Y/n needs your help

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Ricks phone started ringing.

"Hold on." He waves everyone off. "Y/n hey what's wrong?"

"I think it's um I think it's happening again ." You had heavy breathing

"Ok deep breaths, I'll be their soon." He hangs up and looks at Chris. "Mmk Chris time to be a hero."

"Wait, what me? Why they trust you more." Chris said

"Yes you, dipshit, Now go." Ricky points to the door

"Ok ok." He rushes out the door, driving over to you.

You sit in your room, taking deep breaths, waiting for ricky. Chris opens the front door,

"Hey hello y/n, it's Chris where are you?" Chris yells out. 

"In .... My ...... room.... To..... the.... Left." You say between deep breaths.

He walks in seeing you curled in a ball.

"Hey it's ok what happened?" Chris rubs your back in a nice way

"Uh work, panic attack, really stressful." You explain "where's ricky?"

"He couldn't get here fast enough, but I'm here to help."


You curl up next to him, he hugs you. You eventually calm down thanks to Chris.

"Thanks Chris for being here." You look up and him and smile.

"Ya of course, how are you feeling now?" Chris asked

"Better still a bit stressed, but I'll be fine." You hug him, "thanks to you."

"You know I'll always be here for you."

You smile and nod . "So I had called ricky and you came, I'm a bit confused about that."

"You needed help, I was closer, so I came instead."

"Well I know that, but I feel like it's something More to it than that."

"I don't know what you mean." He smirked opening his phone

"I'm not sure, we've just never been close. So I'm confused why you'd even come."

"Fine ok I did want to help since your stressed." He turns off his phone turning toward you. "I like you y/n, will you please go on a date with me?"

"I don't know, I'll have to think about it." You open your phone scrolling on Instagram

He grabs your phone. "Wait what?!?"

"I'm joking Nerd, I honestly never thought you'd ask." You sweetly smiled

"Wait really, your serious?"

"Why would I lie, no restaurants Mmk?" You playfully point at him.

He hugs you in excitement. You call ash and tell her the news

"So then he asks me on a date can you believe it?!?" You squeal

"I knew it , you two will be adorable together." Ash exclaimed

"Thanks I'm so excited what should I wear." You stop." What will happen if it goes bad?"

"Hey don't let that in your head think about what will happen if it goes good." She reassures you

"Thanks I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow."

You get ready, wearing your favorite outfit with (optional) makeup. You put the finishing touches on your outfit, and hear a knock. You jog to the door, and open the door.

"Holy shit you look beautiful." Chris exclaimed

"Huh your not to bad yourself cerulli." You giggle

"Alright you ready to go?"

"Yup just need my phone,"

"You'll know when we get there." He smirked, you roll your eyes

You grab his hand walking to his car. You drive to the mall, and get out.

"Chris can we go see the puppies please? Before the arcade." You give him puppy dog eyes.

"Ya sure but ricky will kill me if I let you get one."

You laugh then pout. You go play with them, seeing an adorable little black lab. You two look around and see.....

"Well look who it is Chris and y/n, funny seeing you here." Maddie sneered

"If you'll excuse us we're on a date." You grab Chris' hand to walk away

"Oh really, huh replacing me with you, hopefully it doesn't end like (ex) (not mike*) ." She laughed

"Ok maddie that's enough." Chris yelled

You run off, Chris chases after you.

"Y/n , y/n it's ok it's ok." He hugs you

"All those things she said all the things she said running through my head." You start crying

"Hey I'm here I'm here, I got you." He cradles you.

He picks you up and carries you to the car.

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