Chapter 9

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"About that....", my voice trailed off, pausing for a second.

"You already agreed to help so you can't go back on your word no matter what the plan is, okay?" I said for clarification because what I was about to tell him was a 50/50 chance it could work out.

He looked at me intriguingly and sat back in his chair. "Whatever it is, I'll do my best to make it work." He said sternly.

After I explained the plan in detail to him he seemed to be in slight disagreement.

"What? You don't like it?" I watched as he buried his face in his hands while sighing.

"It's a genius idea but that'll mean I won't be able to talk to you or see you until this works." He said in an unhappy tone.

"Jeez if you're worried about the fact that I won't be able to do stuff for you because of this plan then you should have just said so! Look, when everything's over you can extend the time on the deal we made between ourselves, alright." He looked up at me and heaved another sigh of disappointment.

"What?" I questioned, cluelessly trying to read his facial expression but I couldn't.

"It's nothing." He defended but it certainly didn't sound like nothing but I refrained from prying.

"So, starting from tomorrow the plan will be implemented. This all depends on if you want to do it." I watched as he looked like he was desperately trying to keep his composure.

He didn't say anything after that. He was just looking up at the sky, pondering over whatever was on his mind. After a while had past and he didn't respond or say anything, I came to the decision that he probably still needed time to think about the entire setup of the plan.

"Well I'll let you take enough time to decide. Text me when you're ready." I said while trying to get up.

The sun was close to setting and the place was oddly cold. I didn't even realize how much time had past when I was with Usui.

"Bye then" I bided farewell and begun to walk off. He was still seated there. He gave a little smile before seeing me go and went back to listening to music while sleeping.

As I was walking home I remembered what I thought of earlier. He looks familiar for some reason but I don't exactly know why.

I couldn't grasp what made me thought that nor could I understand his behavior. I didn't exactly understand him in general. I did find him annoying at times but he always found a way to make me feel comfortable around him. Also, I kind of take back what I said in the past. He really is a good looking dude but he still also is a weird alien.


I was in my room, patiently waiting for Usui to at least send a message or even call me but he didn't. What's taking him so long? Is he backing out now? All negative thoughts ran through my mind.

"Natsuki, aren't you coming for dinner?" I heard my mom call from downstairs. I looked at my phone one last time before leaving it on my bed then going down for dinner. I tried my best to eat my meal in peace, forcing away all the thoughts of Usui. It's going to be alright...if he backs out I'll just have to find a way to investigate who it is myself. I can do it! The most suspicious person right now is Nezu. It has to be her! She almost caused a big scene in the classroom because of the fact that she knew I lied about being cousins with him and Yui did say she announced to everyone that she liked Usui so it had to be her.

"Nezu? Are you okay?" My mom's voice snapped me back to reality. "Y-yeah I'm fine" I said while trying to catch my breath. "Is everything in school okay?" I choked on my tea when she said that. I cleared my throat calmly and looked at my plate, moving around my food awkwardly. "Yeah school's fine." I blatantly lied. I couldn't tell her that the same thing that happened in Kyoto happened here too. She would worry too much and I couldn't let that happen. My dad's already ill and I didn't want my mom to stress more.

I had already saved close to half of the amount needed for my dad's treatment. I went to work every time they called me and I also did extra work. As for now, I think I'm going at a good pace it's just my school life that's messed up again.

After peacefully eating dinner, I was nervous to check my phone that laid on my bed, facing downwards. Did he text? Did he call? Did he agree? Was all that ran through my mind. I had my fingers crossed then turned the phone slowly over. I pressed the power button but to my surprise there were no notifications.

I sat on my bed dumbfounded while I unlocked my phone to check his chats just to make sure. He wasn't online since 7 pm but I sent my message at 5pm. HE DIDN'T EVEN READ IT!

I threw my phone down away from me and buried my face in my pillow. "I guess he's backing out then" , I sighed. "He could have at least tell me rather than not even respond!" I said due to the fact that I was a bit irritated.

I moved my phone away from me and comfortably sat in bed, thinking about how I'd approach Nezu to find evidence that she was truly the culprit spreading those nasty lies.

This might probably be harder than it seems since she already despised me.

I didn't want to stress my brain out anymore so I got ready for bed with the mind that when I go to tomorrow I'd be fully dependent on myself.


I awoke unusually early and promptly made my way down for breakfast. The morning was calm and birds were still chirping sweetly when I went to the back to get the laundry for my mom. When I walked back in, I saw my dad sitting in his favorite chair in the living room but the expression on his face was like a he saw a ghost. He stared at the same spot, his eyes, dull and his body, lifeless. I briskly walked in front of him and stooped down on my knees so that he could get a good look at my face.

"Dad? It's me Natsuki..." I held his right hand, softly caressing it. His head slowly turned in my direction to face me and he looked down at me blankly then looked back at the place he was staring at.

"Breakfast is ready!" My mom announced from the kitchen. I tugged gently at my dad's sleeved shirt to acquire his attention but he didn't even budge. Is this happening because of his illness? I was about to say something else to him again but my mom suddenly intervened.

"I'll bring him to the kitchen, go and eat before the food gets cold." My mom ordered. I got up and walked to the kitchen to let her handle him.

When did he become like this?? Was he this spaced out from reality? Why didn't he even answer me? Is it getting that bad?

All these thoughts led to one thing, and that was getting money for his treatment. I needed to work more in order to earn enough to pay for his treatment.


Before going to school, I took a shortcut and walked around the city square to look for available jobs where applicants could be high schoolers. I walked around aimlessly to find any small jobs hiring part-timers but I couldn't find any. I was on the verge of despair but I couldn't give up yet.

After a while of asking around I checked the time and realized time was running out. I had to quickly make my way back to the street that led to Seika High.

I fixed my backpack properly on my back and walked in through the school's gate. As I was walking I saw Usui walking alongside someone, a girl to be more exact.

I caught up to him and called out his name from behind.

"Usui", I said loud enough for him to hear me but he didn't turn around. I called out to him once again but it seemed like he didn't hear me. Surprisingly, the girl that was next to him turned around to face me. When I saw her face I felt a sharp pang of betrayal. Is he going along with the plan or is he really just walking with Nezu right now!?

Why was he with Nezu? Does this mean he's playing his part or....? I was confused and a bit angry. If he accepted my offer why didn't he inform me? Why didn't he text me or call me? I don't get it!

I called out his name one last time but he didn't turn to face me. Nezu was the only one looking at me with a scowl plastered on her face. "What the fuck do you want with him?! Can't you see he doesn't want to talk to you?!" She yelled at me and pushed me but Usui just continued to walk.

He's ignoring me? What did I do wrong? Did I say something upsetting yesterday?

I don't get it! Why is he treating me like this?!

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