Chapter 7

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Classes ended the usual time, I was walking towards the exit gate when I heard a notification come to my phone. For some reason I was eager to look at it. When I unlocked my phone a wave of disappointment washed over me due to the fact that the notification was just a spam message.

I shoved the phone back in my pocket and continued on my way home. I was on 2 days off from my job because they hardly got calls these days for maids like us. These days most people had full time hired maids so it was hard to get a normal scheduled time job.

Though my dad wasn't exactly in good shape, he didn't need treatment right at the moment but I wanted to make money as quick and much as possible to help him, to help us. Would getting another part time job work? Were there any available jobs? Would anyone hire me?

"What's so troubling?" I came to a sudden halt when I heard Usui's voice. He walked beside me, his hands were in his pockets and his green school jacket was unbuttoned, exposing his white shirt on the inside.

"Following me again?" I asked playfully as i walked along with him. "I'm going home", he answered slyly.

"By my knowledge....your humble abode is the opposite direction where we're walking right now." I responded to his unsuccessful lie. He pouted and dropped his head down, eyeing the ground. "Guess you caught me", he sighed.

"Wanna go to a cafe?" He asked, tugging at my sleeve. "No thanks, I think I'm going to head straight home for now." His face changed from a smile to a frown. "After's better for me to calm myself down for tomorrow", I choked out.

He looked at me in bewilderment. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing for you to worry about!" I rambled quickly. Nezu was mad at me because he kept hanging around me. How could I tell him he was the main reason why this was happening to me?

"I'm off then!" I ran ahead, waving goodbye to him but he continued to walk alongside me.

"Why are you following me again?" I asked him but he didn't answer.

"Do you like annoying me? Is that it?" He shook his head in agreement.

"Let's get ice cream together." I randomly said something to force him to answer me.

"Sure! I'll pay" he said with a smile.


We sat on the benches outside that overlooked the view of the open sea and a huge bridge while eating our desired flavor ice cream.

"You don't seem like you these days." Usui mumbled, finally breaking the silence that was formed.

"I know right..." My voice trailed off. I knew it too. I felt it too. I didn't seem like myself. Was it because of how caught up I am with work?

"I know I'm not in the position to pry but if there's anything you wanna tell me... feel free to do so. I heard it's better to tell someone rather than to bottle it up inside you." He spoke in a rather gentler tone. Is this Usui? Who knew he could be like that...

"Where do I even start?" I heaved a heavy sigh and recollected my thoughts.

I told him everything. I told him about my dad, my family and the huge incident that occurred in my old school. Though it was a bit unnerving, I felt quite comfortable talking to him. As for a person who had everything he needed right in his hands he still understood the struggle I was going through and he comforted me.

"Don't worry're strong. I'm sure you'll get through this." He pulled me into an embrace. His hands gently patted my head.


It was the next day and I was fully prepared for whatever Nezu would do to me but surprisingly she didn't ask for me nor did I see her anywhere in school.

A whole week had gone by and there was no sign of her. Usui on the other hand...for some reason I couldn't face him after almost crying in front of him while telling him my problems so whenever I saw him I avoided him.

In the 7 days that went by, I worked my ass off each day to earn my pay so that I could start saving for my dad's treatment.

A few days into the 6th week of school, rumors started spreading about me. When I was walking to the cafeteria I overheard a group of girls talking about me.

"Her dad is the Ceo of Artemis!" The first girl spoke.

"Artemis?! You mean that super huge Tech building?!" The other girl added.

"But I also heard that she...." The third girl pulled them together, making a circle to whisper in their ears.

I casually walked along side them as they continued to prattle about the nonexistent life they spoke of.

"Finish what you were about to say", I rested my hand on the girl's shoulder.

They all froze in shock and exchanged worried glances. The third girl stepped forward with her head bent down and her fingers twirling her hair.

"I heard that you do that with guys to get money--", she said in a quieter tone.


Fucking guys to get money?

Seriously, again?

I stood there dumbfounded, not knowing what to do. Before I could speak up, the three girls had already left. The last thing I heard they say we're, "let's get out of here before we get into trouble!" And with that they ran off.

My father? The Ceo of Artemis??


I continued on my way to the cafeteria and upon entering everyone's eyes were fixed on me but their silent gossip spread like wildfire.

Who started this ridiculous rumor?!!

While I was walking back, I accidentally bumped into Usui. He was just chatting with one of his classmates and I just happened to meet him. I finally came in contact with him after almost 2 weeks.

I wasn't going to bother him so I was about to walk off but I instantaneously felt a tug at my neck. When I looked back, Usui had grabbed ahold of my uniform by the neck and pulled it back.

"Are you trying to kill me!?" I exclaimed through intermissions of deep breaths.

His friend had already left and it was just the 2 of us alone.

"I think I'm going too easy on you. I don't feel the enjoyment of having you do stuff for me yet. You won't mind if I asked you to do something crazy right? Then again you can't go against my orders." He teased me, sticking out his tongue.

"Am I your personal maid or something like that?"

"Took you long enough to realize." He said lazily.

"Should I make you wear a maid dress? Then everyone will know that you're mine~"

Usui said without faltering.

"Are you crazy? A maid dress?! For sure people will think I'm some fucked up person who makes money by fucking guys!" I slapped a hand across my mouth when I realized what I blurted out.

He looked at me with raised brows. "Where did you hear that from?" He asked in a serious tone.

"Well there's no point in hiding it is there?" I shook my head in disappointment.

"There's a rumor going around that my dad's super rich and--" I paused when it came to the part about me.

"And they're saying I fuck random guys for money..." I looked away from him. I felt so embarrassed to say that to him.

"Usui?" He didn't say a single word while I explained the issue.

Did I make him uncomfortable or does he just not care to respond?

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