Tyler Rowen

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I haven't done a guy POV in forever, so I'll do one now. Actually, come to think of it, I haven't done ANY kind of POV in a while. It's been way too long since I've updated, so sorry!

Tyler Rowen
My day started off as a normal day, I got out of bed at 6 AM, took a shower, and headed off to my summer job as a lifeguard at the beach. By 7, people were showing up, running on the beach, or taking short walks. No one was swimming when it was so cold. There were people, sure, but not many. Just some adults running or walking by themselves, earbuds in their ears, music cranked up. I would have done the same thing, gone for a nice run, but instead I had to sit on this beach chair and watch. It's not that I don't like my job, 'cause I do. It's just that it gets a little boring in the morning. Hey, that almost rhymed! See? I'm so bored I make up rhymes. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the waves
crashing lightly onto the shore. It was quiet, relaxing. The only noises were the waves and the birds.
I checked the time, 7:11 AM. They should be coming any minute now. Every single day, they would come. A blonde haired girl and a black haired guy. They looked about 21, 22 maybe. They always came at 7:12 or 7:13, I had watched them every day. That sounds REALLY stalkerish..... I'm not a stalker, I was just curious about them. They were always quiet, whispering softly to each other or just walking next to each other. They were a picture of true love. But not today. At exactly 7:12, the blonde girl came storming out of their blue-gray beach house. She ran down the stairs and onto the beach, where she ran along the water until she had almost reached my lifeguard chair, when a voice rang out.
"Annabeth!" The black haired guy yelled, chasing after her.
The girl, Annabeth, ran faster and the boy kept on sprinting. Annabeth was wearing flip flops and in the one moment it took her to slip them off her feet and put them in her hand, the guy was behind her, and grabbed her hand. She tried to twist free. Everyone on the beach, including me, was looking at them.
"Percy! Let me go! I don't want to talk to you now, or ever again, for that matter," she said loudly. I blew my whistle loudly and everyone else on the beach stopped looking at them, to give them privacy. They didn't need people staring at them during an argument.
"But Annabeth, I love you so much, I'll love you always and forever!" Percy said, his voice breaking.
I felt really bad. He looked so sad and broken. I know how that felt. I had had my heart broken once.
"And I will always love you, but it's not going to work if we lie to each other!" Annabeth cried, tears rolling down her face.
"Just tell me what I did, please, Annabeth!"
"One of my half-sisters, Deanna, said that she saw you in a jewelry store in the city with another girl. She said that you were getting her a necklace and when you guys left, you gave her a hug and she kissed your cheek. Dee also said that you and the other girl went to a restaurant after, like a date, and shared a meal, just like we always did. You guys were acting like a couple!" Annabeth said, breaking down in sobs at the end.
"Oh." Percy looked relieved. "Did your sister tell you who the girl was?" Annabeth shook her head.
"Only that she was really pretty and she didn't think she'd seen her in camp."
"We were at the jewelry store because I was buying something really special, but not for her. I was looking for an engagement ring for you. But when there was nothing in the store that looked right, we tried to leave. The store owner said that we had to buy something if we entered the store, so I bought the girl a necklace. The girl, by the way, was Piper. Her sisters had been annoying her and they gave her a makeover that wouldn't wear off for a couple days, which is why she looked unfamiliar. We were both really hungry, so we went to get lunch. The problem was, I had spent my money and Piper only had 25 bucks, so we just shared something. I'm not cheating on you or dating her, ew! She's just like my sister, and she's so head over heels for Jason, like I'm head over heels for you," Percy finished.
"You were getting an engagement ring? For me?" Annabeth murmured. Percy nodded.
They really were cute.
"I'm sorry I freaked," Annabeth said, snuggling into his chest.
"It's okay." Then they kissed. The two of them just standing on the beach, kissing. People were running and walking on the sand, some swimming, and they were kissing. They stayed like that for a pretty long time, until Percy picked Annabeth up and carried her into the water. They both laughed and swam out really far. I probably should have whistled at them, but I just let it go. They would be fine. They had true love. And true love survives through anything.

So? First chapter in a LONG time! I'll be writing more often now since I'm back obsessed with PJO and HOO again, which is good!
I posted an OC Form, but I win take submissions, or won't write them at least, after August 18th.

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