam and Clover both stiffened, their eyes wide with fear. All three of them looked ahead for any sign of the stalking creature that might be ready to pounce on them at any moment.

"Okay, stay absolutely still, guys," said Clover slowly. "Maybe it'll get bored and go away."

"I wouldn't bet on that," hissed Alex. "If DAN's controlling all these robots, then..."

But Alex's words trailed off and the blood drained from her face as from behind the trees emerged a four-foot tall dinosaur with a large head flanked by plate-shaped crests. Although it did not look at that moment especially dangerous, it was without doubt the one dinosaur that Alex did not want to run into.

"A d-d-diloph-ph-phosaur!" she managed to stammer, her legs rapidly turning to jelly as the Dilophosaurus began to move slowly towards them, hissing menacingly.

"Don't panic, Alex," Sam whispered, gripping her friend's shoulders reassuringly. "It's just another overgrown lizard. It's not as scary as the ones in the movies. We can take it down no problem."

That was when the Dilophosaurus abruptly barred its teeth and gave out a frightening shrieking sound as a brightly-coloured cowl suddenly opened up about its neck and began flaring wildly. With a squeak of terror, the girls quickly dived out of the way, narrowly avoiding a large glop of acid that the dilophosaurus had just spat at them from its mouth.

 With a squeak of terror, the girls quickly dived out of the way, narrowly avoiding a large glop of acid that the dilophosaurus had just spat at them from its mouth

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"You were saying, Sammy?" said Clover dryly as they took cover behind some nearby rocks.

"Okay, I guess the park runners are more concerned with spectacle than realism," gulped Sam.

The girls kept their heads down as the Dilophosaurus jumped onto a large log and began to look about its surroundings for its intended prey, sniffing the air carefully for their scent. Suddenly, it swerved its head towards the rocks where the girls were hiding and gave a menacing growl, its frills shaking in anticipation. Before the spies knew what was happening, the Dilophosaurus leapt off the log and bounded towards them, landing right on top of the largest rock in front of them. The girls shrieked as the Dilophosaurus hissed at them, the bulbous sacs on its neck starting to inflate as it prepared to spit its venom at them.

"Look out!" yelled Clover as she grabbed Alex and pulled her out of the way, narrowly missing a glob of acidic goo that managed to clip the side of Alex's backpack. Sam meanwhile tried to leap to the other side of the rocks in order to distract the dinosaur from her friends by making herself a moving target. But as she started to sprint away, her foot caught on a hidden root and she fell flat on her face into the muddy ground. The Dilophosaurus gave an evil toothy grin and began to bound after her, readying its claws to tear her apart. Desperately, Sam tried to pull her foot free from the roots tangled around her foot, but the Dilophosaurus was fast and was almost upon her.

"Hey, frilly-boy! Over here!" shouted a loud voice.

The Dilophosaurus halted and turned its head in annoyance towards the direction of the defiant voice. A few feet away stood a defiant-looking Alex in a fighting stance, apparently with the intention of taking on the dinosaur that had so terrified her in the past. With another hiss, the Dilophosaurus charged at her, its sacs inflating to fire another globule of acid at her. But just as the creature was about to 'open fire' at her, Alex drew out her Yo-yo Lasso and threw it at the Dilophosaurus, the strong cord wrapping tightly around its jaws, clamping them shut! 

 But just as the creature was about to 'open fire' at her, Alex drew out her Yo-yo Lasso and threw it at the Dilophosaurus, the strong cord wrapping tightly around its jaws, clamping them shut! 

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The Dilophosaurus' eyes widened in alarm as it found itself unable to dispense its deadly venom, which was now trapped in its mouth. The dinosaur franticly tried to claw off the cable around its mouth as smoke began to billow out of its ears as the acid began to eat through its circuits. A second later, flames erupted from the creature's head and it collapsed to the ground as all its systems went into shutdown.

"Nice going, Alex," said Clover as the two of them dashed over to Sam and helped her untangle her foot from the roots. "You really showed that dinosaur who's boss!"

"Thanks," said Alex. "I guess seeing that meanie trying to eat Sammy made me realise I had to get over my fear of it and teach it some manners."

"Well I'm sure glad you did," said Sam gratefully as she scrambled to her feet. "You know, I'm now starting to hate dinosaurs almost as much as Clover does."

Clover opened her mouth to respond, but was interrupted by a loud rhythmic thump-thump noise, like the the sound of giant footsteps echoing around them.

"Um, correct me if I'm wrong, but that's not a good kind of sound is it?" she said nervously.

"Yeah," agreed Alex apprehensively. "Sounds like something way big and fierce with a major appetite heading this way."

"Better get ready with the Trampoline Heels, girls," said Sam urgently. "We ought to get as far away from here as possible."

As the thump-thump noise got louder, the girls looked in the direction of the sound and their faces fell at the sight of the latest horror heading their way. A huge roaring Tyrannosaurus Rex was pushing its way through the trees and marching right towards them!

 A huge roaring Tyrannosaurus Rex was pushing its way through the trees and marching right towards them!

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