Chapter 3

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I was walking to school today because I was up early, unnecessarily thinking of school and how suspiciously well it was going. What if it's giving me good treatment just to shove some huge problem in my face? I'm probably overthinking this too much...

"Well aren't you early." I froze when I heard his voice.

"Are you following me or something?" I turned around only to see him braced on a light post with his hand in his hair.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" He said with a stupid grin. "You seem to be everywhere I go" he continued, making his way closer to me as I walked. I just continued to walk, ignoring his presence while trying to focus on other things.

"Can you stop following me?" I finally couldn't take it. His humming was annoying and he kept muttering things under his breath and I couldn't understand. "Are you trying to annoy me or something?" He wouldn't answer me when I asked him a question but he expected me to answer him when he was asking me stupid questions.

"I'm not following you, we're going the same way after all" he exhaled. Of course he had to get in the last word.

"Whatever! Just stop walking with me!" I quickened my pace to avoid walking with him. What if girls who really like him see me with him like this? What would they think?! I don't want to cause a fuss in my first week!


When I finally got out of his reach I quickly made my way to my classroom. Yui wasn't there yet so I was alone. I was looking out the window by my seat, feeling the morning sun on my face when I was interrupted by screaming of girls again. Again? Does he like the attention he's getting?

Every time those girls saw him they'd go crazy. I don't even get why they get worked up over him if he rejects them! Isn't it a waste of time.

"Natsuki? What are you thinking about so deeply?" I heard the snapping of fingers echoing in my ear. I turned my head slightly and met the gaze of Yui. "Oh you're finally here" I said giving her a smile.

"My question?" She asked again, wanting me to answer it.

"To be honest...I don't quite get why you all like him." I looked at her intently, trying to read her facial expression.

"Come on Natsu! He's perfect! How could someone not like him?! Even some guys are jealous of him!" She was deeply in love with him and got excited every time she heard his name.

"Yeah I mean he's handsome and all but he's just....weird?" I couldn't find the proper word to describe him. "He's like an alien...." I paused when she looked at me weirdly. "Well in my eyes he's just a weird alien." I said with hesitation.

To my surprise she began laughing at what I said. "You have an interesting way of making stupid things funny." She continued to laugh at what I said.

"By the way" she stopped and her facial expression was serious now. "I saw him walking with you to school. I thought you weren't close with him." The way she spoke to me made it sound like I was being interrogated.

"Oh...He happened to tag along since we were going the same direction." Why do I feel like I did something I wasn't supposed to? Why am I on edge?

"Ahh, it's just that he seemed comfortable around you." Yui's serious face turned into a smile. "I guess I was just overreacting." She said before setting herself comfortably in her seat in front of me.

Comfortable around me? Pfttt.


The school day ended and I had no calls for work so I happily headed home. My mom was in a healthy condition and wouldn't allow me to do housework when I wanted to help. She kept saying I pushed myself too hard and I couldn't go against what she said, she just wouldn't let me.

The entire school week was over in the blink of an eye and it was Saturday already. I was in the midst of preparing to go to work since I was the only one free at the time. Strangely, when my boss called, the client specifically asked for me to go there....

When I arrived at the given address I was shocked upon seeing the house...more like mansion! It was huge and modernly designed. Don't they already have maids in their mansion?

I rang the doorbell twice and waited for someone to come to the door. When the door finally opened my jaw dropped as I made eye contact with the person. Out of instinct, I grabbed onto the knob of the opened door and slammed it shut. I was astonished, scared and embarrassed at the same time.

I turned around with the intention of leaving that place but the door opened and a hand grabbed me, pulling me inside.

"What a surprise..." hearing his voice in my ear made me want to crumble. I slowly opened my eyes only to be met with his gaze staring back at me with a smirk tugging at his lips.

Am I dreaming? This has to be a dream, right? There's no way Usui is in front of me right now!

I pinched myself but it was the same. He was still there, I was still standing in the mansion and the anxiety that took over me was still there.

"Ha...I think I'm at the wrong house..?" I slowly began to back away, moving closer to the door. He inched closer to me, so slowly as if he was enjoying watching me look freaked out.

I came to a sudden halt when there was no more space between me and the door. My back was braced on it and he was just getting closer and closer.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked. Both of his hands went to the side of my head, closing me in between his arms.

I couldn't look at his face so my eyes lingered everywhere but there.

"You can't leave unless you finish what you came for" his hands went to my chin, tilting it upwards for him to get a better view of my face.

"Alright, alright!" I sighed as I pushed him away from me.

"Just don't do that again--" I muttered under my breath out of embarrassment.

Pinning me against a wall?! What was he thinking-

"What? Did that make your heart skip a beat?" He asked in a rather cringy tone. He's toying with me isn't he.

"I almost puked due to how disgusted I weird alien" I countered his weird comment.

He looked at me with a cocked brow. "Alien? Seriously?" He began to laugh at what I said.

"Whatever, just tell me what exactly I have to do so I can get over with this." -Natsuki

Will he tell everyone at school about me? Will he also spread rumors about me? Is he going to use my weakness to blackmail me?!

While I was cleaning I couldn't stop thinking about what he would do. Negative thoughts ran rampant in my mind, interrupting me as I worked.

"Hey..." I called out to him. He was laying on the couch with a hand covering his eyes.

"What?" He got up from the position he was in and now he was facing me while sitting on the couch. His hair was messy and he wore thin framed glasses that rest on his nose.

Damn he looks really fine- no Natsuki what are you thinking?! You hate him!

I cleared my throat and took a deep breath, recollecting my thoughts.

"Are you going to use this against me?"

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