You what?

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In the morning~
You jump out of your bunk, walking into the main lounge. You see Chris sitting on the couch, playing on his phone.You grab an apple and sit next to Chris.

"Good morning gorgeous." He kisses the top of your head.

"Hey babe." You say smiling

"So what do you want to do today, we don't have anything planned."

"Can we go for a walk?"

"Ya of course, finish your apple and go get ready and we'll go."

You go get ready, putting on "clean" clothes, and your shoes(if you wear makeup, you didn't put it on)
You and Chris leave, holding hands. You two walk around in the heat for awhile, you complained a few times, but got an "I told you so." From Chris. After awhile you ran into:

"Oh y/n I thought I took care of you." Maddie said

"Maddie not now, I will not hesitate calling security." Chris said pulling you behind him.

You stepped forward
"No Chris I got this."

"Maddie, take your yellow highlights and fake tan and LEAVE. NOW."

She runs off.

"I'm sorry ricky had to tell you what happened." Chris said from behind you

Your turn around
"No don't be, I remember now."

"Wait really." He asks, you slowly nod. "That's amazing." He picks you up in a hug, and kisses you.

He puts you down, you were shocked but happy.

"Let's go tell Ricky." You say grabbing his hand.

You two run back to the bus, seeing ricky on the couch. You go over and sit with him.

"Ricky,Ricky, guess what?!??" You we're jumping with joy.

"What." He put us phone down, "what's up?"

"They got their memories back." Chris said excitedly


Vinny walks in.
"Wow Chris way to steal the moment."

"Shut up Vinny." Chris sneered

"Oh leave him be, I'm joking." You say

"Wait , no you'll lose your patience now." Vinny laughed

"Patience?, what?" You say looking around

"Ya he doesn't have any." Vinny said. "Also you get to look forward to have your kids having his patience too."

"Oh definitely." You smirked

"Wow thanks babe." Chris acted offended

"I'm joking babe, it's ok. Laugh once and awhile."

"You know I'd love to be an uncle, but wait awhile please." Ricky said getting up going to the kitchen

"Ricky." You pause looking at him. "I know, and we're on tour anyway."

"So." Vinny sits next to you. "Can i be The Godfather please?"

"No screw you, I've known Chris longest." Ryan yelled

"I'm technically, y/n's brother so." Ricky says slyly

Justin slowly puts in his earbuds, not wanting to be apart of the conversation
You smile, loving this. You grab chris' hand, cuddling up to him.They eventually settle down, coming to watch a movie.

Tour ended, you moved in with Chris. You two decided after (how ever long you want) to have a kid. (In anyway, clinic or something.) you find out your pregnant and ask ash to help throw a party to tell Chris.

"Can I get everyones attention please?" You say standing in the middle of the living room. "I have something for Chris."

"For me? What?" He says confused

"Yes." You giving me him a bag. "And your brothers, and mine."

They all look confused but open the gifts.
In Chris' gift:

Chris jumped up, eyes wide

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Chris jumped up, eyes wide.
"Wait does this mean what I think it means?"

"Yes it does." You smile

"HOLY SHIT, YESS." He hugs you.


You look at him, shaking your head smiling.
"Yes and ash is the godmother."

Ricky comes to talk to you

"Damn, I get to be an uncle, that's honestly crazy." He says

"Ya I know, never would've expected this either." You smile, giving him a hug

"Your gonna be an amazing parent y/n, don't worry."
You smile and he leaves.

"We're gonna be parents, i don't know what to say." Chris says

"It's ok, I'm still in shock too." You reply cleaning up from the party. "Just hope this kid will have patience unlike their dad." You giggle

"Not true, I put up with Vinny. You know how many times I wanna yell." He jokes

"I know im kidding, now Im gonna eat and then go to bed."

"We just ate." He stops

"And im pregnant, so what." You smile

"Right, gonna have to remember that." He jokes. You glare at him, smiling

You get your food, and go sit in your bedroom. You threw on (favorite tv show) and fell asleep after eating. Chris came in after you fell asleep, pulling the blanket over you, turning the tv off.

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