Amber Roden

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Amber Roden

I was lying on the beach by the Long Island Sound, sunbathing with my friends when the car pulled up. The car was a shiny, bright white. It sparkled in the hot afternoon sun. I turned towards the car as soon as I heard it approaching. The driver turned it around and parked on the edge of the gravel, close to the sand. The side door opened and a guy about 18 stepped out. He was SOOOO hot. He had this black windswept hair and incredible blue-green eyes. He had at least a six-pack and perfectly tanned skin. He was wearing navy blue swim trunks and a white t-shirt. While he was walking to the other side of the car, the driver stepped out.

Let's just say he was cute. Not as hot as the other guy, but still smoking. He had close-cropped blond hair and electric blue eyes. His skin was paler. But he still had muscles. He had on a light green bathing suit and gray shirt. The girl in the passenger seat opened her door slowly. She was insanely beautiful. Her chestnut brown hair was choppy and put in a messy braid. But the first thing I really noticed were her eyes. They kept changing color, from brown, to blue, to green, to gray, to purple, and then all over again. She had a lavender sundress over a white halter bathing suit. Her feet were in simple brown leather sandals. Even with her simple outfit, she looked stunning. I was jealous.

The first guy had opened the other side door. A girl was now standing there, and she was drop-dead gorgeous. My friend Lily's boyfriend whistled as he took the sight in. The girl had long blonde curls pulled into a high ponytail. She too had amazing eyes. They were a little unsettling, a steely gray. She took one look at the boy and her eyes turned softer, more silver. She had a strapless gray bikini with a see through white top over it and ripped jean shorts. She looked uncomfortable in her outfit and kept shooting playful glares at the other girl. The group got their stuff and spread a blanket out next to us.

"Hi, I'm Lily. This is my boyfriend James, and my friends Amber and Derek," Lily said.

"I'm Piper. This is Jason, my boyfriend," the dark haired girl told us. Dang, he was taken. What about the other boy?

"I'm Percy. This is Annabeth," the super-hot boy said, pointing to the gorgeous blonde. He hadn't said she was his girlfriend! Yes, he might be available! We made small talk with them for a while. I figured out that Piper and Jason were 17 and Percy and Annabeth were 18. Percy was only two years older than me, but he was headed to college this fall, with Annabeth.

"Annabeth, wanna come swimming with me?" Percy asked her. She grinned and stood. Why couldn't he be asking me? I mean, sure, we had only known each other for like, an hour, but still! I WAS quite pretty. I had a beautiful tan from the tanning bed yesterday and beautiful black straight hair. I even had blue colored contacts because I hated my brown eyes.

Percy and Annabeth raced to the shore. When Annabeth won, Percy picked her up and ran straight into the water. They went out really far and ducked under.

"What are they doing?" Derek asked. Piper snuck a glance at Jason.

"Probably making out," he said. WHAT!? They were dating, as I had thought in the beginning. I was really hoping he was going to ask me out.

"Wait.... How are they under there for so long?" The thought had suddenly come to my mind. Jason looked at Piper and nodded. She winked and turned to us.

"You never met Percy and Annabeth. Just Jason and me. Right?" She actually thought that would work? I would never forget..... Wait, who was I talking about? Oh well, they couldn't have been that important! I talked to Jason and Piper some more and suddenly remembered.

"Percy and Annabeth! That's who I was talking about before! Where are they?" I blurted out. Piper looked astonished.

"Um, no. Who are Percy and Annabeth?" Piper's voice faltered. James, Lily, and Derek gaped at me as if I were from a different planet.

"Your friends! Don't play dumb with me, Piper!" I shouted.

"Amber, I think the heat is getting to your brain. We never met anyone named Percy or Annabeth," Derek said calmly. Jason grabbed my arm and pulled me along, followed by Piper.

"We need to talk to Amber alone for a sec. Be right back," he called over his shoulder. I was dragged to a little area of tide pools.

Piper's kaleidoscope eyes stared into mine. She looked serious and kind of scared.

"Amber. You have to be completely honest with me. Who is your father?" That was an odd question.

"David Roden. He's a lawyer," I replied. Jason nodded and stared at me as well. Under different circumstances, I would have loved a hot boy staring at me. But this was different.

"Who's your mom?" he asked. I stiffened. This had always been a touchy subject for me.

"I never knew her. She left when I was very young. My step-mom is Mia Roden, the actress." Piper suddenly grinned. She looked at me for a long time. I felt self-conscious. I stared at my reflection in the water. My long hair was braided and was strung with silver ribbon. I had on a tie-dye halter dress and white sandals. My skin was flawless and my nails were a shiny purple. I gasped.

"Wha- how- I-" I stuttered. Piper's perfect teeth sparkled as she grinned wider. Of course, Percy and Annabeth decided on this moment to step out of the ocean, or rather float out of the ocean. A giant wave carried them onto shore, just a few feet from us. As soon as Annabeth saw me, she stopped laughing and looked serious.

"You need to come with us," she said. And that was how I ended up in a car with four demigods while they explained to me how my mother was a Greek goddess.

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