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“The fuck, dude?!” He ignored his cry and punched Caleb again and this time he punched him so hard that he fell on the ground begging for mercy.

“What has gotten into you?” Caleb asked, rubbing his bloodied nose with the back of his hand.

“You are asking me? After the bitch move you pulled behind my back, you have the audacity to ask me such a question? You betrayed me asshole. I considered you as my best friend and look who stabbed me in the back!” Elijah roared, kicking him on the stomach making him groan loudly in pain.

‘He deserves it.’ He thought.

“You didn’t even know she existed a month ago!” Caleb remarked and spit out blood from his mouth before standing up.

“So what if I didn’t know about her a month ago? You knew that I’ve started to fall for her, you knew that I’ve fallen for her, you also knew that I was going to confront her this very Friday, then why did you have to go behind my back and lie to her?” They both were panting loudly, both of their eyes filled with rage, ready to knock each other off.

‘This is not my best friend. This is not the Caleb I know.’ He thought.

“Because I love her!” He confronted loudly, good thing that Elijah lived alone or else his parents would be there in an instant.

“What did you say?” Elijah asked, a little confused, angry, but mostly confused about his ex-best friend’s confrontation.

“I have been in love with her since the day she joined our school, but she had her eyes dead set on you. She has always been madly in love with you while I was crazily in love with her, guess who’s the fucking problem here?” Elijah’s eyebrows shot up in confusion and he found it hard to believe what he just confronted.

“Why did you never tell me?” He whisper asked.

“What was there to tell you about? I thought you were just messing with her just how you mess with all the other girls! I never thought you’d get serious about her.”

“That’s no excuse for doing what you did, Caleb. You could have refused about being the person replying to those letters, you could have said you don’t know or just revealed the truth instead of lying like a little bitch!”

“You wanted to remain anonymous, right? Remain anonymous for eternity because I have shoot my shot and I will make her fall for me and how are you going to make her believe that you were the one behind replying to those letters with me being here?” He smirked and Elijah wanted to do nothing more than to shove his face against the door. He felt stupid for trusting a dickhead like him.

With that said he left his house and slammed the door shut loudly. Elijah was angry, frustrated and emotional. He did not know what to do or how to make her believe that he had been writing those letters all along. He was angry at himself for remaining anonymous for so long, he had many chances to reveal the truth, but he waited for the right one, guess all of them were right ones.

He fisted his hair in frustration and punched the wall in anger. His knuckles started bleeding because of the impact and he hissed in pain. Deciding to confront her right then, he grabbed the keys to his car and got out of the house, locking it after him.

As soon as he got out, he realised that he didn’t know the address to her house.

“I am such a fucking idiot.” He muttered to himself, but a small smile appeared on his face when he realised that he had her number because obviously, they were close friends now.

‘Friends.’ He chuckled at the word.

He hit the call button and let it ring, waiting for her to pick up the call. She picked it up on the third ring and he became a nervous ball all of a sudden. This was going to be their first even phone conversation and as much as it sounded like he was whipped, he did not want to mess anything up.

“Hello?” Her soft voice spoke from the other line and he cleared his throat.

“How are you?”

“We literally saw each other an hour back, obviously I am good.”
“Haha, very funny. You never call, so I got a little nervous.”
“There is something that I need to tell you.”
“Oh, what is it?”
“Promise not to get mad?”
“I knew it!”
“You knew it? How?” He got nervous. How in the world did she get to know about him being the one replying to the letters?
“I didn’t want to have my doubt on you, but now that you are here calling me in a suspicious way, I can confirm that you are the who spread the rumour that Sean and I have been sleeping together!”

“The fuck, no!”
“No? Then what is it?”
“The fuck you mean by you guys have been sleeping together? What kind of a platonic, friends with benefits kinda friendship is this?!”

“We don’t sleep together, we just sleep together.”
“Wow, makes sense.”
“We literally sleep together!”
“You know what? You are shit at explaining stuff.”
“And so I have been told. Care to inform me what is it that you want to tell?”
“First of all, I’d like to say sorry.”

“What kind of a highschool farewell speech is this?”
“I was the one replying to all those letters.” There, he said it.

And then there was a moment of pause.

A pause that could mean a thousand of things.

But the possibilities were only two— Either she would accept him or reject him and if he would have to face rejection from his first ever love, then he would be heartbroken forever.

‘But she faced way more.’ He thought.

“I know.” His eyebrows shot up.
“I know you were the one replying to all those letters, Elijah.”
“I am not blind. I’ve seen you many times sliding the letters inside my locker and do you think I don’t see your car parked outside?”
“Then what was that last letter about Caleb?”
“I have heard him many times backbitch about you and I wanted you to catch him red-handed, so I asked him on purpose. I knew he would say yes, also, it was high time you came out of the closet.”
“I love you.”
“I am glad I am not the only one.”
*Beep* *Beep*

It’s a mixture of letter and my usual dialogue stories. I hope you guys have enjoyed reading this chapter.

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