1- Caught

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Sabine Cheng has been concerned about her daughters behavior lately, even more so now that Marinette suddenly mentions that she wants to go to Shanghai now out of the blue. Doing some more research, Sabine had noticed that one of Marinette's classmates, Adrien Agreste, was going over to Shanghai right now for the grand opening of his father's store. Suddenly it all clicked in her head; Marinette wants to go to Shanghai to be with Adrien, not to connect with her Chinese family roots like she originally said.

But this wasn't the only reason as to why Sabine was concerned about Marinettes behavior; she had noticed a huge change in her daughters behavior ever since Adrien started going to her school. Her room was covered in photos of the young boy from head to toe, she had a chest filled with presents that were meant for her to give to him for the next....thirty some years?? What has been even more concerning was the fact that her daughter knew the boys schedule by heart and the fact that her friends have been condoning this type of behavior instead of telling her that what she was doing was wrong....and in some cases borderline illegal.....

Sabine knew she had to put a stop to this behavior now before somebody, more specifically her daughter, got hurt. Perhaps it was about time she and Tom took matters into their own hands and look for Marinette a therapist to talk to....

It has been a couple of days since Marinette had asked her parents if she could go to Shanghai, and Marinette was absolutely livid. They had confronted her the day after about the real reason as to why she wanted to go to Shanghai. Marinette tried to reassure her parents that she wanted to go and connect with her roots and that it wasn't anything Adrien related. Unfortunately for Marinette, her parents didn't believe her and instead told her she wasn't allowed to go.

Her mom had bought up Marinette's 'suspicious' behavior lately a little bit after. Marinette tried to defend herself, saying that there was absolutely nothing wrong with what she was doing and that she was only trying to protect Adrien from those that would hurt him...and the girls that potentially have feelings for him....

Needless to say Marinette was grounded for two weeks with no access to the internet, everything Adrien related was taken out of her room, and she was forced to attend weekly therapy sessions with someone by the name of Mary-Jane Gardner. Tikki tried to reason with Marinette, telling her that her parents were only trying to protect her and be there for her, but Marinette wasn't having any of that.

She slammed a fist down onto her desk, "I did nothing wrong!"

Tikki was about to say something, but decided against doing so. Marinette frustratedly walked over towards her bed and flopped down onto it.

"I'm completely innocent in all of this! Sure I do go overboard sometimes, but I'm just doing what's best for Adrien."

"No, you're only doing what's best for yourself," Tikki said as she sternly looked Marinette in the eyes, "Look, your crush on Adrien has gotten to the point where it's borderline obsessive, and not to mention illegal in some cases. You've misused your powers on numerous occasions just to break into the poor boys house—"

"In order to drop off gifts," Marinette interjected.

Tikki narrowed her eyes a bit, "What I'm trying to tell you is that your parents are right, your behavior has gotten to be pretty destructive lately and I'm not going to sit back and watch you loose everything over a boy."

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