7- Equals

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The rest of Marinette's week has been relatively uneventful, with the exception of Hawkmoth sending out his akumas to terrorize Paris as per usual. Lila's been trying twice as hard to get underneath Marinette's skin, but thankfully both Chloé (surprise, surprise) and Rose were able to shut things down before any chaos could start. Other than that, nothing else really happened in school or in Marinette's personal time, though she did manage to get her designs up on her website for back to school season.

Now the Eurasian was currently sitting in her therapists office right now sketching up some new designs, the eventual meeting with Master Fu later tonight still plaguing her mind. Not only was she going herself, but she will be with both of her parents and Chat Noir studying the ways of the Miraculous under Master Fu. With the concept of furthering her powers and coming up with a temporary solution to reduce the amount of akumas Hawkmoth could produce, needless to say Marinette was pretty excited.

It seems Mary-Jane had took notice of that too.

"You seem more happier than normal?" Mary-Jane raised an eyebrow as Marinette chuckled.

"Me and my friends have made plans for the weekend," Marinette said in a partially-truthful tone.

Yes, she and the band had made plans for the weekend, but Marinette didn't want to reveal to her therapist anything related to her alter-ego. It's odd enough that her parents know now (and are permanent members of her and Chat Noir's hero team), but Marinette wants to hold off on telling people until she gets the 'ok' from Master Fu. After all, she has a secret identity to maintain.

Mary-Jane decided not to press onto the matter and instead opted to talk about a different topic. She knew Marinette was lying, (she's not a fool), but at the same time had a feeling that whatever her client is hiding should probably stay hidden for the time being.

"And so Lila tried to ruin my big art project for class, but that didn't exactly go out very well for her," Marinette made an explosion gesture, "She probably should've watched where she was going."

"Oh!" Mary-Jane looked at Marinette in surprise, "Did she.."

"Land in a huge tray full of paint and got it everywheres (except my project of course)? Yes, and needless to say she's temporarily suspended from class for the time being. Not exactly the smartest move on her behalf," Marinette finished.

"Oh my," Mary-Jane gasped, "Is she alright?"

"Physically, yes, but her ego took a huge hit as a result. All I got to say is that she's had it coming. You don't mess with the art or theatre kids (they're a force to be reckon with)," Marinette responded as she finished up her sketch, "Anyways, I finally got around to posting my designs on the MDC website and sales have reached its maximum peak. I swear, I don't know what I'm going to do with Jagged these days.."

Mary-Jane chuckled, "Perks of being friends with celebrities?"

Marinette nodded, "He alongside Laura Nightingale have been promoting my brand since the release of my website. It also doesn't help out any that I got recognized by the Style Queen herself as a talented designer (though I don't know if Audrey's opinion should matter or not). I swear, my life's pretty exhausting."

"It sounds pretty exciting for me," Mary-Jane commented.

"Trust me, it really isn't (especially if you're Ladybug)."

"Well I suppose that's it for our session today. Oh, and tell your mom she and Mr. Dupain did an amazing job on those strawberry macaroons," Mary-Jane said as Marinette gathered her stuff.

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