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A lone tear slipped off her left eye which she angrily rubbed off before hugging the living shits out of Sean who wanted nothing more than to kill Elijah limb by limb.

"I told you—" Sean opened his mouth, but Crystal cut him off by grabbing his lips with her index finger and thumb, making him look like a duck.

"I am not in the mood to listen you brag about your 'I told you so's. I am sad, go bring me some Belgian waffles."

"Okay." He sighed, grabbed his keys and walked off to the nearby store. Once she was left alone, she let her mind wander to all that has happened to her in a span of twenty four hours.

It had been over a day and Elijah still hadn't called, texted or left her a letter which all in all proved that he was guilty of something or to be more specific, guilty of considering her as a bet or guilty of playing with her feelings or guilty of humiliating her.

She was so over the moon when he told her that he wanted her to meet his parents. She felt alive and even though the moment felt so surreal to her, she knew that she was not dreaming, the hardcore letter was the proof that everything he said or did was, indeed, all real.

But not true.

Real, but fake.

She felt like punching herself for being so stupid and she felt like scolding Elijah for making her heart beat so fast and feeding her heart with cute little scenarios that hurt like a bitch. Her heart was hurting, it was crying inside and still she couldn't make herself to hate Elijah.

Hate, a very strong word. Heck, she couldn't even make herself to dislike him or fall out of love with him because she was too deep into it.

But it was a question of self esteem now.

Yes, she loved him.

Yes, she would do anything in her to make him love her.

Yes, she still pictured their future together.

But she won't continue now because self esteem was also a thing.

She had felt enough humiliation and betrayal to last her a lifetime and she did not want more. Her heart still could not accept the fact that Elijah made a bet on her. Her heart still could not accept the fact that all that flirting and the cute things he did was fake, her heart still longed for a explanation which she still has not received.

She did not trust Jennifer's words at all, she wanted Elijah to clear everything up for her. She wanted Elijah to call her, text her, send her a letter, do anything that could confirm that Jennifer was lying, but nope, nothing. Her hope was fading in negative thoughts and tears and that's what she continued doing.

Ten minutes into waiting for her Belgian waffle and ten minutes into crying over her own misery, she heard the doorbell ring. The surprising part was Sean already had the spare key to her house, then who could it be considering she did not have any close friends who could ring her doorbell.

Rubbing her tears away, she sniffed and went to open the door. Her breathing accelerated and her brain went hazy looking at the person standing on the other side of the door.

"Elijah." She whispered, her eyes starting to pool already.

"Can I come in?" He asked, taking in her condition and feeling like banging his head against a steel wall.

She nodded her head and opened the door wider for him to come in. With hesitant steps, he followed her to the living room and sat on the couch, fiddling with his fingers. The atmosphere suddenly went awkward as both of them avoided meeting each other eyes. After about good three minutes or so, Elijah finally took a deep breath and raised his head to look at her who was nervous mess from top to bottom.

"Do you— do you hate me?" His straight forward question left her dumbstruck and all she could do was stare at him and shake her head into denial.

"Will you trust my words?" He continued and she let out a humourless laugh, "I know I am pitiful because even after everything that happened I still trust you, my heart still loves you and I can't even make myself dislike you. I am so, so stupid."

"No, you are not. If anything, I am the stupid one to not have come here as soon as I came to know about Jennifer's doing." She tilted her head and stared at him before confirming, "I was not a bet?" Her voice was a mere whisper of embarrassment.

"Fuck, no. No! How could I bet on someone as pure and beautiful as you." Her heart warmed at his words.

"So whenever you flirt with me, was it because you actually wanted to?" She further asked.

"Yes, mi amore." A small smile appeared on her lips.

"Then why didn't you call me? Do you know how much I was hurting?" A lone tear slipped her left eye which he rubbed away with his thumb.

"Because I was busy preparing for your arrival."


"The entire day I was busy with my mom pre-preparing for the dishes to make today as someone special was going to come at our place for the first time, someone I love and someone I never want to stay away from," He pulled his face closer and leaned his forehead against hers before continuing,"and that someone is you, Crystal."

Placing a soft kiss on her forehead he pulled back, "I didn't read your letter until very late at night and as soon as I read it I wanted to run here, but I thought you must be sleeping, so I didn't, but looking at you now, I think I should have. Who cares if you get dark circles on your gorgeous face, right?" A huge smile broke onto her face and she leaped at him, hugging the living lights out of him.

A rumble of laughter erupted from his body and he hugged her closer. "I am picking you up at five, be ready." He whispered against her hair and she nodded happily.

It was finally happening!

She finally got to meet the crush slash love slash the most handsome person to ever exit on earth's parents.

"The fuck?!" Sean's confused voice boomed through the entire house looking at the boy she was crying over not even twenty minutes ago and the worst part, she was hugging him, tight.

"We made up." She smiled widely at him, but he growled at Elijah which he gladly returned back with squinted eyes.

"You mean to say that I stayed awake the entire fucking night, watched rom-coms till the dawn broke and tried to stop you from breaking down just for fucking nothing?!" She nodded sheepishly to which he groaned frustratingly.

"Here, have your fucking waffles!" He threw the bag of waffles at her and started climbing up the stairs towards the guest bedroom, "I am going to catch my sleep. Don't wake me up until tomorrow afternoon."

"Why the fuck did he stay with you entire night in the first place?" Elijah asked with a dark look on his face.

"Best friend duties." She just shrugged her shoulders and hugged him again.

At last, everything was going as her imagination.


I made the yummiest honey glazed chicken yesterday.

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