Chapter 3 Part 19: Trying to Convince Angie

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Your POV:

We had to make our way to the fourth floor in which Angie's Lab was on. She was supposed to be preparing for the ritual to bring back Ryoma. Tenko has requested Maki, Shuichi, and I to convince her to stop the ritual. I did agree.
Hopefully she'd actually listen to us. I looked towards the school, a pool of anxiety washing over me. The anxiety washing over me was the anxiety that she wouldn't even listen to us. The anxiety that I wouldn't be able to get my hands on that book, so I can try to get Ryoma back using my tears combined with the book.
I took a deep breath to prepare myself for whatever was going to go on in this encounter. I soon exhaled, which calmed me down a considerable amount.
'I can do this...' I thought, 'I can help talk Angie out of doing the ritual...'
With that, I nodded to the others in confirmation. They seemed to be staring at me while I was staring at the school. They must've known I needed a moment to relax my nerves. Now, my nerves were as calm as I could make them. All I had to do was focus on the task at hand.
With that, we all started heading to the school entrance hall doors. We walked down the path that led to the doors, and we soon entered.
We saw Kokichi standing around the entrance hall. He mentioned that our group was an interesting group. He understood why Tenko was on patrol though. We kept the conversation short and sweet so we could focus on our plan.
Then, we travelled to the staircase that led to the second floor. That was the floor my lab was on. It was the floor that held Kirumi's Lab as well. This place had memories of the night Ryoma passed because of the Insect Meet and Greet.
We soon made it to the fourth floor after making it last Ryoma's Lab on the third floor. Memories passed through my head of the trial and investigation as I passed through. Ryoma's words also echoed through my skull on how he was trying to find a purpose to live. I desperately wanted to help him find his reason to live, but... I failed...
I failed to help him find a reason to live. If my plan worked, maybe... just maybe I could help him find a reason to live. That was my resolve. I was going to bring him back. I was going to give him a reason to live, even if it killed me.
We walked down the halls of the fourth floor, passing Kiyo's Lab along the way. After that, we stumbled on Angie's lab.
"It's right here..." I muttered nervously, "should we go in now?"
My hand instinctively reached for the doorknob. I was about to open the door when I was stopped by Tenko.
"Oh, wait! I'm pretty sure that door is locked!" Tenko exclaimed.
When Tenko said that, I realized she was right. When Angie had explained that the door would be locked to all but student council members when we were in the dining hall. This was mentioned after she smashed the Flashback Light, and it was briefly mentioned when she was confronted about almost killing me. She mentioned that the ritual and student council would go on after that as well.
Shuichi explained that he was told that when Angie was working, the doors would be locked. As a test, he reached for the doorknob and tried to twist it.
When he twisted it, clicking sounds came from the doorknob, signifying that it was indeed locked up.
"Ah, so it is locked..." Shuichi said nervously.
"Move," Maki told Shuichi and I.
As soon as that was said, Maki pushed Shuichi and I aside. She walked up to the door and did the most least expecting thing she'd do.
Maki started to pound at the door, loud noises echoing through the halls of the fourth floor. Maki continued to pound at the door for a few more seconds before...
"Angie, open this door. Now," Maki said, a serious tone in her voice.
Tenko started freaking out at this. She seemed to be freaked out at Maki pounding on the door. This was both shocking to Tenko and I apparently.
"W-Wait, Maki!" Tenko exclaimed, being completely shocked, "you can't do it like that! Stop being li'l ol' Miss Impatient!"
Maki stopped what she was doing, so she could look at Tenko. She had a soft glare on her face as she looked at her. This was giving me anxiety, because of the loud noise, and how Maki was acting in the moment.
"Then how should I do it?" Maki asked.
"Angie will only open the door when a student council member calls for her," Tenko explained nervously.
After Tenko said that, she turned to the door. Tenko gave the door a few knocks. From the sound coming from Tenko's knocking, I could tell she was nervous. Soon, she pulled her hand away from the door, calling out to Angie.
"Angie, it's Tenko. I want to talk to you about something... Can you open the door?" Tenko asked.
The area was silent for a few seconds. It was awkward silence at its fullest. I thought for certain that Angie wouldn't answer, when...
"...Oh, Tenko?" Angie's voice asked through the door.
"Yeah, it's me!" Tenko exclaimed in response.
After Tenko answered Angie's question, the door flew open. It took me by surprise because I let out a small yelp in surprise to the door flying open.
Angie was at the door, smiling at everyone. She was acting like nothing happened earlier in the day. It was like she was trying to forget the events that happened earlier today.
"Yah-hah! Can I help you?" Angie asked happily.
She soon noticed the rest of us here. A frown on her face appeared when she saw me. She seemed to change her demeanor in the next few seconds though.
    Shuichi was nervous in trying to give a response to Angie. But then, Angie smiled at all of us, like nothing had happened today to make her more suspicious.
    "Oh, I get it. You three want to join the student council, huh?" Angie asked.
    It seemed to me that Angie was in fact trying to forget what was going on. She still expected me to want to join the student council. I wasn't going to join the student council after everything that happened.
    Angie took my trust in here, and broke it in one day because of what she did. I know I said I'd forgive her, but I never said I'd trust her. I'm not going to join her cause when she tried to take my life away and mark it a suicide. 
    That was the truth. I just smiled and waited for whatever Angie was going to say next.
    "Then you'll need to get aquatinted with Atua," Angie explained, "I will introduce you to him. Please, come in."
    Shuichi tried to say it wasn't because we wanted to join, but Maki told us to go inside. We could talk about this more inside, so I didn't object to it. Shuichi didn't object to it either.
With Angie inviting us in, I had no idea what to expect when I went in there. In any case, we weren't prepared to for what we were about to see. I wasn't prepared for what I was about to see...
It was something shocking enough to make anyone with the best composure to freak out slightly. What I saw... realistic figures of correct sizes and proportions.... of Rantaro, Kirumi, Ryoma... and of myself.
My eyes were widened when I saw this. This was truly terrifying to me. The fact that whatever these were made of looking so realistic... and the fact that there was one of me.
I then realized what this meant. Ryoma died, and Rantaro and Kirumi were cases of death being brought back. Perhaps she used mannequins for them just in case something happened again.
And then there was my mannequin. I knew exactly what Angie was planning. Angie has planned that her plan was a success. If that were the case, she'd probably choose to bring me back instead of Ryoma. She wanted to use me as the sacrifice for the student council.
This started to make me feel slightly sick. I was wondering how long she was planning this. It felt like a wave of fear and anxiety hit me just because of the room's ambiance. It was scary enough to almost die, but to find out I would've been used only to die again. It was just cruel... I never did anything to Angie that would hurt her. But killers always targeted someone that would be a perfect target.
For Angie... it must've been my depression and anxiety that made me into her ideal victim.
    "(y-(y/n)! And...Rantaro? Kirumi? Ryoma?" Shuichi asked in shock.
    I was honestly glad I wasn't the only one shocked about this. It was nice to know that I wasn't going to be the only one being shaken up.
    "I made them!" Angie exclaimed happily, "don't they look lifelike? Aren't they just divine?"
    "You made them...?" Shuichi asked in response.
    "Yep, they're my very own handcrafted wax effigies," Angie explained in response.
    "Wax effigies? Why?" Shuichi asked, "and why are three of them people that are alive?"
    Angie seemed to tap her paintbrush on her chin as if she was thinking of a response. She hummed lightly as she thought for a moment. The anxiety was building up from Angie's silence. I hoped she could give an honest answer.
    "To be completely honest, (y/n)'s effigy was in hopes that my plan would work. If it would've worked, I would resurrect her instead of Ryoma," Angie explained, "as for the others... they were dead but they somehow were alive. I was thinking something might happen to them, so I carved them."
    I somehow knew Angie was going to try and use me for her student council plan. It seemed everything I thought of for my hypothesis was on track. It still made me quite uncomfortable to see an effigy that looks just like me, to the very last detail.
    "I'm any case, this is for the resurrection ritual!" Angie exclaimed happily.
    Angie took out the book and thought for a moment as she read the book.
    "Umm, according to the Necronomicon, we need an effigy of the deceased to perform the ritual," Angie explained, "that's why I made these, and that's why they're very important to the ritual."
    'So if we smash them, then she won't be able to perform the ritual?' I thought.
"Simple dolls probably would've been better, but once I got to work, Atua took possession of me," Angie explained, "nyahaha! And before I knew it, I had made these! What do you think? Aren't they amazing?"
"You do such cruel things so innocently," Maki told Angie.
Maki was right. Angie talked about what she was going to be planning if her plan worked. She made an effigy of me because she wanted her plan to work, and she thought it was going to work.
I didn't even know how to feel, being in this room with her.
"Hm? What?" Angie asked in response.
"You don't even consider how the one you almost murdered felt. You explaining what your plan was for her if she actually died. You act to innocent about it. It's cruel indeed," Maki explained in response.
When Maki was explaining her side, I felt myself look down. She was right. I didn't want to hear what she was going to use me for. I didn't want to know. And her plan for me was cruel, even beyond death. That was my realization. I honestly didn't want Ryoma to be used by her either. I would've rather it been me...
    "It's still incredible... For a second, I thought they were real," Shuichi explained.
    Shuichi seemed very focused on the wax dolls. It did make sense. They were so real looking, it was shocking. He seemed to have more of a reaction, seeing Ryoma's effigy.
    Maki told Shuichi to try persuading Angie. Detectives were good at talking, according to her. I knew that it wasn't particularly true just to assume that. Maki needs to get her thoughts on detectives more straight.
    Still, Maki wasn't that good at persuading people, so it was up to Shuichi and I. I knew I could help Shuichi with this, even though it hurt to be in this room.
    I promised Tenko that I would help her get Angie to stop doing the ritual. I couldn't just lie to her or betray her like that. I made a promise, and I need to keep that promise. No matter what happens, I'll still be there for others.
    "Angie...could you please reconsider?" Shuichi asked.
    "...I see, I see. Reconsider what, exactly?" Angie asked in response, with a chilling smile.
    "The ritual that you're trying to perform," I explained, "I don't think you understand how bad this could turn out..."
"Remember that this was Monokuma's motive. If he *wants* us to do it, it can't be good," Shuichi explained.
"But the dead can't really come back to life," Angie explained with a smile, "so Ryoma must still be alive—"
"No Angie. That's not possible," Shuichi explained in response.
I could see where Shuichi was going. These wax effigies are basically copies of the people Angie made them of. The only one who actually died, was Ryoma. Now seeing these effigies, I could confirm that what we saw during the magic show... that was real. Every second we saw of it was real.
"Ryoma's body wasn't a fake. I'm positive. Especially after seeing the wax effigies," Shuichi explained, "the effigies were nearly perfect, but the real body had traces of a soul."
I realized that as well. When I saw Kirumi get executed before I saved her... she had a soul desperate to live, struggling, fighting for life...
"That's something you can never be replicated," Shuichi explained, "no matter what technology you have, you can't fake a soul."
I looked down after he explained that. He still didn't know... there was one way to bring back people... but they had to be intact. It wasn't technology that did this. Only a rare gene.
"Ryoma is dead," Shuichi told Angie.
"...I agree," Maki said in response, a glare adorning her features, "I have no doubt that Ryoma's death was real. Trust me, I've seen my fair share of dead bodies."
"I see, I see... if that's what Maki says, then maybe Ryoma really is dead," Angie explained, "then...if we do the ritual, will we actually resurrect the dead? What a mysterious mystery."
Shuichi was confused, and so was I slightly. Angie wasn't understanding what we were saying to her. This was what I feared would happen. She's denying our words in anyway she can so she has a reason not to listen. This was starting to make me anxious nonetheless.
"...What are you saying?" Maki asked, "someone who had died can't be resurrected.
    "Hm? But that's not what Atua says," Angie replied happily, "he says that if we do the ritual, Ryoma who was dead up till now will come back. So if Ryoma is really dead, then the resurrection ritual will surely work."
    Angie let out a cheerful laugh and said how Atua was never wrong. This continued to give me anxiety because she wouldn't listen to Shuichi. She wouldn't listen to Maki. She wouldn't listen to me.
    It was obvious to me that even if we tried to get Angie to stop her plans, she wouldn't. She would not stop until she got what she wanted.
    "You're...not gonna stop this, are you?" Tenko asked.
    "Of course not! This is Atua's will!" Angie exclaimed in response.
    "This is your will, not Atua's," Maki told Angie in response.
    "Nuh-uh, it's Atua's," Angie replied with a scary look on her face, "Atua told me that our friend will come back to life if we do this ritual."
    "What's the point in doing that ritual when you plan on killing him again?" I asked.
    The whole room went silent after I said that. This was the truth though. This came out of Angie's mouth.
    "You told all of us that if another time limit would be held against us, you'd use Ryoma as the sacrifice. Why would you try to perform this ritual, when you plan on using this person as a sacrifice so you can live?" I asked, "it's cruel Angie, what you tried doing to me... and what you plan on doing if this ritual works..."
Those were the words I've wanted to say ever since it was revealed that she tried to kill me. The pain, the betrayal I felt because of it. It was how I felt, yet she still tried to justify her actions. She still tried using Atua as her excuse to do whatever she wanted. She didn't want to listen to anyone even if a valid point was made. It saddened me that she didn't seem to feel remorse or guilt for what she tried to do.
"I totally understand what you're saying (y/n), but we have to do it. We can't defy a direct command from Atua," Angie explained, "or else...we'll get punished, y'know?"
Everyone was silent after that. She was still using Atua as an excuse to do this. Isn't being here punishment enough? We are already being punished by the mastermind of this killing game for no reason. I had no idea why we were here, even though we've been here for well over a couple weeks. I wanted to know what I did to deserve this.
    "You're probably still worried about the motive, Shuichi, but it's okay," Angie told him with a smile, "Atua has spoken... Nothing bad will happen as long as you put aside all thoughts of escape."
    "Is that so?" Maki asked, "then there's no point in talking anymore."
    I knew what Maki was saying at that moment and sadly, I agreed. Angie still believed what she was doing was right. She still believed doing the ritual would bring Ryoma back. I felt like I failed Tenko. I made a promise to help her convince Angie, but Angie wouldn't listen to us.
    "Hmm, are we done talking now? Cuz I'm still busy preparing for the ritual," Angie explained, "if you're gonna slow me down, I'll turn you into a wax effigy! Nyahahaha!"
    "Tenko, please let's head back for now," I said, "we need to think of a more effective plan..."
    Tenko who was looking upset and nervous agreed. I was slightly worried about her because the look on her face reminded me of what Kaito was looking like these past few days. I hoped she wasn't getting sick.
    "Please feel better Tenko. I'm sure we can still convince Angie," I told her, "we just need to figure out a new plan."
She nodded in response. She really did look upset about this. Failing to persuade Angie to stop the ritual, we all left her lab with frowns on our faces. Angie even stepped out of her lab to tell us to be careful as we head back to our dorm rooms. I really did wish she'd listen.
Then, Angie said something chilling. She told us that it was safe to say that Tenko betrayed the student council. It was more of a question for Angie, but we all knew that the facade Tenko put up was seen through.
Tenko was confused at what Angie just said, but Angie being the devout she was, she told Tenko that Atua forgave her. Angie told us that the so called god that she looked up to was a softie.
Angie told Tenko that she hoped that she'd recommit herself to the student council, so that she could help them make this place a paradise to all.
Tenko has tears welled up in her eyes. This really did concern me for obvious reasons. I didn't want anyone to be sad. I gave her a soft look in response. I really wanted to make everyone here happy.
"Nyeh? What's going on?" a lazy voice said, echoing though the halls of the fourth floor.
I knew exactly who the one speaking was. It confused me to how she was even able to find us. Maybe she had some business with Angie, but I had no idea. It was Himiko who had walked in while Angie was trying to get Tenko back into the council.
"Why are Shuichi, Maki, and (y/n) here? They're not on the student council. And it's nighttime..." Himiko explained.
"H-Himiko!" Tenko exclaimed in response.
    "Oh, it's nothing," Angie said in response, "Tenko simply betrayed the student council and brought these three to change my mind."
    "Nyeh!? She betrayed us!?" Himiko exclaimed in pure anger, "that sounds like a big problem, but if you're saying "it's nothing" then..."
    Himiko was silent for a moment. I could basically feel her anger. Was this a part of Angie's plan. If someone wanted to do something different, would she just say that they betrayed her. It was wrong to say that.
    Suddenly Himiko said that Angie was really loved by Atua. Himiko was just so angry at what was told to her by Angie, but then she looked so happy. This brought even more confusion to my thoughts.
    "And you are loved by Atua in return, Himiko!" Angie exclaimed.
    "S-Stop're making me blush," Himiko said with a nervous blush on her face.
    "E-Enough already!!!" Tenko shouted out.
    Tenko walked towards Himiko and she placed her hands firmly onto her shoulders. Himiko seemed confused by what was going on. I would be too.
    "Nyeh...?" Himiko's voice trailed out, sounding very shocked.
    "Please, snap out of it! Aren't you a mage?" Tenko asked.
    "That hurts...let me go..." Himiko muttered in response.
    Tenko has tears in her eyes once more. She didn't let Himiko go. I was wondering what was going to happen next.
    "Himiko, why can't you see that you're being brainwashed?" Tenko asked, tears in her eyes, "if you can't even see that, then you're not a real mage at all!"
    "Wh-What...?" Himiko asked in response.
    "Feeling angry? If you are, then show it!" Tenko exclaimed in response, tears still streaming from her eyes, "get mad! Get upset! Yell at me! Just fight back already! Do something!"
    Tenko had tears streaming down her face. Himiko stayed silent during Tenko's outburst. Even I have never seen Tenko get this way. I was worried about her.
    I walked up to Tenko and placed an arm on her shoulder. I rubbed it in a soothing way.
    "Tenko, come on... we should leave this be for now," I said.
    Himiko still was silent, but Tenko just realized what happened. The tears suddenly stopped, and she was basically yelling at herself for what just happened.
    "I-I'm so sorry! I can't believe I just yelled at you!" Tenko exclaimed.
    "You must be tired, Tenko. I think it would be best if you get some rest," Angie said with a smile, "sound good? Until then, I'll continue my preparations to welcome back our friend."
    Both Tenko and Himiko were silent. Himiko wouldn't even look Tenko in the eyes. She must've been upset from Tenko's outburst. It was understandable.
    We all decided to head back from Angie's lab. We made our way to the dorms silently. The silence spoke volumes about what we were feeling at that moment. When we walked into the dormitory, Tenko was still silent. I wanted to at least make sure she was alright.
    "Hey Tenko, are you alright?" I asked.
After asking that, Tenko let out a huge whine. This startled me slightly for obvious reasons. I wasn't the biggest fan on loud noises.
"I said all those horrible things to Himiko and now I don't know what to dooooo!" Tenko exclaimed as tears appeared in her eyes, "augh... I know she'd never hate me, but she'll demote me from best friend to just a friend!"
"You guys were best friends...?" Maki asked in response.
"Well, if you round up the nearest whole number, we were basically best friends!" Tenko exclaimed in response.
I honestly felt like she was rounding up a little too much in this situation. When I've seen the two together, Himiko barely talked to her. It was Tenko who was making all of the conversation to her.
"I'm sure if you apologize, she'll understand what brought you to say those things," I told Tenko with a small smile.
"That's right! We'll be like an old married couple once we overcome this rough patch!" Tenko exclaimed happily.
That was a quick turnaround, but I was glad. Tenko seemed to be happier now, which is what I wanted. I never wanted anyone to be upset, so seeing Tenko with a smile on her face now really made me feel better.
    "You should let (y/n) and Shuichi teach you how to apologize. They're really good at it," Maki said.
    "...Maki.... why do you expose me like this?" I asked in response.
    "Yeah... this is the first time I've heard this," Shuichi said.
    "Don't worry! I'll use my own words to apologize to Himiko!" Tenko exclaimed, "well then, see you tomorrow! Goodnight!"
    Waving happily, Tenko returned to her dorm room. It was very good that she was going to find her own way to apologize to Himiko. I looked over to Shuichi and Maki with a small smile on my face.
    "She bounced back rather fast... I guess I didn't need to worry," Maki said.
    "Ah, you were worried?" Shuichi asked in response.
    Maki glared at Shuichi in response to that. I mentally flinched because her glare could basically tear me to pieces in just a few seconds.
    "...Huh? Is it weird for me to worry?" Maki asked, "...Do you want to die?"
    "...Ah!" Shuichi exclaimed in response.
    It was Maki's habit again. She always asked people if they wanted to die. I had no idea why. In any case, I was happy that she was starting to act like herself around Shuichi and I.
    We all had a quick conversation on how we could change Angie's mind. Shuichi recommended unorthodox methods. Agreeing to this, Maki and I went into our rooms, saying that we were going to think about it.
    I let out a huge sigh as I collapsed on the bed. It was mentally exhausting to deal with everything that I had went through today.
    With heavy eyes, I fell asleep on the bed, smiling because I at least have a boyfriend now.

Alright, here's the new chapter. If I play my cards right, the victim should be revealed next chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'll see you all next week.
Try to submit fan art for the prompt as well. I'm still giving more time! Ciao!- CRUSIFIXdroid

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now