rainy day

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hi, it's me again!
I hope you've enjoyed these last two chapters!
the song embedded in this chapter is:  perfect by Ed Sheeran

voting, requesting, and commenting is appreciated!

enjoy the story:)

As the rain pattered down quite hard on the windows of Tom's home, he grimaced. He was supposed to be out touring London with his girlfriend, not stuck in here inside. He walked toward the living room, where his girlfriend was sitting with a body-size blanket wrapped around her by the fireplace. He walked closer and heard the snuffles of his dog with her.

Zendaya looked behind her as she heard her boyfriend's padded feet coming toward her.

"Man, it's really coming down out there."
She smiled and continued to cuddle with Tessa.

"I'm aware."
Tom grimaced as he sat down on the cushion next to Zendaya. He patted Tessa's head. Zendaya moved her body to form a little cloud on Tom's body.

"What, are you mad about the rain?"
She asked as she snuggled her head into the crook of his neck.

Tom kissed his girlfriend's head and wrapped an arm around her blanket-covered back.

"I mean, kind of. We were supposed to go touring today, remember? It was supposed to be fun and the rain messed it up, and now I can't bring you around town as we had planned."

Zendaya smiled. Her boyfriend was always so caring, but he had been too hard on himself lately. She kissed him, and then stood up and grabbed his arm.

"What are you doing?"

"Making this rainy day fun. Come on, get up!"

Tom didn't know what his girlfriend had planned but he was soon to find out.

12:30 P.M.


A card slapped down on the floor and Tom grimaced.

"Nooo, love."

Zendaya smiled and kissed him with a bright smile on her face.

"I love you, you know that?"

"Well obviously I love you too, but that doesn't change the fact that you literally just pulled a draw 4 on me." 

He leaned over the cards haphazardly strewn across the floor to tickle his girlfriend's neck. She laughed. 

"Tom, stop, I can't breathe!" She screamed while giggling. 

Tessa scampered around the two of them barking, then settled down next to Tom. 

"See, Tess is sick of the rain too, Z, it's not just me. "

Zendaya smiled and rubbed her boyfriend's shoulder. She loved this guy so much, sometimes she couldn't contain it. That was the place she was at right now. Giddy smile, and giddy feelings. 

"Tom. Look at me."

Tom looked up and cracked a smile at his girlfriend's puppy dog eyes. 

"I love spending time with you. It doesn't matter where we are. I just love being with you and laughing and smiling. You don't have to take me on a tour of your hometown just to prove that you love me. I know you do and I love you always."

Tom smiled again. His girlfriend always knew what to say when he felt bummed about something. 

"Hey, I have an idea! Let's make hot chocolate!"

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