Prologue of Despairing Events Part 1: A Dreadful Feeling

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Your POV:

     I looked up at the monitor with wide eyes. The screen flashed on, revealing the five monokubs. They were sitting on a colorful couch in a bright blue room. They all had drinks in their hands, and puppets that looked a lot like us were all over the room.
"Hiiii! Thanks for bear-ing with us!" the pink bear exclaimed, holding a pink smoothie.
"Kept you bastards waiting, huh!?" the blue bear asked, holding what looked like Coco Cola.
"Everyone, make your way to the gym please," the red bear told us, holding some sort of green drink.
"The opening ceremony can finally begin!" the blue bear replied to his red brother.
"Phew! We finally finished our preparations!" the red bear exclaimed.
"...You do realize you just read your lines backwards, don't you?" the yellow/orange bear told the red one.
"So long! Bear well!" all of them shouted before the monitor simultaneously shut off.
A bunch of thoughts ran through my head then. I wondered what they meant by opening ceremony.
I clutched my stomach in anticipation as a dreadful feeling shot through my body. I looked down, sweat rolling down my face as I felt my body start trembling.
I then felt someone place their hand onto my shoulder in an attempt to calm me down. I looked up at the person. It was Rantaro. He had some sort of knack for always helping me all of the time. He didn't even know me that well. He was calm, but nice.
"Hey (y/n)...calm down. Everything will be alright," Rantaro told me with a soft smile.
Somehow, I clutched my stomach even harder than I was before. I looked down once again, my eyes darkening.
"How do you know.... how do you know everything will be ok? What proof do you have?! How can you say everything will be alright when we are in this situation?!" I said quietly, gradually getting louder until it was a shout.

Rantaro's POV:

I looked at (y/n) in shock. She normally would listen to what I have to say. This time, she argued about it. She doubts that things will be alright, and I get her reasoning. I let out a sigh.
"The truth is... I don't know if everything will be alright. I can't give you proof but please.... do me a favor and believe in me until there is evidence that contradicts that we won't be alright. Can you do that for me?" I replied.

Your POV:

When Rantaro said that, I felt a bit more at ease than I did a minute ago. I sighed lightly before moving my arms to my sides. I stood up straight and sighed.
"We should just see what they want..." I muttered.
"Then lets go," Rantaro replied.
I nodded before we walked back whence we came. We walked down the beige colored sidewalk and back to the school. We entered the school and roamed through the halls. The gym was after a door that was similar to a cell door to a prison. After walking though that, we made our way to a hallway. There were gym cubbies in two groups. One group had all of the boys, and the other group had all of the girls. We then made our way to the door opening it.
Everyone was in the gym except for that cheerful girl and the detective boy. I stood next to Rantaro to ease any tension.
"Oh hello (y/n)~!" I heard before being tackled to the ground.
All I saw was a flash of a black and white checkered pattern before I as tackled.
"I missed you sooooo much! Where did you go. Don't tell me! You were totally killing someone!" Kokichi exclaimed happily.
"No I was not!" I exclaimed in response.
"Nee-hee-hee! That was a lie!" he laughed.
I noticed Tenko walk up to where I was. She looked angry. She picked Kokichi up by his scarf and threw him across the room.
"Leave her alone you degenerate!" Tenko shouted, but then faced me and held out her hand, "I'm sorry if that male was harassing you."
I took Tenko's hand and got up. I rubbed my back, trying to make sure I wasn't bruised.
"Thank you Tenko," I said.
Right as I said that, the doors opened once more. The people that entered were Kaede and Shuichi. They looked bewildered like the many lot of us here.
"All 17 of us have gathered..." Kirumi spoke.
"Hmm, it's pretty spectacular seeing, all 17 of us Ultimates gathered together," Kaito said, seeming to be happy about it.
"Kaito... the one who slapped me," I muttered, "it may be great to you seeing us all here, but we have no idea why we're even here!"
"Kehehe... (y/n) is right. You may not be able to be so easygoing for much longer," Kiyo explained.
     "In this situation, it's no use thinking about things. So eventually, Tsumugi stopped thinking," Tsumugi said, as if this were a fanfiction she was writing.
     "Nyeeeh... What's gonna happen to us? I bet it'll be a big pain..." Himiko muttered lazily.
     "Hmmmmm..." Tenko muttered, looking towards Himiko.
"What? What are you looking at?" Himiko asked.
"Um... Himiko, you can use amazing powers, right!? Cuz you're a psychic and stuff, right?" Tenko asked in pure excitement.
Himiko created a small fireball in the palm of her hand. She sighed lightly.
"I'm not a psychic...I'm a mage," Himiko replied.
My eyes widened when I actually saw Himiko do real magic. I clapped my hands and whistled.
"How is that possible?!" I asked with stars in my eyes, "it's real magic!"
"I know right?! Himiko is soooooo amazing!" Tenko replied with great enthusiasm, "It's so amazing! I definitely want to incorporate that into Neo-Aikido!"
Tenko was still freaking out like crazy.
"Hey, what sorta training did you undergo to gain your awesome powers!?" Tenko exclaimed.
"Talking about it is too tiring..." Himiko replied lazily.
"You're pretty lazy," Kaede commented.
"Pardon me, but...we need to be on our guard. We do not know if and when danger will strike," Keebo told everyone.
"D-Don't say that... I'm so scared... I don't know what to do..." Kokichi said, his voice wavering.
"There is no need to worry. Atua will protect us," Angie replied cheerfully.
"Phew! That's a relief!" Kokichi exclaimed in response.
"Is your brain full of weeds or somethin'? I'll whack 'em outta that skull of yours!" Miu exclaimed.
"Don't worry about it! Just leave it to me!" Kaito announced with a thumbs up, "if those teddy bears show themselves again, I'll kick all their asses!"
     "...Huh? What that?" Gonta asked.
     "What do you mean Gonta?" I asked.
     "Hm? What's wrong?" Ryoma asked.
     "Listen... Hear that?" Gonta replied.
     I listened closely. I heard a rumbling sound, and it was like clanking metal. It was getting closer and closer.
     "Ah, I think I hear it. It sounds like an engine from a robot anime—" Tsumugi pointed out.
     Right after Tsumugi said that, five mechs of different colors entered the room. The colors were red, yellow, pink, green, and blue. The mechs surrounded us, as if they were trying to group us together.
     "Yoo-hoo! Rise and shine, ursine!" all of them exclaimed.
     Tsumugi let out an ear piercing scream. Upon reflex, I wrapped my arms around one of Rantaro's arms, clutching onto him like a lost child. My body was shaking in the process, and I was clinging to his arm very tightly.
     "Everyone, behind Gonta!" Gonta shouted.
     "Wh-What the heck are these...monsters!?" Tenko screamed.
     "Whoooooaaaa!!! So coooool!!!" Kokichi exclaimed.
     "They're Exisals—highly mobile, bipedal weapons platforms! They got lotsa hometown pride, too!" the blue Exisal shouted.
     "...I can't keep track of these backstories," the yellow Exisal replied.
     "Wh-Whatever they are, they better kill off the uggos and save me for last!" Miu exclaimed.
     "Miu! Shut up!" I shouted in both fear and anger.
     "Run, Himiko!" Kokichi shouted.
     "Why are you concerned about me all of a sudden?" Himiko asked.
     "Hm, didn't I hear someone say they would 'kick their asses'?" Maki asked.
     "Wh-What the hell!? Nobody told me about these!" Kaito exclaimed in fear.
     Rantaro seemed to ignore that I was clutched to his arm. He gave a very serious look.
     "Alright, chill out, no need to panic... We're probably not in any danger," Rantaro explained, "if they wanted to kill us, they'd have done it by now."
     Rantaro walked forward. I dug my feet into the ground, but he managed to drag me along with him. He casually walked up to an Exisal.
     "So...what do you want from us? You clearly want *something*, that's what the guns are for, right?" Rantaro explained in the form of questions, "let me guess. You're gonna force us to do something, and if we don't, we get hurt."
     Rantaro smiled calmly at the Exisal. I looked up at him. It almost seemed as if he were in this situation before.
     "Well, you have our attention. So what do you want?" Rantaro asked.
     "Huh. Well aren't you a wiseguy?" the yellow Exisal replied.
     "I'll start us off! Listen up! Here's what we want you punkasses to do..." the blue Exisal exclaimed, "Hahhhhh! My heart's goin' 100 miles per hour! I'm gonna say it! You ready!? Hell yeah it's a—"
     "KILLING-GAME!" the green Exisal shouted.
     "...what?" Kaede asked.
     "M-M-Monodam! How DARE you upstage me!" the blue Exisal shouted.
     "W-Wait a second. What did you say?" Tenko asked nervously.
     "I-If I heard him correctly—" Keebo said nervously.
     "KILLING-GAME!" the green Exisal once again exclaimed.
     "Oh! He said it again!" the red Exisal exclaimed.
     "Grrrrrrr! God damn it, Momodam! I'm gonna crush you with this here Exisal!" the blue Exisal shouted.
     "C'mon, we don't have time to fight amongst ourselves," the pink Exisal said.
     "Yeah! If you don't stop fighting, I'm gonna crush you with this here Exisal!" the red Exisal shouted.
     "You too, Monotaro?" The pink Exisal asked, "if this is what it's come to, then I'll crush the four of you with this here Exisal!"
     "Hey! Why are you including me?" the yellow Exisal asked, "oh well! It's more appropriate for us to be hostile to each other!"
     The Exisals then got close to each other, seeming like a fight was about to start.
     "You wanna go, jabroni?" The red Exisal asked.
     "Who you callin' jabroni, jabroni?" the blue Exisal asked.
     "What'd you say, jabroni?" the yellow Exisal asked.
     "I'll throw down any time, jabroni! Check yourself before you wreck yourself!" the pink Exisal exclaimed.
     'Why are they calling each other 'jabroni'?' I thought.
     Everyone was starting to freak out, besides Rantaro. I hugged his arm even tighter and let out a couple of whimpers.
     "S-Seriously!? Are they gonna get it on right in front of us!?" Miu exclaimed.
     "Don't worry. Atua is watching over us," Angie replied.
     "In a situation like this, shouldn't we evacuate the gym!?" Tsumugi asked.
     "Tsumugi is right! In a situation like this, we have to leave! It's too dangerous!" Keebo replied.
     "Now, now, now..." a voice said.
     "What?" Kaede asked.
     "My cute little cubs... You gotta knock off this awful fighting..." the voice said again.
     "Oh! That voice!" the pink Exisal exclaimed.
     The cubs then jumped out of the mechs. They went on the stage in front of us.
     "Father!? Father, is that you!?" the red bear known as Monotaro exclaimed.
     "Papa Kuma! Papa Kumaaaaa!" the blue bear known as Monokid exclaimed.
     "Daddy!? Where are you, Daddy!?" the pink bear known as Monophanie exclaimed.
     "D-Daddy?" Kaede asked.
     At that moment, the lights shut off, leaving everyone in total darkness. We all stared at the stage in anticipation, the spotlights turning on at the center of the stage. Suddenly, a monochromatic bear, half black, half white, popped out of the podium with wings on as if it were an angel. As soon as it landed on the podium, its wings fell off. I stood there in shock.

    "I am the god of this new world...... and the headmaster of the Ultimate Academy! The one, the only...Monokuma! Nice to meetcha!" It exclaimed.

So this is the first chapter to the despair potion of the prologue. I'm really pleased with the work done on this. But with all due respect, I have an announcement to make.
Monday, January 14th at 11:49 am. my grandmother on my father's side of the family passed away unexpectedly. Most of my week was filled with stress and sadness, but I still managed to create an update for you guys. The prize chapter and third place drawings still need to be finished, but I'll try to get those done. Honestly I just didn't want to leave you guys in the dark.
So without further ado, the winner of the first prompt is xXKitty_The_LiarXx
She actually made a comic of her prediction. I got no other art for the week.

 I got no other art for the week

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I really love this

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I really love this. The effect that the shotput ball being the only thing colored is great enough. You my friend win a spoiler and a drawing. I already shouted them out.

Second prompt: "Rantaro and Reader-Chan's first freetime event".

Basically the chapter one prompts are only for chapter one lol. So create a drawing for what the first free time event would be between reader and Rantaro. This should be an interesting one to draw out, so I hope you all do. Ciao! - CRUSIFIXdroid

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now