Chapter 6

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Will she believe? Will she believe that he's my 'cousin'?

I followed behind Usui as he walked in the corridors of the school. I was sure to keep my distance from him in case someone noticed how close he was to me. It was my first day officially following Usui's orders and I didn't want to make him mad.

He stopped by class 5C but before entering he turned around to face me. "Get me a lemonade from the cafeteria", he said, practically sounding like he was ordering me to do so.

"But lunch is almost over—" , I defended but he wouldn't listen. I rolled my eyes and walked away in the direction of the cafeteria. As I was halfway coming back the bell rang to conclude lunch so I had to hurry back to his class. I was out of breath standing at the entrance of the classroom but didn't go in. I peered in, scanning the room slowly for any sign of him but sudden felt a hand on my shoulder out of nowhere.

"Looking for me?" The familiar voice spoke up. "What took you so long?" He continued. I slowly turned my head out of instinct but felt my body tense up with I realized how close our faces were from each other.

"Sorry! I have class now!" I somehow managed to say while trying to calm down. I stuffed the bottle of lemonade in his hand and spun myself around in the direction of my classroom and walked away. Oh my god he was so goddamn close!

Before entering 5A I sucked in a deep breath to compose myself. Everything's gonna be fine...

When I slid the door open I saw the same girl who called me to the roof sitting in my seat. She had her feet cocked up on my desk and she was leaning back in the chair while talking to the guy sitting beside her. What's she doing there? When she finally acknowledged my presence behind her she got up.

"Do you really think I'll believe that shit?!" She shoved me back, making me hit the lockers behind me. Now, everyone's attention was fixed on us. "Cousins?! What a fucking lie—" she raised her voice, ready to curse me out when a teacher intervened.

"Nezu! Office now!" The teacher dragged her by her ear with force. Before they vanished in the crowded corridor the girl shot me a death glare and mouthed "this isn't the end" then followed behind the teacher as he dragged her to the office.

I fixed my uniform properly then took a seat in my combination like nothing happened. Everyone else went back to their seats, doing whatever they were doing before Nezu caused such a big ruckus. Yui turned around from her seat and faced me, grabbing my cheeks forcing me to look at her.

"What did you do to her??" She questioned, her face was tainted with visible fear. "Nothing", I answered lazily.

"She seems really pissed! There's no way it's something small." She added. Her voice was shaky and sounded like she was scared. "Hm? Seriously, she's overreacting." I didn't care much about what happened earlier because it was about Usui. She was probably bamboozled by how he was so 'friendly' with me.

"Do you even know who she is?! She's like the craziest bitch in Seika and everyone knows she has a huge crush on Usui Takumi! She even made it clear that she won't hesitate to injure someone if they get in the way of her and Usui." Yui explained, her face pale as if she had seen a ghost.

"Is that why you're so subtle when talking about him? Are you holding yourself back because of her?" -Natsuki

Her eyes widened with surprise. "Hey! Keep quiet", she hushed me.

"Why don't you confess?" I continued to pry for no reason. "You're pretty, smart and funny. What's there to not like about you?" I smiled halfheartedly. You're very scaring when you become controlling though... I couldn't dare add that. She was a nice friend but whenever she saw me with Usui she would get annoyed.

"I was planning on doing that....", she beamed a smile but behind it hid sadness. "Well what's stopping you?" I was looking at her with furrowed brows. "Do you see how many girls he rejected? I don't want to be rejected so coldly!"

At that same moment I got a notification from my phone. When I checked it, it was Usui demanding me to buy him another lemonade from the cafeteria.

Unsaved number: If you don't bring that lemonade in the next 5 minutes my lips won't keep shut about your secret. -2:34

Me: Isn't that a bit unfair? I can't just walk out of class for you! -2:36

Unsaved number: now~ -2:37

Unsaved number: or else~ -2:37

I slammed my hands down on the desk and got up slowly. "Sorry but I'll be right back." I whispered to Yui then left. There was no teacher in class at the moment so all I had to do was stealthily make my way into the cafeteria.

I was somewhat successful and managed to buy him another lemonade with MY money but getting it to him while he was in his separate classroom would be difficult. When I checked the time 5 minutes had already past and I was spammed with messages from Usui.

"Why does he have to be so impatient?" I muttered under my breath. "Insulting me behind my back, huh?" I felt a hand cover my mouth and my body was pulled into the empty storage room next to me.

"Someone's coming." His tone was lowered and his hand was still covering my mouth. They were unusually soft....NO Natsu! Snap out of it!

"You seriously need to stop scaring me like that!" I hit him on the back gently and handed him his lemonade. Even though the place was a bit dark I could still see him grinning stupidly and he enjoyed how I fretted. The storage room wasn't that old or dusty and it looked like people came in often.

"If that's it I'm going to go then.." I wrapped my hands around the knob of the door but when I was about to turn it I heard footsteps coming this way, getting louder and louder each second.

"I'll be right there! I just have to leave these in the storage room!" The voice sounded like a teacher and it sounded like the same one that dragged Nezu by her ears. "Someone's coming", I whispered to Usui as quietly as possible and pushed him away from the door. "We have to hide!"  I grabbed his hand, scanning the room for a place to hide.

I pulled him next to me, squeezing both of us between the crowded bookshelf that was sheltered by a huge wall of boxes. We were facing each other, his chest was bracing onto mine. I could feel his chest going up and down as he breathed. His chin was resting on my head because of how tall he was and my head was comfortably braced on his upper body. I didn't think it through but I was in a tight spot...literally and I had no other choice. I was sandwiched between Usui, a wall and a bookshelf.

When the door opened a beam of light flashed in but not enough to light up the entire room so we were safe. The teacher rested a set of boxes right next to us but luckily he didn't see us and simply walked out, closing the door behind him.

"Can you move your foot?" I squeezed my way out of the congested spot and brushed my uniform.

"That wasn't my foot--" I heard him say under his breath. I held back my cough and pretended like I didn't hear anything.

"A-anyways! Let's get out of here before we actually get caught." I cleared my throat. I slowly opened the door, peeping out to see if anyone was coming and quickly got out.

"I'll be heading back to class...." I hesitated before walking off like if I was waiting for him to say something.

He rubbed the back of his head, ruffling his hair and he had a lopsided smile on his face.

"Yeah...see ya."

He walked off first. When he was gone the tension that was between us disappeared.

How much more of this will I have to keep up with?

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