her birthday

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Hello y'all! Thank you to the two people who voted on my story, it's much appreciated:) There is no song attached to this little fic, but if you want to hum happy birthday while reading it, no one is stopping you. I will be going on vacation until next wednesday, so while nothing will be posted, things will be written.

voting, commenting and requesting would be very much appreciated!


It was nearing the end of August already, and Tom was slightly worried. His girlfriend's birthday was in less then a week and he was halfway across the world for another press tour. He wanted to be with her so badly, and the only thing that he could see her with was their facetimes and her non-frequent posts on Instagram. Of course, she sometimes snap chatted him, but she'd been off of snapchat completely for a while now. Speaking of Facetime, his phone had started buzzing and he had no doubt in his mind that it was his girlfriend. He pulled it out of his pocket and sure enough. There on the screen was a lovely picture of his girlfriend standing next to him that had been taken by a fan and one that he had subtly shifted to his contact photo for her. The letter Z was crawling across the screen as Tom scrambled to slide his phone into a connection.

There she was. Wearing his orange sweatshirt yet again and with her hair pulled into a ponytail, she looked gorgeous. She yawned.

"Hey gorgeous." He smiled.

"Hey yourself." She smirked and pulled Noon up onto her lap, who immediately started yapping once he had saw Tom on the screen. "Well, apparently, someone else was excited to see you as well."

"Hey Noonie, how's Z been treating you? Alright? Good." Tom laughed as the dog tilted his head back and forth, obviously recognizing Tom's voice but not knowing where he was. After a few moments of confusion, he hopped off of Z's lap, probably to go smuggle a treat from Darnell's unknowing hands. Zendaya twisted her body so that his sweatshirt was covering most of it.

"Are you cold, or what?"

Zendaya grimaced.

"The A.C. stopped working right."

"So then you should be hot now."

"No, I mean it stopped working right by being frickin 23 degrees everyday. Don't worry about me, though. Darnell got on the phone with the fixer person and he's coming over tomorrow."

"I'm sorry, did you just call your maintenance guy the fixer person?"

"Why, does that bother you, Thomas?" She asked with a smile.

"Not in the slightest. Are you excited for your birthday? What are your plans?"

"Honestly, I don't think anything's happening for my birthday. Darnell's gonna be out of town and so is Jacob, and the rest of my friends are either busy or unattainable. Even my parents are unreachable right now. I wish you were here." She frowned.

"I wish I was too. 23 is a big deal. Hold on, did you say Darnell wasn't gonna be in town? Isn't he always around you?"

"That's the mysterious thing about it. He won't even tell me where he's going."

"Weird. Well, goodnight, darling. I love you. I hope you have a wonderful birthday, and I miss you and I'll see you soon."

"I love you too."

As soon as her face had disappeared from his phone, he was shooting a text to Darnell.

Tom: Did you get the tickets already?

Darnell: Yep. Two tickets round trip to London a week after Z's birthday. You have your ticket set?

Tom: I do.

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