To many more Christmases with you, darling!

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Hello everyone, I am once again back from the grave to bring you a new chapter in the saga that is my abnormal writing schedule. I didn't end up taking that creative writing class, I got broken up with, and I just arrived home from watching Spiderman No Way Home (phenomenal movie, by the way), and figured now was as good a time as any to update this one-shot collection. So, without further ado, here is: To many more Christmases with you, darling. 

The trees were twinkling on their way back home, that was the main thing Zendaya remembered. That and the look on Tom's face when he was driving. His eyes usually lit up whenever they drove under the London lights around this time, much like a little child on their first Christmas. She loved it. This year was different. They had decided to spend their much earned break in London with Tom's family for Christmas and then head back to Los Angeles before the break ended. However, Zendaya knew that Tom had something up his sleeve for just themselves and she was anxious to figure out what it was. If MJ could figure out who Spiderman was, she could figure out what Tom had planned, right?


Wrong. Tom had taken a wrong turn somewhere between the airport and the streets between his house, and Zendaya was curious. Not anxious, but curious. They were driving through sleet covered roads, Tom careful to not bump into anyone with his precious cargo, and all Zendaya saw passing were trees. Lots and lots of beautifully grown trees creating an arch along the road. She stared up at them in awe and then heard Tom mumble something.

"What?" She questioned him, her big hazel eyes looking across at him in the innocent way he liked. 

"I said you're cute. I'm glad you're mine is what I was thinking, but I said you're cute."

Zendaya blushed, because even after two years of him being her Spiderman, she still found him way too cute as well. 

"Say, aren't you going to ask me why we're not at my house yet?" Tom asked. 

Zendaya played coy, saying "I figured you were taking a scenic route."

Tom laughed. "This sure is one long scenic route."

Zendaya smiled and snuggled into Tom's shoulder. He turned his head slightly and kissed her head softly, making her blush even harder. 

"Hey love, I'm going to need you to close your eyes as we're almost at this location."

Zendaya obliged, and sat in silence for the next three minutes while the car steadily drove along the street, gliding over the bumps that London vehicles had created over the years. 

She heard Tom park and stop the car. He opened his door and closed it again and she heard the crunch of his shoes walk along the snow to her side. The door opened. 

"Alright, now keep your eyes closed and feel for my hand."

Zendaya's mitten flailed around until she grasped on to his gloved hand. 

"It's okay, love, I got you." Tom whispered as she stepped out of the car.

She heard her car door close behind her, and felt Tom's hand on the small of her back as he lead her to this mysterious place. It was cold, but not too cold that she couldn't move. Her coat warmed her up pretty well, and she had a feeling she'd be close to Tom soon enough. They walked for a couple minutes then stopped near what she felt underneath her shoes like a pathway. 

"Alright, my love, open."

She opened her eyes and in front of her was the most magnificent ice covered gazebo she had ever seen. There were fairy lights gliding across the roof into poles at each corner, and the area around the gazebo was lit up with more fairy lights. Two benches were placed in the middle of the gazebo and as she stared in awe, Tom pulled her to him. 

"I wanted to give you a good start to the Christmas season. I know how stressed you've been. You deserve a break."

"You deserve one too, you've been working yourself to the bone lately, darling." 

Tom smiled and led her to one of the benches. They sat down and Zendaya curled up into her boyfriend's arms, not having done this in a while. She hadn't relaxed in a while, and she knew she could in his arms right now, and she was grateful for him. She was grateful for what he had brought to her life, a sort of softness no one else had. She was grateful for his angelic presence in her life, and although she'd told him that many times, she was never able to truly express how wonderful it felt to be loved by him. 

"Hey, Tom?"


She snuggled her head into his arms, and he wrapped himself around her. He leaned down to kiss her cheek, then moved his head to kiss her lips. It was a soft kiss, a normal one for him, but she loved it nonetheless. The goosebumps she felt with him were more than anything she had felt before and she loved him. She loved him more than anything out there. 

"I'm so glad I get to spend Christmas with you."

He smiled.

"Me too, love. Here's to many more Christmases with you." 

"To many more Christmases with you, darling!" 

Her energetic response let Tom know that she was comfortable in his presence and he was grateful that she trusted him like that. Trusted him enough to be here, and to let him take her places where she didn't know the location. He was grateful for her, her strong presence created a beautiful thing in his life. One that he didn't know could happen to him. He was so grateful for her.

He bent down and kissed her forehead once again, whispering I love you into her head. 

She smiled back up at him and mouthed I love you too.

And there they sat, two lovers in London, watching the snow fall on a winter's night. Both entwined and enamored with each other, and both so so grateful for the other's presence. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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