Ella Saratoga

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Disclaimer: I don't own Percy, Annabeth, Sally, or Paul. I'm not Rick Riordan.

Ella Saratoga

I sat, slouched, in the backseat of my mom's new black Toyota and nodded my head to the beat of the rap playing through my Beats. My parents were making me go over to my uncle's house for dinner to see his wife and step-son again. I couldn't really remember them from the wedding four years ago, and my parents wanted to reconnect with them.

My brother Mike sat next to me, playing a handheld video game and his twin Tommy sat next to him reading a book. We pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. When we got to the building, we took the elevator to the 4th floor. When we reached his apartment, my dad knocked on the door and soon after, my uncle, Paul, came to open it.

"Hi! It's so nice to see all of you!" He announced as he let us in. It was a nice and cozy little place, and a pretty brown haired lady, who I assumed to be his wife Sally, darted around the kitchen. I heard laughter from down the hall, two voices talking.

"Hi!" Sally called to us from the kitchen. I wondered where her son was and how old he was. Sally looked pretty young, he couldn't be that old. I didn't want to get my hopes up that there would be someone my age. I was 17, I had just graduated high school this past June, and I was planning to go to Cornell this fall.

But, then again, there was no sign of a little boy living here. Then I saw two backpacks lying on the floor by the window and a neat stack of blueprints. One of the bags was dark blue and the other was patterned gray and silver. It looked like a girls bag.

"Sally- do you have a daughter as well?" My mom asked, noticing the signs.

"Oh no, that's just my son's girlfriend's things. She lives here with us since her family lives in San Francisco. Also, she and Percy are going to college over in California, so they're spending the summer with us before they leave." There was someone my age! I wouldn't be stuck babysitting three little boys.

There were footsteps and more laughing and two figures appeared at the end of the hallway. They both looked my age, 17 or 18. The boy, Percy, was tall and muscular with naturally tanned skin. His hair was black and looked windswept and his sea green eyes were mesmerizing, the colors changing in the light, like the ocean. And I gotta admit, he was hot. Can you date your step-cousin?

The girl, I didn't know her name, only that she was Percy's girlfriend; she was really pretty. She had long legs and naturally tanned skin like Percy. She was wearing light blue jeans and a gray tunic top. Her feet were bare and her honey blonde curls were pulled up in a messy bun. Her eyes were an intimidating gray, then silver, then steel, also changing with the light. She was gorgeous.

She smiled and stuck out her hand towards my mom.

"Hi! I'm Annabeth, it's so nice to finally meet you all! I didn't get a chance to see you at the wedding, I guess." So she was pretty, polite, what else?

"Hello Annabeth, it's good to meet you as well! I'm Teresa, this is my husband Robert, my daughter Ella, and my twin sons Mike and Tom. Ella's 17 and Mike and Tom are 8," my mom replied kindly, clearly impressed by Annabeth. Annabeth and Percy both grinned at us and gave a small wave.

I ran my fingers through my chestnut ponytail, smoothing it out, even though I had straightened it earlier. I looked down at my black sandals, short blue skirt and white peasant top. In my reflection in the mirror hanging on the wall, I looked good, my hazel eyes framed with dark lashes and my pale skin was clear.

But next to Annabeth, I looked like nothing. When we sat down to eat dinner, salad, pasta, chicken, and potatoes, I decided to investigate their relationship.

"So, how long have you two been dating?" I asked in between bites of food. Percy started to answer with his mouth full until Annabeth stopped him.

"Swallow your food, Seaweed Brain! No one wants to see your half chewed chicken!" At this he blushed softly and it made his skin glow. He was sooooooo hot, I wish he wasn't dating someone else or my step cousin...

"We've been dating for almost two years, two exactly on the 18th. But we've been best friends for 6 though, since the summer after 6th grade," Percy answered after a minute.

TWO YEARS?! I had no chance. I thought he would have said two weeks or two months! Annabeth was looking at something in the window and making weird facial expressions and I could've sworn I saw a face disappear into the shadows.

"So, Percy, Annabeth, you guys are going to college in California? Ella is going to Cornell," my mom said, dabbing her mouth with a napkin.

"Yeah, we're going to...Berkeley," Percy announced. Annabeth gave a small nod and rested her head on Percy's shoulder.

"What are you majoring in?" My dad asked them. Annabeth lifted her head and replied.

"I'm majoring in Architecture and minoring in Greek Mythology. Percy's majoring in Oceanography and also minoring in Greek Mythology." That explained the blueprints. Percy and Annabeth excused themselves and invited us to join them. My brothers jumped away from the table and scurried down the hall while I followed after Annabeth and Percy.

We reached a room that I assumed to be Percy's. The walls were painted blue and there were clothes on the unmade bed. Then I noticed, there was two suitcases in the corner by the bed too, open and filled with things.

"Annabeth- are you staying here too? As in, in this room?" I asked. She closed the suitcases and nodded.

"Where do you sleep?" Tommy asked.

"In the bed..." She responded.

"Then where does Percy sleep?" Mike questioned. No. They SLEPT together! That came out wrong... You know what I mean!

"In the bed..."she said again. The twins exchanged a confused expression and both gagged at the same time. They were that serious. Wow. They were both so nice and responsible, so I doubt anything much had happened besides what they said.

The twins went to play video games, and Percy, Annabeth, and I talked about their journeys, college, friends, told stories and jokes, for what seemed like hours until my parents came in and told me we were leaving. I got both their numbers and they had mine so we could text during the coming year.

"Bye!" Annabeth said, giving me a hug. I couldn't hate her, she was just so nice. Percy also said goodbye and when we got in the car, the whole ride home I was replaying our conversations and wondering when I could see them again.

Extremely cliche, I know. But I hope you liked it!

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