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"Hey I want to help trust me , but I've got to get the the studio. " He gets up, and grabs his phone and keys. "But hey your more than welcome to come with me."

"Naw I can't see Chris, I'll go home and ask Mike to hang, see ya dipshit." You wave, he waves back.

You drive home, listening to palaye royale. You were still pissed at Rick but felt like you were overreacting so you ignored it. You got home to see Mike waiting for you.

"Hey *nickname." He calls out

"Hey Mikey, I was just about to text you after I got ready." You unlock the door.

"Alright, so you good to hang?"

"I'm down, come on in, I've got to change." You throw your keys on the counter.

Mike sits himself on the couch, grabbing his phone out. You leave to change, you come back out in *whatever you want to wear*.  You two leave for the mall, and walk around for awhile.

"Have you seen the new conjuring movie?" Mike asked while you two were at Olive Garden.

"Not yet, but I'm soooooo down, I'll check for available times." You pull your phone out and see Ricky's caller id. "Uh hello."

"Where the hell are you?" He yells.

"With mike, the hell you want?"

"Just get to the studio now! Got it?"

"Shit fine calm down." You hang up and turn to mike, "princess wants me at the studio, do you mind driving me?"

"Ya I got you." He smiles

You two drive to the studio, it was only a few minutes away from the mall.

"What's with you?!?! I thought you were with Vinny, your supposed to tell me where you are." Ricky said loudly.

"I was, but your not my guardian by the way. And I also don't want to be here." You said sternly

"Not even to see me?" Ryan smirked

"Not the time sitkowski."

"Wait why don't you want to be here?" Chris asked walking up to you.

You thought for a moment, Chris looked around confused.

"Maybe one day you'll understand." You said looking down.

"Maybe we should go y/n." Mike grabs your waist protectively

"Mike what the hell are you doing here?" Chris asked

"I was hanging out with y/n/n , y/n but I think we should leave. "

"You can go, their staying ." Ricky replied

"Ricky calm down , why would I want to be here anyway." You were stressing

"Y/n come here ." Ricky said guiding you over.

You two walk into the hallway.

"What you gonna yell at me some more?"

"I don't want you hanging out with him I'm just looking out for you ."

"Bro I'm old enough to take care of myself. I don't need your help. What. Could he possibly do?"

"I just don't want you going through another (ex's name) ."

"How dare you! You have no right to talk about that." You walk away back to mike "let's go please."

"Hey I got pizza, wait what happened." Vinny said confused


Texting ricky
Raccoon 🦝
Where are you?

At mikes

Raccoon 🦝
When are you coming home?

Idk I can't around it's to hard right now, I left because your stressing me out . I don't need that .

Raccoon 🦝
I'm sorry I'm just trying to help

I just can't with you, after the park I just need a break

Raccoon 🦝
Please just come back I'm family

I need time please respect that

Raccoon 🦝
Sorry , I love you dork

Love you too raccoon
Texting Vinny

Hey wtf happened?

Ricky said some questionable stuff and forced me to go to the studio.

I'll talk to him brb

"Hey y/n/n you ok?" Mike asked sitting next to you on the couch

"Just great , texting Rick and Vin ." You slumped down

"Sorry let's watch your favorite movie it'll make you feel better." He said grabbing the clicker

"Mmk Mikey." You cuddle up to him. And he tenses up like he needs to say something. "Are you ok?"

"Well Um the thing is well , will you go on a date with me?" He asked nervously.

Ricky's siblingWhere stories live. Discover now