Nathan Johnson

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Disclaimer: One word. No.

I sadly don't own Percabeth or any other characters of Rick Riordan. I wish I did. I asked for PJO and HOO for Christmas, but I didn't get it. :(

Nathan Johnson

For the first time in forever, I actually wasn't paying attention in Physics. I was too busy wondering why a dumb blonde girl had joined our class. (A/N: No offense to any blondes! I'm a blonde, and so is my best friend, who is the smartest person I know.)

Her name was Annabeth Chase, and she was beautiful. She had these princess curls, the kind that made you want to pull on one and watch it spring. But, she was blonde. And blondes were stereotypically dumb. But she wasn't.

Annabeth had looked dumb at the beginning, but when you saw her eyes, your opinion changed. They were a stormy, steely gray, like liquid silver, or storm clouds. They analyzed every move you made and showed you that she was not to be messed with, that she was absolutely not dumb in any way.

I had gotten to know Annabeth Chase over the past months. And I was in love with her. She was in love with me too, she just didn't know it. I was the smartest boy, she was the smartest girl. We were meant to be, a match made in heaven!

"Hi Nathan!" a voice rang in my ear, clear and sweet. I turned towards the voice. There stood Annabeth, beautiful as ever. She had her hair in a messy ponytail and was wearing simple sweats.

I grinned at her. "Hey! What's up?"

"Oh, nothing. I'm meeting my-" she was cut off by the bell and the rush of students heading into classes.


This was it. I was ready. Annabeth had wanted to go to see this mythology movie for weeks now. And now, I'll take her there.

"Umm, Annabeth?" I asked, tapping her shoulder. She turned around, her hair flying.

"Hi Nathan!" I gulped.

"I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go to that movie with me tonight?" I blurted out. Her smile turned sympathetic. Her eyes softened to a lighter and more silvery color.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I can't. I have plans tonight," she told me. I nodded slowly and turned and walked the other way.

"Nathan!" I kept walking. "I'm sorry, you know."

I decided that I wanted to see the movie anyway. So I would go alone tonight, an empty seat next to me that should have been occupied by a beautiful girl. I hopped in my small and old white car. I put the keys in and it roared to life.

For the first time, it really hit me. She had said no. My soul mate, the girl of my dreams, had said no. Annabeth. Declined. Me. We were perfect for each other! Why would she do that. Well, actually...

She hadn't really said no, she just had other plans! I pulled out of the parking lot.

When I got home, my mom was making some weird chicken and cheese dish, so I went straight to my room to work on a history project.

I finished it quickly, it was extremely easy work, especially for me, the top of the class next to Annabeth. By the time I had finished all of my homework, it was 7:30 and the movie started at 8, so I decided to get going. I told my mom I'd be back by 10:00 and drove to the theatre.

I bought a ticket and got a soda and popcorn, all the while imagining Annabeth next to me, her sweet voice, her golden curls and stormy eyes in the dim light...

I got a seat near the back and settled in, knowing the movie started in about 3 minutes. Two laughing people walked in. One of them was a tall and muscular boy with black hair and these blue-green eyes that looked like the ocean. He looked around my age, 17 or 18.

The other person had blonde hair in a braid. She was wearing an orange t-shirt like the boy and a black leather jacket and leggings. I looked at her face and it was...

"Annabeth?!" She whipped her head towards me. Her eyes widened.

"Nathan? What are you doing here?" She whispered.

"This was your 'other plans'?" The screen turned on and the boy ushered her into a seat behind me.

"Who is that?" I mumbled to her.

"My boyfriend, Percy." What? She had a boyfriend? I just turned to head around and focused on the screen.

The whole movie, Percy and Annabeth were muttering to each other about, "how much wronger can they get?" And I didn't look back, but I could tell they kissed a lot too.

Annabeth and I were never meant to be, I was logical enough to know that. But I would get her if it was the last thing I did. That's a little intense. Let's just say I wanted her to be mine.

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