8- Risk

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⚠️This chapter contains themes such as abuse and domestic violence. Viewer discretion is advised.⚠️

Adrien Agreste is not a fool. He's known Lila Rossi was a liar from the very beginning, even before Ladybug pointed it out to him all those months ago. Being a world-renowned celebrity has its perks, and one of them just so happens to be able to point out a lie in under a few seconds.

Why hasn't he called Lila out publicly on her lies? Adrien knew his classmates (or well some of them as it turns out) either wouldn't believe him or Lila would spin the situation in her favor and force Adrien into social exile like Marinette the last month of school. Not to mention his father had told him last week that the two of them are co-workers now.....which doesn't exactly make the situation any better for him...

Lila has been nothing but insufferable for the past two weeks; throwing tantrums, fighting with the crew, constantly trying to put her hands all over him, not doing as she was told, etc,. At least Plagg had his back the entire time, but even his company wasn't enough to comfort him during yet another one of Lila's fits...

Adrien felt completely and utterly alone, like he was still the same little boy trapped inside that big mansion with only his parents and Chloé to keep him company. Even with the limited freedom he got, his father still had control over the things he does, who he hangs out with, everything.

If only there was a way he could possibly escape this never ending cycle....

Being Chat Noir did give him the taste of freedom he desired for so long, but at the cost of having even more responsibilities piled on top of him. It was like he was in an ever-so sinking pool of despair....having to watch people constantly suffer and get killed on the daily, only for Ladybug to cast the Miraculous cure and bring them back again. Yet again he was trapped in another endless cycle...

Adrien could only imagine how Ladybug felt; the pressure to be a perfect heroine, people constantly shipping her with his alter-ego, having to wield one of the most powerful miraculous' in existence, secret identifies. Thankfully she had her parents to support her through this now, where before she had nobody to rely on (as much as Adrien tried to be there for her) and Master Fu's help when it comes to training. His partner has never felt more at ease...

The same really couldn't be said for Adrien...

Finishing up some leftover schoolwork, Adrien heavily sighed as he started to fiddle with his pencil. Unfortunately he had yet another photo shoot with Lila at five, then he had to go over to Kagami's house at six thirty to hear his father and Ms. Tsurugi discuss business, and after that he had to take a shower and get ready for school tomorrow...if he doesn't have to put up with yet another one of Hawkmoth's nightly akuma attacks.

Seriously, that bastard was a fucking insomniac.

Plagg seemed to share the same sentiment as him, having to be woken up so late in the night for Adrien to transfer into Chat Noir. The Kwami of Destruction openly complained about this, and honestly Adrien couldn't blame him for doing so (internally he does the same thing). The lack of sleep is slowly driving him insane....

Hearing a faint knock on the door, Adrien knew it was time to leave. Quickly making sure he looked presentable in the mirror, Adrien grabbed a piece of Camembert and put it in his pocket as he headed out the door and towards the limousine where Lila was already waiting for him.

What a great way to start the late afternoon....

"Uh Marinette, are you sure this is all necessary to take down Hawkmoth?" Tom asked as he pointed over to a map pinpointing the locations where people have gotten akumatized at.

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