oh, who cares

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Hello to everyone that reads these stories! I am back from what feels like the dead because I know we all got that people notification on our phones. Tom and Zendaya have seemingly decided that they are going to try it out and with that, here I am. I'm 18 now, and I was 15 when I started writing these chapters and honestly it hasn't really been going okay. I really want to expand my writing ability to more than just a shipper's dream. I'm taking a Creative Writing class at the college I'm going to next year, so maybe that will spark my interest and I'll find something to write about. Who knows? But hey, after two long years, I am back with another chapter to fill your hearts with joy. Be on the lookout for my sporadic updates, and any new Creative Writing journeys I might have. A new book written by me is possible! Anyways, welcome back to my ramblings :) 


"You seriously think that we could just walk right out and they wouldn't care?" 

"No, love, I said that I wouldn't care. We both know that the paparazzi will be right on our tail and honestly, I want to have a beautiful summer day with you, I don't care who sees it."

They were sitting on her couch, Tom behind her with one arm wrapped around her stomach, Zendaya leaning back into him, discussing whether or not a beach day would attract unwanted viewers.

"Daya, it is literally 90 degrees out, I honestly can't fathom staying in this apartment, not when the air conditioner doesn't seem like it's working." 

Zendaya grimaced. It had ultimately been a year since her and Tom had decided to go for it, and while a little bit of secrecy is always fun, she really wanted to be out in the open. She had tried for days to figure out how she wanted to tell him, but from what he was telling her, it sounded like he had already decided that he didn't care about who saw them. 

"I just don't want to be a pawn in one of their games." She looked up at Tom, who was looking down at her endearingly. 

"Lovey, I don't think that's how that works. I mean, we're celebrities, we kind of signed up for their nonsense. It's our choice on how much we let them bug us. If you seriously don't want to go out, I am fine staying in here, but there's so much to do outside if we don't let them bug us."

"Fine. Let's go out."

Tom silently repeated the word yes in his head multiple times. He had been trying to convince Zendaya to go into the spotlight with him for many many days, but she had been wary of all the cameras that could have been shooting her. Beneath her confident exterior, she had always been a little frightened of the loss of privacy that came with being a celebrity of her stature. She knew that that was what it came with, of course, but she was different. She had let it take hold of her, and Tom just wanted to see his darling free from the curse of bad press, not that she had ever gotten any.

The press had loved her during all of the tours they did for upcoming movies, she seemed like she was having the time of her life on those never-ending red carpets, but he knew what went on behind closed doors. He knew how sweaty she would get while the hair and makeup crews worked their magic. He knew her little ways of coping, like squeezing her fists in and out like there was a stress ball in between them. He knew that she was a home-body at her inner most self. He didn't judge her for wanting to go back to the way things were. 

He picked himself up off the couch, trying not to look too excited, and failing miserably. She stood up, and he immediately twirled her around, making her oversized white sweatshirt pull in a little too high. 

"Watch it, sir. " joked his girlfriend, as she leaned down to pick up the lanyard she always took with her. It had keys and a wallet, the normal essentials, but it also included pepper spray, most often used to spray off the oncoming paparazzi.

"How does Thai sound?" Tom asked, and she looked up with that smile that drove him crazy, that beautiful smile that could force him to do anything she wanted. (Author's note: They actually did go to a Thai place before hand! Here's that article: https://www.tmz.com/2021/07/05/zendaya-tom-holland-thai-food-late-date-night-before-public-couple/)  It was late, very late, and he knew not a lot of paparazzi wouldn't be around. Even better. 

As they drove to the Thai food restaurant that was about a half mile away, both Tom and Zendaya were lost in thought. Thoughts about their relationship, thoughts about who they were with each other, thoughts about what food they were going to get. That was their thing, sitting in silence in some long drives and thinking. It was what made them special.

When they got to the restaurant, they began their usual process without even thinking. Tom walked in first, making it seem like they hadn't come in together, and Zendaya came in behind him a few moments later. Both wore their masks, and both walked quickly throughout the room to a what they assumed was a dark secluded table near the back. 

The waitress sidled up to them, one they've met before, through coming to this specific restaurant multiple times. It was kinda their go-to, as it was pretty close to their home and also pretty secluded. As they settled in, the waitress took their orders (Tom Yum Goong for Tom, and not just because of his name, and a standard Pad Thai for Zendaya, who could eat it in under ten seconds flat) and shuffled off to make them. Zendaya gave a look to Tom, one that he knew would end up with her engrossed in a new story, and he didn't care. He loved listening to her, loved the way her voice swelled up and down depending on how exciting her story was. He was so engrossed in it, he didn't notice TMZ and their cameras flashing for just a second outside, but Zendaya did. She always did. 


"Good morning, love."

Tom leaned over from his place on the right side of the bed to kiss Zendaya on the cheek. They had gotten home late last night, as Zendaya's story had gone on long and they couldn't stop talking to each other. She had fallen asleep right away, and Tom hadn't gotten a chance to tell her how proud he was of her for going out. No matter, he would do it now.

She was still fast asleep in his arms, so he rolled over to pull her closer to him and began tenderly and softly kissing her cheek and her forehead until she groaned and pulled him into her. 

"Good morning again, love." He said, as he let himself be pulled in to her. "I am so proud of you for what you did yesterday. It felt nice to go out like that again."

"Mmm," she said, half asleep. "Thanks, means a lot. Do you want to go out again today?"

He automatically sat up, thinking she was kidding and looked at her. 

"Are you serious? Are you sure you want to do that?"

"Are you kidding? It made you so happy, and I love doing that for you." She smiled as she pulled his arm closer around her, feeling his warmth and his smile against her head. 


They had long since shut off notifications for themselves on multiple news articles, which is why while the world was becoming far more excited than was probably necessary, they were still fast asleep. But the world was a blur, and would become even more so in the coming hours.


"Be safe, you too!" Zendaya's mother had traveled a long way to be with her daughter and her daughter's British boyfriend, but even mothers need their alone time. She was sending them off to be on the town while she got her rest for their big night. She watched as Tom opened the door for her daughter, careful to not ruin her comfy outfit, a white crop top with green pants. They were just going out to be comfy, she told herself, not to cause any scene. 

And honestly, that would have been the plan, until Z and Tom decided differently. 

Which they did.

As they got into Tom's car, Zendaya looked at her lovely boyfriend, ready to take on the world for her if she asked, and she decided to just go for it. She saw the oncoming black vans with notable paparazzi inside, and immediately made a choice. 

"Hey, Tom?"


"Kiss me."

And so he did, solidifying two years of dating rumors, of fighting off the press, and two years of hiding. Tom was so excited for what was to come, and he hoped the new woman beside him would be too. 

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