T-Rex Showdown

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The menacing Tyrannosaurus stomped further into the room, roaring loudly at the terrified humans around it. This T-Rex was smaller in size compared to the one that had chased the spies earlier, about the size of a big elephant. But it was no-less deadly and it began to stride forward to attack those threatening its computerized master.

Everyone began to scatter as the T-Rex stomped after its prey, trying to decide which human it should eat first. Even Toothy dived under a desk, trying to hide from the fearsome predator in the room. Some scientists scrambled for the exit, only to find it had been locked shut by DAN, thus leaving them to dash this way and that as the T-Rex ran after them, snapping its powerful jaws as it tried to ensnare them with its sharp teeth. As the room descended into chaos, Dr. Dearing tripped over a cable and clouted her head on a workbench, sending her into a state of blissful unconsciousness, while Hammond got swept up in the crowd trying to escape the fierce dinosaur.

"Oh terrific," cried out Clover as she, Sam and Alex took cover behind a computer bank. "You know, I've had all I can take of being chased by these obnoxious reptiles."

"Same here," said Alex, an idea popping into her head. "How about we take down this giant man-eater once and for all. Follow my lead!"

Alex quickly told the girls her plan and as the T-Rex paused for a second in its pursuit, the spies leapt from their hiding place and began bouncing on their Trampoline Heels right towards the T-Rex. Upon seeing them, the dinosaur gave another roar and thrust its head forward to chomp down on the spies, but they quickly bounced out of the way and began circling the dinosaur, moving so fast that the robot-lizard could not keep track of them. It swayed one way to the other, trying to spot its attackers, but the spies were bouncing around so fast that it had no chance of keeping up with them.

"Now, here's a little trick I picked up from 'Empire Strikes Back'," grinned Alex as she fired out the expandable cable from her Bungee Belt at the T-Rex's feet. Sam and Clover did likewise and as the cable buckles took hold of the T-Rex, the spies bounced around the dinosaur faster and faster, wrapping its feet more and more with the strong cables. By the time the T-Rex realised what was happening, its feet were completely ensnared by the cables, thus immobilizing its movement. With an angry roar, the T-Rex leant forward, its jaws wide open as it made one last attempt to gobble up the girls. But with its feet tied up by the cables, it lost its balance and began to tumble, right towards DAN!


But the mad computer's cries were to no avail. The dinosaur's open jaws collided straight into DAN, the sharp teeth tearing right into the large mechanical sphere. Sparks, flames and smoke began to seep out of both machines and DAN gave a final garbled cry as all his systems went into shutdown.

"Yeah! Way to knock those mean machines back to the stone age, Alex!" said Clover jubilantly as she gave her friend a high five.

As the smoke cleared, Sam dived straight for Dr. Dearing's computer terminal and tried to access the Tractor Beam's systems, since Dearing was still out cold and unable to do it herself. With DAN now out of commission, Sam hoped that she would be able to send the signal instructing the Tractor Beam to push the asteroid away from Earth. But time was quickly running out and beads of sweat trailed down her forehead as she desperately tried to get though to the system. Out in space, the giant rocky asteroid was drawing closer and was just starting to enter the Earth's atmosphere. In just another minute, it would collide and cause the whole planet to be smashed into fragments.

Then, just as all hope seemed to be lost, there was a triumphant ding from the computer and the screen gave a message reading 'ACCESS GRANTED. REVERSAL SIGNAL NOW BEING TRANSMITTED'. As everyone in the room watched, the light of the tractor beam turned bright blue and pulsed with more energy than before, while out in space, the asteroid suddenly began to reverse course, moving fast away from the Earth and out of the Solar System all together.

For a tense moment, everyone in the chamber held their breath, then a reassuring message appeared on the computer screen:


There followed a chorus of jubilant cries as all those present realised that the danger had passed. Toothy gave a cheerful dance about the room as Clover and Alex ran forward to hug Sam, who had slumped into a chair with a sigh of relief.

"Whew, that was intense," said Sam with a tired smile.


With DAN now deactivated, all the dinosaurs on the island, with the exception of Toothy, instantly went into shutdown and the jamming signal that was being broadcast also ceased transmission, so the girls were finally able to get through to Jerry at WOOHP. An hour or so later, Jerry arrived with a clean-up team to dismantle the remains of DAN and help the bewildered guests and various kidnap victims get back home.

"Excellent work, ladies," said Jerry as he met the girls at the hotel reception area. "I'm only sorry I couldn't join you sooner. It sounds as though you had quite a rip-roaring adventure."

"Yeah well, after all that loud roaring from that mean T-Rex, my ears are going to be ringing for quite some time," remarked Alex.

"At least Mr Hammond has decided not to let a computer run the entire show," said Sam. "When this place reopens, he'll be relying more on actual people to help keep things in order."

"Malcolm's decided to stay here and advise on the reprogramming of the robots here," added Clover, a little sad at not getting the chance to get to know Grant a bit better. "Seems he's developed quite a bond with his pet dinosaur now."

"Yeah, Toothy was kinda cute for a Raptor," said Alex. "I'm kinda sorry that we had to say goodbye."

"I guess you won't be sorry to see the back of this place, Clover, after putting up with all those dinosaurs," said Sam.

Clover smiled. "Oh, I don't know. Taking down that T-Rex was kinda fun. After all this, I guess I've gotten over my dino-phobia now."

"That's good to hear," said Jerry. "By the way, Mr Hammond expresses his gratitude for freeing him and his staff from DAN's mind control and as a token of thanks, he's decided to give you girls free life membership at 'Dino World', so you can have a few days off here if you like."

"Thanks, but no thanks, Jerr," laughed Sam as she and the others hastily made their way to the WOOHP copter. "After the last couple of days, we've had enough of dinosaurs to last us a real long time!"

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