A pregnant y/n

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Later(idk when)~

"So what do you want for dinner?" Chris asks while you two are watching the office.

"Um, maybe we can have wendys ." You stop. "Applebee's." "Chick fil a." "Donald's." You say counting them on your fingers.
"We can have one of those."

Chris laughs.
"Ok Wendy's sounds good."

"Yay nuggies, and frostie." You say excited

Chris places the order, it arrives after awhile. After You two eat:

"Your the best boyfriend ever." You say with the biggest smile

"Because I got you food?" He asks confused

"Um." You stop, and look at him. "Of course, are you crazy?, and you put up with my weird cravings too."

"Well thanks, but it's ok, cause you always pick the good places."

"OH!"You got your phone and opened it. "I found the cutest onesies on amazon."

"We don't even know if it's a boy or girl yet." You give him puppy dog eyes. "Your lucky, lemme see."

"There pretty cheap too, so?"

"I know you wanna get them, go ahead, they'll need it."

"Yay." You kiss him

Chris smiles, knowing your happy. You keep scrolling on amazon. Eventually Chris had to limit your amount of time your on amazon, after finding too much stuff. You wanted to order everything. But Chris did to, which you pointed out many times, finding him at the baby clothes while shopping.

Few months later~

Ash helped to plan your gender reveal party. Only her and Vinny knew, since he's nosy. You had decorated the house, in baby colors, (you hated the colors but thought it was cute). Luckily the cake was more fitting to your style.

"Can we get Chris and y/n to come cut the cake and see what baby cerulli is." Ash announced

You and Chris go over, with this cake:

You and Chris go over, with this cake:

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"Ok on three, one." You say."

"Two" Chris said

You two cut the cake, and pink sprinkles poured out.

"ITS A GIRL." Chris yelled, then picking you up(gently) spinning you.

"So when's the kid gonna start drumming?" Vinny asks upside down on your couch.

"Vin, she's not even born yet." You laugh

"Well, thanks to her godfather, she's gonna be the best drummer." He boasts

"Naw, she'll be like her dad, an amazing singer actually." You rebuttal

"Whatever imma get her a drum kit." Vinny dismissed what you said

"Vin," you pause. "Shut up."

"I will still fight you pregnant and all." He says in a fit

Ricky looks over shocked, Chris gives him an "oh really" look.

"Oh your gonna fight me now!" You stand up

Chris jumps in.
"No you will not."

"Ya know Vin, you make preparing for this kid, so easy." You say with a glare.

"Oh I'm a kid no-" Vinny starts standing up

"Ok that's enough of this, why don't you go get a snack." Chris suggested, cutting Vinny off.

"I will beat him and win." You say walking to the kitchen

"Yeah, you probably would." Ricky adds

You smile, the party went great, you didn't beat up Vinny, luckily. Chris didn't allow it.

A month later, y/n had a very gothic baby shower. Receiving things like a black stroller, and a bat/crescent moon mobile.

One day, you were putting away laundry and saw Chris sitting in baby cerulli's nursery. You walked in , coming up to him.

"Hey, you whatcha doing in here?"

He stood up, you pulling him into a hug.

"What's up, what's on your mind." You pause. "Are you worried?"

"Well kinda, just because she's almost here."

"Hey, there's nothing to worry about, we're in this together." You say breaking the hug

"Yeah, I know, I'm excited, but still a lot to take in." He goes over to the crib.

"Me too!" You come up next to him." But we forgot something, something very, very important."

He looks at you confused.

"To name her, she should have a name already, we can't keep calling her baby cerulli."

"Ah, right, how about Luna?" Chris suggests

"Aww perfect, Luna cerulli."

"Anything else we forgot, since you seem to know everything." He laughs

"I think we got it, but I'm hungry so."

"What are you craving now?"

"Pizza!" You say excited

You place an order for pizza, throwing on a movie, cuddling up on the couch.

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