Chapter 11. The Heart of An Assassin

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Ebony did a double take when she saw Hannah standing in the garden admiring a hummingbird that was flittering around the honeysuckles. It had been an entire week since she and the others had seen her. Dakota had kept Hannah locked up in his room. They hadn't seen her, but they'd certainly heard her... and him... getting it on.

She walked over to her.

Hannah noticed her and turned to her smiling.

Ebony took a step back and held her hands in front of her eyes. "Whoo child!" She reached in her pocket and took out a pair of dark shades which she quickly put on. "You're blinding me! You're glowing brighter than the sun!"

Hannah blushed and covered her face in embarrassment. "We were loud, weren't we? I told Dakota to stop being so...passionate with me...I can't help it that he makes me..."

"Scream out in the throes of the best orgasm of your life?" Ebony volunteered the last part of her sentenced. "Been there girl, I understand believe me... with Silas, not Dakota!" She quickly corrected before Hannah misunderstood. "When it's that good, you can't be quiet, you got to let that shit out! Start your own opera!"

Hanna giggled.

Ebony took off her shades and looked at her.

"What?" Hannah asked.

"You're different. There's a certain peace about you I've never seen before. You're so beautiful like this, not that you weren't before."

Hannah nodded. "I know. I feel it too. I'm not the same person I was when he brought me here."

"Dakota has definitely changed that's for sure," Ebony said. "Well, at least we got to see him coming out to get you some food. He should be ashamed of keeping you locked up like that. I was wondering when he was going to let you out for air."

"Never if I had my way," Dakota said suddenly standing behind Ebony causing her to visibly jump.

"Got dammit, Dakota!" Ebony smacked his shoulder out of annoyance. "Stop sneaking up on people. I almost shot you! And don't scare me like that, it's bad for the baby!"

Dakota didn't even glance at her. Those dark eyes of his burned possessively only for Hannah. "You snuck out while I was sleeping."

"I had to get away from you," Hannah told him.

"Are you running away from me, my little bird?" Dakota asked stalking towards her.

Hannah stood her ground. "Hummingbirds like to be free, not locked up in cages," Hannah told him.

"Uh huh, quote that poetry girl.... Where's Fabian when you need him?" Ebony said with her hands on her hips.

They ignored her as they stared into each other eyes.

"I will let you fly free as much as you like," Dakota said staring down at Hannah.

"Don't believe him girl! It's a trap," Ebony yelled in the background.

"But at the end of the day, I will come for you and I will find you no matter where you are..." Dakota told Hannah.

"Told ya," Ebony said. "They never let us fly free...once these men fall, you might as well kiss your independence goodbye... possessive assholes."

"What are you doing?" Silas asked walking out of the building towards her.

Ebony froze. She slowly turned around and smiled at him sweetly. "Nothing honey, just standing here being pregnant..."

"Well, you can go back in and lie down where I left you."

"Oh come on, I am not even showing yet and you're already treating me like I'm..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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