"Vinny shut up."

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Later that day~
Everyone had left besides Vinny, you two had plans to binge watch the Halloween movies. Ricky was warming up leftovers, you and Vin were lounging on the couch, you playing dead by daylight and Vin watching dog videos. Ricky comes back handing you and Vinny plates of wings . You weren't as hungry so you only had one.

"You've hardly touched your food." Ricky asked a bit worried.

"I'm not hungry for wings." You said handing them over to him.

"Well it's leftover night we've got pizza or pasta what are you hungry for?" Ricky suggested.

"Chris." Vinny smirked not even looking up from his phone.

"Vinny, Shut up." You yelled back.

Ricky shot a glare, looking confused.

"WELL YOU ARE." He throws his phone on his lap.

"I said shut up you little insect." You mutter

"Well they are." He whined.
(Anyone guess what movie this is from)

"Do I have to separate you two?" Ricky asked like a teacher.

"Ok moving on hey Ricky do you remember my friend maddie?" You asked

"Ya of course you two were like twins." 

"Could she come hang out she just moving near here?"

"Ya sure."

"Yay thx."

"Can you two shut up already we're watching a movie." Vin yelled

You throw your empty bottle at him and prop your feet on his lap. He shrugs and continues to watch the movie.

Few days later~
Your playing air hockey with Vinny, with chris and Ricky hanging out, as you hear a knock at the door.

"She here my besties here." You rush to the door to open it.

"Hey *nickname* how long has it been?"

"Way too long." You laugh.

You let her in and bring her to the living room.

"Let me introduce you." You pointed to Rick "you remember Ricky right?" 

"Yup hey Ricky." Maddie said smirking

"Hey maddie." He waved

"Hey I'm Vin arguably the best member." He boasts.

"He's really not." You whisper.

"Hey I'm Chris you're really pretty by the way."

"Oh your not too bad yourself." She smirks

"Oh shit that's not good" Vinny muttered to Ricky

"Ok um you ready to go now." You fake smile.

"Where are you going?" Ricky asks like a protective older brother

"Just to the mall." You felt horrible but you couldn't let anyone know.

"Ok text me when you get there please." He asks

You nod, leaving out the door. Ricky shot around and gave Chris a look.

"What was that?!?!"

"What do you mean?" Chris asked confused.

Ricky's siblingWhere stories live. Discover now