Chapter 5

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Why me? I kept asking myself that question.

Why him? Why not someone else? Why was it the kid that all the girls liked? The one who attracts attention everywhere he goes. What would my life become because of him?

I was going to find out soon, after all today was the first day our 'contract' begun.

"Hey, Natsuki! Wait for me!", I heard that same voice I was dreading to hear call my name. I stopped but hesitated to turn around to face him. Is today the first day of being in hell? It surely feels like it!

"Can you not?" I sighed. I really wasn't ready for his shenanigans. We were directly in front of the school and everyone was watching us, whispering to themselves and others. I dropped my head down, eyeing the ground, hoping they'd think nothing of it but Usui kept calling my name.

"Can you please stop acting like you know me. People are staring." I said through gritted teeth as quiet as possible. He looked at me with a frown as if he didn't understood why I was acting like that.

"Forget it" I huffed, pushing past him to get past the gates. Will Yui question me again? Will she suspect me for something bad? I seriously need to stop overthinking this!


I quietly sat in my seat unnoticed by anyone. I really didn't want to get questioned again by Yui because it made me on edge for some reason. IS THIS TRAUMA?!

I was slouched in my combination overthinking everything that happened. I was sighing every minute and I felt like I was in a hole of despair.

"Heyyyyyyyyyyy" a girl from the class next to us called out to me in a dragged out, forced tone.

"Yeah?" I simply answered. I knew she was here for something. There's no way she'd talk to me out of the blues like that. "You need something?" I asked her with a smile.

"How did you do it?" Her friendly tone changed from cute to menacing. "Do what?" I implored.

The look on her face changed and she was glaring at me with deadly eyes like if she wanted to kill me. Just when she was about to raise her voice the bell rang, stopping her from expressing what she wanted to know.

"Meet me on the rooftop at lunch. We'll finish our conversation there", she bent down to my level and whispered in my ear. "Oh and come alone", she sounded like she was threatening me. She rolled her eyes then stomped off.

I sighed a sigh of relief and fell back in my chair, wiping the sweat from my forehead. She was really scary for a second so going up to the roof probably meant death!

Right after she left I saw Yui walking into the classroom with a disgusted look on her face and she was coming right at me.

"You were with Usui again." She said irritably. I slumped my head down and cursed myself under my breath. "I-I happened to meet him at the front gate....t-that's all." my speech faltered. She looked at me with eyes of a predator.

"Oh okay!" her tone suddenly changed and she was back to being friendly with me. She comfortably sat in her seat in front of me and pulled out her diary, the same one that had Usui's name on it and began writing. I payed no attention to her and just looked out at the view from the window beside me.

The clouds were freely floating in the ocean blue sky and the slight breeze that blew by was cool and refreshing. While I was lost in admiring the beauty of the sky my eyes fell upon the kid on the field, lying down on the bare grass also looking up at the sky.

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