Chapter 6: Saving Rengoku

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No-ones pov

Grunting you kneeled down and gripped your side while staring at the battle in front of you and panted while struggling to get up while shouting at yourself.

Y/N: come Y/N get up you need to protect Rengoku and the others!

Standing up you gripped your sword and saw Akaza about to hit Rengoku's eyes and inhaled a lung full of air as your sword glowed.

Standing up you gripped your sword and saw Akaza about to hit Rengoku's eyes and inhaled a lung full of air as your sword glowed

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Breath of the sun tenth form: Fire Wheel

Slashing his arm off Akaza stared at you with shock as he saw a red and yellow aura surrounded you. Panting you stood in front of Rengoku as he kneeled and tried to catch his breath. Glaring at the pink haired demon you practically growled out.

Y/N: I wont let you touch him!

You stared each other down, daring the other one to attack first and you saw Akaza's hesitation and growled lowly.

Y/N: leave now and we can end this peacefully or "eyes start to glow"

Y/N: leave now and we can end this peacefully or "eyes start to glow"

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Y/N: suffer the rage of the sun!

He shivered before vanishing and you turned just in time to block his attack meant for Rengoku and stared into his soul seeing a broken and grieving man being forced to do this,  only to gasp as Rengoku pushed you out of the way as Akaza attacked him and you fell while you skidded across the ground landing beside Tanjiro.

Seeing both demon and hashira prepare  there final attack you inhaled a lung full of air before turning to Tanjiro and patting his head.

Y/N: take care of yourself and Nezuko little brother

Breath of the sun sixth form: Solar Heat Haze

No-ones pov

As the dust settled Tanjiro, Inosuke, Akaza and...........Rengoku were shocked to see what was happening as the sound of blood splattering against the floor sounded throughout the battle field. Blood dripped down the ground staining the white snow to a dark crimson colour.

Y/n: ack! "chokes up blood"

Y/n: ack! "chokes up blood"

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Rengoku: Y/N?!


Akaza: WHAT?!

Instead of Rengoku being impaled through the chest there you stood glaring into Akaza's very soul with his hand impaled through your stomach, coughing up blood you swung your blade and struck his neck and looked at him like this.

Instead of Rengoku being impaled through the chest there you stood glaring into Akaza's very soul with his hand impaled through your stomach, coughing up blood you swung your blade and struck his neck and looked at him like this

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Akaza: ACK!

Y/N: If I I'm g going d down I'M TAKING YOU WITH ME!

Grabbing his other hand that started to move you grunted and held your ground and tensed your muscles to make it harder for him to move, seeing a faint yellow glowed you turned and saw the sun start to rise and Akaza panicked and struggled even more.

Akaza: LET ME GO!


Suddenly he ripped his arms off and ran into the forest with a look of regret as you fell to the ground, Rengoku ran towards you and supported your body as you leaned against him as he and the others could see your wounds clearer now.


Y/N: T Tanjiro i its o ok

Rengoku: Y/N save your strength!

Tanjiro: "sobs" we lost the others I can't lose you too!

Looking up you smiled at the boy, before turning to look at Rengoku and coughed trying to clear your throat .

Y/N: b because h he has a l little b brother t to protect "takes a deep breath" I too k know the  duty of protecting a a little b brother

Looking at the sun rise you gasped seeing a figure in a dark purple and pink flowered kimono as tears started to fall down your face, reaching out for her as she smiled the exact same smile you remember.


All three male looked but could only see a blue orb floating in the air as the sun shined down on them all.

Y/N: d did I d do g good a are you proud?

Mother: "smiles" you did amazing y/n I'm so proud of you "looks at you sadly" but its not your time yet sweetie you have to continue your fight

Slowly closing your eyes you heard the shouts of Rengoku ordering the kakushi to help the people as he lifted you up in his arms and ran.

Before darkness consumed you............

The crows flew around the Hashira and other demon slayers delivering the news.


Shinobu: "shocked" oh my

Mitsuri: "covers face and cries" oh no I hope he's ok

Himejima: "prays" may the gods be with him

Giyuu: I see

Sanemi: I will destroy all demons

Tengen: sacrificing his life for another hashira huh?

Obanai: he's willing to protect his comrades no matter what

Muichiro: he's the sun hashira right?

Somewhere else

Muzan: anything else Akaza

Akaza: "still recovering" yes sir it seems that  sun breather you fear is alive I  saw it

Muzan: "stops reading book and looks at him with a glare" find him

"I will not let him ruin my goal to my perfection"........

Tashio Secret

W Will you survive I do not know

Hopefully you do I mean what would your family think?!

Rengoku: your strong L/N you can do this!

Next update is Saturday!

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