Chapter 15- The end

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I was sitting on my bed, contemplating exactly what to choose. Shouldn't I choose the one which is easier for my parents? But....well it's my decision right? Mom said she wouldn't mind which one I choose.


I was quietly walking to school with my earphones plugged in listening to music while trying to suppress all the thoughts that ran through my mind.

"Did you hear? Yui from 5A dropped out of school." I heard a whisper from a girl behind me. "Yeah apparently she was stalking some of the guys from school and did creepy stuff--" another girl added in a hushed tone.

At that moment I felt a bit of relief but I kinda felt bad for her. How did all of this spread so fast?

"Yeah but remember Natsuki from 5A, the stuff about her was a lie--", a third girl butted in, adding more to what they knew about Yui and what she did.

I tilted my head back, looking up at the clear sky, pondering over it all. Things are slowly unfolding- how amazing.

I exhaled a sigh of relief and continued walking towards my classroom. Today was the day I fully decide. I was going to tell Usui about it after school.

I sat in my combination, playing with the strings on my bag that was hung beside it. My head rested on the desk, looking out through the window- the usual. The seat in front of me was now empty, free for anyone to sit seeing how Yui was finally gone. Who would've thought she'd continue this behavior up until was weird when she was younger but now, it's different.

Classes were a bore and I couldn't take my mind off Usui and that kiss. Does this mean he still likes me? He wouldn't just do it without a reason, right?


Me: meet me after school. I have something important to tell you.

Usui: I have something to tell you too ;)

Me: Mine might be shocking ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I continued to stare out the window, my heart was breathing faster this time. He has something to tell me too? Is he going to confess? Will this be good??

After classes were over~

I was sitting waiting by the convenience store we went for ice cream that day. I had my head tilting up, looking at the clouds as they floated freely without a worry in the world.

"Whatcha doing?" Usui's head popped up from nowhere, staring down at me. I jumped in surprise, not expecting him to arrive this early.

"Hello to you too" I greeted as I watched him take a seat opposite me. He took something out of a bag and handed it to me.

"Ooohh ice cream. Thanks!" I thanked him, opening the ice cream and started to dig in.

"So...who's going first? I think it's best I go..", I shrugged, looking down at my ice cream, evading eye contact with him.

"So what is it that you wanted to tell me?" Usui inched closer to me, all ears, ready to hear what I had to say. I took a deep breath to gather my thoughts.

"My mom thinks it's a good idea if we move back to Kyoto..." I trailed off, trying hard to not break character.

"You're leaving?!" He suddenly exclaimed, jolting forward. "You can't leave now...not again. No don't please.Why..?He started mumbling to himself but loud enough so that I could hear.

"I'mnotleavingthoughbecausemymomsaidstayinghereisokaytooandshesfinewithit." I rambled quickly because of how nervous I was.

He stopped mumbling to himself and looked at me, grasping my hands and pulling me closer to him.

"Say that again, won't you?" He said in a husky tone while staring directly into my eyes.

"I'm not leaving though because my mom said staying here is okay." I said clearly making sure my words were distinctly heard.

A smirk fell upon his lips and he pulled me closer to him.

"My turn."

"I fucking love you Natsuki but I swear if you do something like that again I'll--" he couldn't continue and looked away from me when he saw I was grinning at him.

"You what? I'm sorry I didn't hear that clearly", I said mischievously and watched as he went into panic mode again because he was flustered.

"I like you Natsuki Soma. I fucking like you."

I felt my heart pulsate as I heard the words that escaped from his lips. Hearing him say it made me feel tingly in my stomach and I had the sudden urge to kiss him.

"I....." I stopped and sucked in a deep breath. He was still holding my hand and looking deep into my eyes, desperately awaiting for an answer.

"I actually liked you since we were smaller...." -Natsuki


I watched as he exploded happily but he still wanted to know why I didn't tell him.

"It was because I'd rather not watch you suffer but rather you move on happily...uhh but you didn't even move on either way." I chuckled and watched as he got up from his side of the chair and pulled me into a hug. When he broke the hug he seized my lips, softly placing a kiss on it.

"You know even after all these years I still don't know why you like me. Like why me? Aren't there better girls who've confessed?" He looked at me and shook his head.

"I like you because you're you and no one else would ever be that way."

The end

Im sorry I put y'all through this shit and I'm very disappointed in myself for writing it half heartedly. Your suffering has ended and so has this fanfic.

I hope y'all are okay now bye bye!

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