Alina Gentel

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Disclaimer: (I haven't been doing these....) 3 reasons why I don't own this:
1) I live in NY
2) I'm a girl.....
3) I'm not so mean as to leave my readers on cliffhangers all the time

Alina Gentel

I don't know if my day could get any weirder! First, I was taken out of my fifth grade class by a random teenage boy, then he explained that my mom was a Greek goddess, and then, I arrived at a camp with a climbing wall that had lava running down it and a sword arena for REAL weapons.

So, let me start from the beginning. I was sitting in my fifth grade class while my teacher talked about very interesting things, like expressions and variables! I had always excelled in school, even ELA, which was always hard because I have dyslexia. My friend Emma was passing me notes about a sleepover on Saturday. It was just an average school day.

Until the secretary came on the loudspeaker and told my teacher,

"Ms. Dunli? Can we have Alina Gentel for dismissal please? Tell her to bring all of her things. Thank you."

So, I packed up my backpack and walked to the front office. Both my parents were at work, my grandparents and aunts and all of my relatives really, lived in Washington State, and I was in New York. Who could be picking me up? My older brother, Dylan was at college.

I walked through the office's double doors and one person was standing there, besides the secretary. He was a teenage boy with blonde hair and electric blue eyes.

"I'm Jason, don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you, but you have to come with me," he whispered in my ear. I did the stupidest thing, and nodded, following him out the door. We reached a dark blue car and he told me to hop in. I got in the backseat and he stepped into the drivers seat.

As we drove, he explained about the Greek gods being real, my mom being a goddess, monsters attacking. I was so surprised that I didn't say a word.

"You're joking. The Greek gods don't exist," I said proudly as we pulled onto a dirt road.

"Now take me back to school," I pleaded.

"No. That's the natural reaction, none of us believe. Well, we're almost there. Then you'll see," he told me.

We reached a hill and he parked the car on the side of the road. I trudged up the hill, Jason following after me, and stopped at the top immediately. It was amazing! From the crest of the hill I could see 20 or so cabins, all different colors and styles, a big blue house, a lake, a big arena, an amphitheater, a climbing wall with something red and steaming running down it.

"This is Camp Half-Blood." Jason said. I just stared in awe.

"C'mon, I'll introduce you to your tour guide," he said with a smile. I didn't need to be told twice. I followed after him.

When we reached the bottom of the hill that Jason had described at Half-Blood Hill, a pretty girl stood at the bottom. The first thing you noticed were her eyes. They seemed to change color every second. Blue, green, brown. She had chestnut hair braided with a feather and was wearing a simple tank top and shorts.

"Hi! I'm Piper. You must be Alina," the girl said happily.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you!" Piper smiled and nodded. She was staring at something above my head. I looked up and saw a holographic owl for one second, then it disappeared.

"You've just been claimed. Alina Gentel, daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom and battle strategy," Jason told me.

"Annabeth will be happy, she's been waiting for a new sister. She's been getting boys lately and they can't seem to grasp that they can't date their half-sister!" Piper said.

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