Chapter 7: Aftermath And Recovery

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No-ones pov

Slowly opening your eyes you blinked before closing them after the light blinded you, hearing shouting you opened them again and saw Rengoku supporting your side before smiling and thinking:

Y/N: at least he's alive

Rengoku ran towards the butterfly estate as he held your side tighter as you groaned in pain while blood poured out of your stomach. Whimpering you looked up and saw Rengoku's face full of worry and pain.

Before you could speak you gasped in pain as your lungs burned and your throat started to fill with blood and you spat out blood and that got Rengoku's attention.

Rengoku: y/n stay with me ok don't close your eyes!

You panted trying to steady your breathing and close the wounds a little, before pain shot up your chest and you puked up blood Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke ran along side him as he slammed through the doors alarming Shinobu and the others as she went to speak before freezing at the sight in front of her.

No-ones pov

Sumi, Kiyo and Naho screamed as Aoi held her face with her shaking hands as Rengoku panted and shouted.


Snapping out of her shocked state she ran towards you both and checked your pulse feeling how weak it was and directed Rengoku to inside and he gently laid you down on the bed as Shinobu walked up to us with medical supplies as she raised her hands towards the piece of bone sticking out of your chest that needed to be fixed back into place.

Shinobu: Rengoku-san hold him down

Y/n: w what-

Before you could finish your sentence Rengoku held your shoulder and with that Shinobu snapped your bone back into please and you froze.


Pain.......unbearable pain was all you felt as you struggled against Rengoku while you sobbed as Shinobu cleaned and twitched the wound and flinching when you screamed suddenly feeling tired you looked up and stared into Rengoku's eyes and weakly smiled.

Y/N: R Rengoku

Rengoku: shh save your strength

Y/N: I g got the f fucker good r right?

He looked at you with shock a he has never heard you swear before and you weakly chuckled at this before all went black.

Rengoku: Y/N?!

No-ones pov

Groaning softly you sat up opening your reddish e/c eyes looking around the room with confusion. Standing up on shaky legs you hissed in pain and held your stomach, taking a deep breath you reached for the clean yukata near your bedside.

Putting on your yukata you slowly walked and made your way to the garden in the Butterfly Estate and took a deep breath of the fresh clean air, wincing when a dull pain made its way in your chest sighing you rubbed your chest trying to sooth the pain while closing your eyes in peace.

Hearing a commotion you snapped out of your daze as your eyes open and turned seeing a burgundy haired figure in the distance as two blonde figures shouted at each other and turned to walk away before gasping and spinning around seeing the figures more clearly as the one of the figures raised his fist at a smaller blonde figure.

Y/N: Shinjuro?! "sees Rengoku and little brother about to be hit" OH HELL NO!

Running towards them with new found strength you grabbed Shinjuro's fist and glared at him as a veins appeared on your head, the man seemed shocked that male that looked like Tanjiro with such an injury was fast enough to catch his hand. He shook his head and got over his shock before glaring back at you and you could smell the sake from here.

Shinjuro: move sun breather that weakling needs to learn he's worthless!

And with that you kicked him in the balls and as he fell to the ground you frowned and grabbed his hair while he grunted holding his jewels. Looking up he saw something that scared him.

Y/N: 1. do not raise your fist at my friend and your sons and two "aura bursts out"

 do not raise your fist at my friend and your sons and two "aura bursts out"

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Grabbing his hair tighter he hissed in pain and you looked at him straight in the eyes with tears streaming down your eyes as your stomach screamed with pain.


Letting him go you took a deep breath and checked Tanjiro for any injuries before feeling a hand on your shoulder you turned and see Kyojuro looking at you like this:

Rengoku: thank you y/n

Smiling widely you turned not seeing Tanjiro knock Shinjuro out and smiled brightly at Senjuro you kneeled down with Kyojuro's help and held your hand out while bowing your head.

Y/N: hello Senjuro nice to see you again

He smiled widely at you and you giggled at his little flustered face as you ruffled his hair.

Senjuro: g good t to see you l/n-san! "bows" thank y you f for saving Aniki

You chuckled and hugged him before letting go and turned ruffling Tanjirou's hair.

Y/n: nice headbutt little brother


Tashio secret

You were really nervous after meeting Rengoku's father but you put him in his place!

Also don't tell the other but Senjuro is such a cute little bean!

Until next time bye!

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