Chapter 4 Part 26: Surprise Outside of the Virtual World

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Your POV:

When I opened my eyes, all I could see was black. I knew I was logged out of the Virtual World. It was like I woke up from a dream that I was able to remember in vivid detail. The reason I was unable o see was because of the visor blocking my head. I knew I had to take it off to see what was going on.
My hands traveled to the visor on my head, and I pulled it off, not knowing what was going to be in store for me once I took it off. As soon as I took the visor off, I could see everyone gathering around one of the chairs in the room. I needed to see what was going on, so I got up to check.
When I got up, I noticed it was daybreak. The sun rose while we were in the Virtual World. That proved that we were there for a long time. Soon enough however, I got a clear sight of what was going on. Maki, Keebo, and Ryoma were standing near Miu's chair in which she sat. Miu was most certainly there, but she wasn't moving. Tears were visibly coming out of her eyes as she held a traumatized expression full of pain and suffering. Her mouth was open and leaking saliva, no sign of the inventor breathing.
Her hands were trying to grasp her neck, but as the same with her expression, showed no sign of moving. Miu was dead, and it looked like she was trapped in a pained expression which showed a slow and painful death instead of one that was quick and painless.
My mind was starting to feel fuzzy as I could feel the nausea settle in. My hearing was slightly muffled, but I could make out the sound of the monitor rang off whenever there was a body to be discovered. Monokuma popped into the room after the sound of the monitor went off, and he announced that there was a body in the computer room. The robotic bear's voice sounded fuzzy to me as this happened.
I soon could make out the feeling of someone's hand grabbing my own. I turned behind me to see Rantaro there, giving me a comforting smile. I could feel myself grow just a tad bit calmer as I heard the all too familiar catchphrase of the Monokubs. Before I heard that, the monochromatic bear was starting to have quite the language similar to Miu. That wasn't making me feel any better about what was going on.
I knew I had to do something about this. I was able to do something about this. As some of the Monokubs scolded their so called "father" for his language, I couldn't help but try to devise a plan to try and help Miu without getting the Mastermind's attention. Monotaro was upset that Miu was dead, and I believed everyone else was pretty upset as well. I could barely hear what was announced as we were all dumbfounded by seeing Miu's unmoving body.
"I-It's terrible..." Tsumugi muttered, "why did it end up like this...?"
    "I know Miu is acted like a vulgar degenerate, but she didn't deserve this!" Tenko shouted.
    "Wh-What's going on?" Himiko asked, "why was...Miu killed?"
    "Gonta...not understand, either," Gonta replied as tears streamed from his eyes, "...Miu like this when Gonta wake up... Hey! What going on!? Why this happen!?"
    "Well, it's obvious a murder happened," Kokichi muttered as sweat droplets formed on his face.
    "M-Murder!?" Gonta exclaimed in response, "wh-what you mean!? Did something happen while Gonta sleep!?"
    "Gonta, hate to disappoint you, but we all weren't asleep," Ryoma explained, "all of us aside from Kiyo were in the Virtual World. What we faced wasn't a dream."
    "...Hey, where's Kaito?" Maki asked.
    As soon as Maki asked that, I realized Kaito wasn't here. There was no sign of him on the Virtual World when those strange occurrences were happening. Shuichi seemed to realize Maki's words true, but he was cut off.
     As if it were on cue, we all heard the sound footsteps, running fast throughout the hallway. The sound was growing louder and louder as it got closer until... The door burst open, revealing a panicked looking Kaito. Sweat was rolling down his face as he took a moment to steady his breathing.
    "Hey! What's this all about!?" Kaito exclaimed, "what was that body discovery announce—Wha—! Miu!? What the hell is going on here!?"
    "You're too late, okay?" Kokichi replied, "all the others finished gasping in terror already. Well, everyone aside from my beloved (y/n). Nee-heehee, she looks like she's about to puke her guts out..."
(Kokichi, you cheeky fu—)
    "Kokichi, why don't you shut your mouth...?" Maki muttered, "if you don't, then I'd be happy to shut it for you..."
    "Hey, I was just saying," Kokichi replied with a smile, "anyway, where were you this whole time, Kaito? What were you doing?"
    "I-I was just taking a nap," Kaito replied.
    "You were...taking a nap...?" Kaede asked nervously.
    "Taking a nap?" Shuichi asked.
    "You were sleeping?" Gonta asked, "Gonta was sleeping, too! Had strange dream! Gonta not understand anything!"
    "Gonta, that was the Virtual World, not a dream," Kirumi said.
    "Nyahahaha, it looks like Kaito got too tired to investigate, so he logged out to take a nap!" Angie exclaimed, "Atua told me as much!"
    "So, Kaito logged out by himself and then took a nap?" Kokichi asked with a smile, "without our permission?"
    My mind was wandering slightly from what was going on. From when Kaito entered... from when Kokichi decided to mock me... I couldn't deny that he was right about this situation though. I couldn't help it but feel sick from the expression Miu had. She looked like she suffered a lot. But fact was, I didn't think Kaito would log out. I knew he wanted to save everyone, so it didn't make sense to me.
    "K-Kokichi, we should see what Kaito has to say..." I muttered, "you can't just assume the worst..."
    "Yes I can," Kokichi replied, "if that's such an issue, why don't you go cry me a river about that?"
    "You don't get to go off on (y/n)!" Kaito shouted, "I'll explain what happened if that will make you be nicer. I suddenly got logged out... before I realized it, I was back here..."
    "You were logged out...involuntary?" Shuichi asked in response.
    "Yeah..." Kaito replied, "I didn't know if it was okay to log back in, so I went back to my room and slept. And when that body discovery announcement woke me up, I rushed over here—"
"Hey, Kaito!" Kokichi interrupted, "if you're gonna lie, then you might as well do it better! Do you think you can make the killing game more exciting with a crappy lie like that!?"
"I-It's not a lie! I really was sleeping!" Kaito exclaimed, "p-plus, there shouldn't be anything to worry about! Rantaro, Ryoma, Kirumi, and Angie were all found dead at one point, but they're all fine! I'm sure the same will apply with Miu!"
"H-Hold on a minute," Shuichi told Kaito, "we cannot confirm whether the same thing will happen to Miu. I know it's important to hope that it will happen, but you shouldn't just assume that it will happen in this situation. And about your previous statement, we will discuss whether it's a lie or not later."
"I agree with Shuichi," Kaede replied, "I think what we should do is begin the investigation. We need to figure out who killed Miu, even if there is a chance she might be okay."
I knew Shuichi was trying to cover for me. I knew very well that I could do something that would be able to save Miu, but I still couldn't help the feeling I had from seeing her with that expression really made me feel sick.
What I needed to do right now was to find a way to get some alone time in this room. Even if Miu was an inappropriate girl with crude humor, I still wanted her to survive. I wanted everyone to survive, even if they did something bad. That was the reality I faced.
"A-As much as I feel sick about this whole thing... we need to investigate..." I muttered.
" seem ready, my beloved," Kokichi replied with a smile, "well, of course you are. You and Shuichi both. One of your dear friends was killed, so it's finally time for you both to shiiine!"
"...Explain it however you'd like, Kokichi," Shuichi replied, "the fact is, if we don't find who the culpritis, and if Miu isn't some how saved, we'll all be executed."
"Shuichi won't let that happen, and neither will I," Kaede explained in response, "(y/n) and Rantaro won't let it happen either. We will all survive one way or another!"
    "...Even if the culprit is Kaito?" Kokichi asked in response.
    "Huh!? What!?" Kaito exclaimed.
    "Now, now, please save your arguments for the class trial," Monokuma replied, "plus, everyone must participate in the investigation, so I invited a seemingly unwanted party."
    As if it was on cue, someone walked into the computer lab, their footsteps echoing through the halls before the person stood before us. There was only one person missing from our group that wasn't supposed to be here, but now he stood before us.
    I could feel the anxiety course through my body as I saw him, the memories flashing through my head. It was Kiyo, and Monokuma probably released him from Ryoma's lab since everyone had to participate in the class trial.
    Silence rang through the computer lab as Kiyo entered, and Rantaro went in front of me, getting into a protective stance in front of me. He had a look of anger on his face as he saw him.  Kiyo didn't seem to mind the anger and shock on everyone's faces as he walked in.
    "So Miu has now joined the ranks of the dead..." Kiyo muttered, "my sister won't like that..."
    "Why the hell were you released!?" Kaito shouted, "you tried to murder Angie and (y/n)! You cannot be trusted!"
    "I don't intend on hurting (y/n) right now," Kiyo hummed in response, "I was told explicitly by Monokuma that I was only supposed to investigate, you see... and about your previous statement. You do realize Kirumi and Kaede were both convicted for murder, and you forgave them. How am I any different?"
    "Because you tried to use (y/n) as a hostage to get one of us to be used for your seance murder!" Tenko shouted.
    "Why don't you guys stop arguing right now!" Monokuma shouted, "wait for the trial to do that. In the meantime... Ta-da! The Monokuma File! With this, you can even investigate up Miu's asshole!"
   In response to those words, I had a nauseous look on my face. Too much was going on for me to even process. Kiyo had to investigate, and I couldn't really think on what to about that. I felt a bit safer with Rantaro protecting me though. Monokuma was soon telling us to do our best, and that we'd make this turn of events very amusing. Monokuma soon left, and Monotaro was still crying. Before Monokuma had left however, we were given the Monokuma File for Miu.
    "Okay, everyone!" Kokichi exclaimed happily, "let's do this! I'll find the culprit this time, no matter what! We need to be prepared if the same thing hat happened with the playboy, Kirumi, Ryoma, and Angie doesn't apply to Miu!"
    "Why are you acting so happy about this?" Kirumi asked.
    "Well, what're you guys sad about?" Kokichi asked in response, "you guys hated her! Not as much as you hate me, but still!"
    "Th-That's not the issue..." Tsumugi said in protest, "of course I thought she was loud and annoying, but..."
    "I never wanted her to die," Kaito interrupted, "I wanted us all to escape together."
    "Kaito is right!" Kaede exclaimed, "Miu had a different type of personality than the rest of us. She was more confident and vulgar, but I still consider her as a friend. No matter how you look at it, she's still one of us. We all need to escape together, and that's why it pains me to see her like this!"
    "Kaede does have a point," Keebo explained, "Miu was certainly brash and spirited, but she wasn't a bad person. Believe me, I had her perform maintenance on my body! So I know...very well! Krgh... I want to cry, but. I can't... I should have had Miu install a crying function!"
"Huh?" Kokichi asked in response, "wouldn't your tears cause you to short circuit?"
"Not at all," Keebo replied, "my body is completely waterproof."
"This isn't the time for that..." Himiko muttered.
"Urgh... Gonta no can forgive this," Gonta muttered, "Gonta...never forgive this. Never forgive culprit, either... But Gonta never forgive self! Gonta swear to protect everyone! But Gonta fail to protect Miu! Gonta hope that strange thing that happened with everyone else happen with Miu, too!"
I knew Gonta's frustration. I knew he wanted to protect everyone. That fact was true about the others here, including myself. Gonta soon started saying that he couldn't protect anyone and that he was a failure as a gentleman. That wasn't true at all.
I was sick of this feeling... The feeling was awful, but I knew I could do something about it. Gonta hoped that the same thing that happened to everyone else would happen to Miu. One way or another, I would ensure that I would save Miu.
"Gonta, you aren't a failure as a gentleman..." I muttered, "sometimes... even with the best efforts we have, something bad happens, and it's not your fault. I'm sure everything will be okay."
"Gonta thank (y/n)," Gonta replied, "if (y/n) say everything will be okay, Gonta will listen..."
"I know you like using encouraging words, (y/n), but you shouldn't face this burden alone," Rantaro spoke.
"Rantaro is right!" Kaito shouted, "Shuichi, you shouldn't face this burden alone! No one should. Shuichi, (y/n), you are my sidekicks, remember? We're gonna to do it together! If we work together, we can solve this—"
"No way, Jose," Kokichi interrupted.
"Wha...What!?" Kaito shouted nervously.
    "(y/n) and Shuichi are not only interesting, but they're also reliable in a class trial, y'know?" Kokichi asked, "Shuichi is a detective, and have you forgotten that when a trial took place, my beloved (y/n) was able to keep up with both Shuichi and Kaede. Why would we let two such important people work together with a suspect like you?"
    "Suspect...?" Kaito asked in response, "you're saying that if I was the culprit, (y/n) and Shuichi would both hide the truth to protect me? Bullshit! Don't underestimate (y/n) and Shuichi! Even if I was the culprit, they're the type of people to see things through to the end!"
"You know something, Kaito?" Kokichi asked in response, "I'm one who also loves to see things through to the end, even if it involves me losing against the Mastermind of this killing game. I know that my beloved, Shuichi, and Kaede led everyone through the trials we've had before those strange things happened. Maybe we need to question what's happening and find out what exactly is happening."
I could feel myself grow nervous at Kokichi's words. I knew that everyone that I brought back was keeping the secret from everyone else who didn't know. I knew that he was going to get a reaction out of the people who didn't know everything, and it was causing me to grow nervous.
"For once, I have to say that I agree with Kokichi..." Tsumugi muttered, "I feel like that we all would benefit from knowing what has been the cause of everyone who was supposed to be dead coming back to life. We've just been relying on this strange phenomenon without knowing much about it."
"Nee-heehee- I'm surprised that plain ol' Tsumugi would agree with me," Kokichi laughed, "while we investigate that trashy whore's death, we should also try to gather information about what's going on. For now, Kaito seems the most suspicious, and belief can't solve everything alone!"
"Fine, if you're gonna get so worked up about all of this, then we all won't team up..." Kaito muttered, "it'll be just for now, so it should be okay... Shuichi, (y/n), try to get through this using your powers of observation! Clear me of suspicion with those powers! I believe in my sidekicks!"
I knew what Kaito was saying was true. I couldn't help it but be nervous about Kokichi though. I was going to be working with him, Shuichi, and Rantaro. I knew what I had to do. I needed to investigate what I could until I could get any time alone with the body. She didn't have any severed limbs from the looks of it. In a way, it was similar to what Angie had to face.
As I was thinking, I didn't see what everyone else was up to. I was trying to think of a way to get time alone with Miu so I could help revive her. As I was trying to think of a plausible way to do this, I suddenly felt the wind being knocked out of me.
Someone pushed themselves into me, catching me off guard. I felt myself fall backwards as my body slammed into the floor of the computer lab, a painful wheeze exiting my lips as I felt my lungs be restricted from the air I needed to breath.
I could feel tears prick in my eyes, as I felt the pain course through my lungs and diaphragm. My ears were ringing as felt something brush against my face, closer to my eyes. Opening my eyes, I saw Kokichi there with a smile on his face. I was a bit dazed as this happened, and everyone seemed to be in shock about it.
     It took me a moment to realize what happened just now. Kokichi jump tackled me, knocking the wind out of my lungs. That's what caused me to wheeze in pain and fall to the floor. Kokichi however wasn't just on me because he tackled me... his face was very close to mine. Similar to what he did when I woke up during the Insect Meet and Greet. He was that close, going deep into my personal space bubble.
     "I finally get to work with my sweet (y/n)!" Kokichi exclaimed happily, "oh, did you cry, my beloved (y/n), I'm so sorry~!"
"Kokichi, what the hell are you doing!?" Rantaro asked angrily, "get off of my girlfriend!"
"Alright, fine..." Kokichi replied with a slight pout, "once I do, you guys should look through the Monokuma File while I try to find out Miu's cause of death."
Kokichi soon got up off of me. I could still feel the pain from what he did. It wasn't like what he did before. This time, it was like he was actually trying to hurt me. I was surprised he didn't break any of my ribs in the process. Kokichi was probably so excited to investigate with me that he got carried away. I was still upset with him though. The way he acted before I left the Virtual World... for some reason, it gave me chills, and it wasn't in a good way...
As soon as Kokichi got up off of me, Rantaro offered his hand to me. He had a concerned look on his face. I knew he was probably worried. I mean, it was silent as this happened, and everyone seemed to be shocked as well.
I placed my hand on Rantaro's and he pulled me up with ease. It was like I was the lightest thing on the planet with how strong he was. As soon as I was pulled up, I tried to ease the pain from what just happened by taking deep breaths. The first few deep breaths I took gave me a sharp pain as I inhaled. Soon enough however, the pain started to fade away.
"(y/n), are you alright?" Rantaro asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, "I just feel like I'm dying..."
"That's not funny..." Rantaro replied with a slight deadpanned expression, "Kokichi really needs to stop tackling you..."
"I know..." I muttered, "in any case... we should take a look on the Monokuma File while Kokichi...."
As I said that, I looked towards the direction Kokichi went in to see that he was investigating the body. Sometimes... I didn't know what thoughts went through his head. After a few moments, Kokichi pranced back to us like he was happy about something. I was slightly confused, but chances were... Kokichi was happy that he got to hang out with me.
    There was one thing I wondered however... why did I feel something touch my face when I fell...? Did Kokichi try to caress my face or something...? Maybe it was just my imagination. I honestly hoped it was just my imagination. It better have been my imagination....

Kokichi's POV:

    I had intentions for this whole case, and I knew that I couldn't have my beloved (y/n) investigate with Kaito this time around. Even though I was going to prove that my little Otaku was behind these strange occurrences, I had to go according to script. Since Kaito was suspicious, I had to get the two people who would most likely side with him to work with me.
    I was able to do that quite well. I had a tendency to tackle my sweet, adorable (y/n), so I would do that. It would keep me in character about being suuuper excited, and it wouldn't make me that suspicious. I did tackle my beloved (y/n), and I did so in a way where she would have tears prick her eyes from the pain, oh how I loved that expression she had.
    I acted excited because I got to work with her, and that much was true. Before she opened her eyes, I wiped a tear from her eyes, and I kept my hand cupped to keep it from falling off my hand. That dumb playboy told me to get off his girlfriend, and I complied. I told them that I was going to investigate the body, but that was a lie.
    I was actually going to put the tear I got from my beloved (y/n) and place it on that dirty whore's corpse. I told the playboy and my beloved to check the Monokuma File as I did my part of the plan. I walked over to Miu with a smile on my face, and I placed my hand with the tear on it on her corpse's exposed skin.
    I acted like I was investigating the body. It was t any new information. I knew what happened to her. I knew she was strangled, and I knew she was trying to kill me. I made that work towards my advantage though.
    Once I saw the tear soak into her skin, I turned around, and I pranced back to where my beloved and the playboy was. I couldn't help but be happy. Things were finally going my way. If Miu eventually came back from death, I would know that it was my beloved who was behind this whole thing. The evidence pointed at that conclusion, but I had to be sure.
    'Things are finally going according to plan...' I thought, 'just you wait my beloved... just you wait for the time that I expose you to everyone and remove you from this game... you will finally be mine.... and everyone else will die... you can't save everyone, and that will bring you so much despair...'

Hello all, I am here with an early update! I decided to be very nice and upload this early since I got done writing. A lot has happened this chapter, and I think everyone is thinking, "haha...I'm in danger."

Kokichi finally did what he set out to do, and he did it in a way that even reader didn't think was suspicious. And Kiyo did make a comeback too, similar to Nagito. Since a body was discovered, he has to participate... Dem's da rules.

In any case though, I'll keep the Fanart competition open for one more week. I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and the events that happened are needed for chapter five to happen. Kokichi had to get around what reader was doing to hide the truth somehow, but now he's gonna find out that he was right.

I hope you all enjoyed this little surprise. Thank you all for reading today! Have a wonderful rest of your week, and I'll see you all next week! Ciao—yuki_no_fuyu

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now