Who are you?

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Chris runs over to you.
"Hey babe are you ok?"

"Oh Chris , I was just about to come talk to you." Maddie stepped closer to Chris

He turns toward you,
"Hey look at me, are you ok?"

"Oh don't tell me you still care for them?" Maddie acts shocked.

You give her a death stare,
"Why don't you take your bad attitude and fake tan and leave." You grit

She tries to slap you, but Chris grabs her arm. Pushing her back and putting you behind him.

"No, you don't." He shields you from her

"Hey don't you touch her." The guy who attacked you yelled

It all made sense now, she set the whole thing up.
"Oh god, it all makes sense now." You said

"Why don't you two leave, before I make you leave." Chris sternly said

The guy punches Chris, and they start fighting. You try to stop them but get hit in the process. You fall back and pass out.

"Oh shit y/n!!" Vinny runs over, grabbing out his phone to call an ambulance.


They ran out, Ricky turned to Vinny and you.

"We need to get them both, to the hospital now." Vinny urged

You all get to the hospital.

"Hey my sibling got hit and passed out." Ricky told the front desk

"What happened exactly?" The front desk, sneered

"They got in the middle of a fight." Ricky snapped back

"Chris needed to be looked at too." Vinny added

"After y/n, this is very urgent, so can you hurry it up please." Chris asked. Holding an ice pack to his head

After getting checked over the doctor came out to the guys. Ryan and Justin came right after they did.

"So seems like only a concussion, nothing more broken besides the ankle, which is like to ask what it was from." The doctor explained

"Oh um, the same person attacked them." Vinny answered

"I see, I'd suggest a restraining order, so we don't need to keep them overnight, unless you feel like it necessary. But if not we can go back and see them now." The doctor said

"No that's ok, we'd like to see them now, thank you." Ricky stood up

The doctor takes them back, you sit on the bed, watching the tv. Vinny rushes to your side.

"Y/n, hey, how are you feeling?" He grabs your hands, holding them

You look down and back up, slowly pulling them away.
"Um my head hurts, my back does too." You pause looking at Vinny and Chris. "Who are you?"

Vinny's face dropped, Chris looked at Ricky. You looked scared.

"What do you mean y/n, you don't remember me?"
Vinny's voice dropped

"Ricky?" You looks over scared.

"Hey y/n, do you remember me?" Chris walked over , crouching down

"Um no, sorry I don't know." You looked worried at him

His face dropped, he got back up to avoid scaring you.

"Hey , why don't you two go back to the waiting room." Ricky suggested, feeling the tense air.

They left, Chris slowly closing the door. You turned worried to Ricky. He looked sad, you could tell.

"Ricky," you say. "Who are they?"

"Well, the first one , with the pink hair, is Vinny, hes your best friend or one of them. The other, that's Chris ," he pauses. "Your boyfriend."

"What happened?, I'm confused."

He explained everything, when you first came to live with him, kuza, the tour, what happened that night.

You had a disgusted face.
"I should've known, she was such a bitch."

"She was?" Ricky asked

"Ya always about her, and stuff. She got the guys, she was jealous of me being related to you."

"She was friends with you for fame I guess."

"But Chris he's my boyfriend, you'd think I'd remember that. It's obvious from what you told me that I really love him."

"Ya the memory loss is a bitch, that concussion, and broken ankle. Your just having a bad trip, I'm sorry."

The door opened, for one of the nurses.
"We need you to sign to discharge the patient."
He hands Ricky the papers.

He signs them, and helps you up. Vinny calls an Uber to drive you all back. Ricky helps get you in the bus , sitting on the couch. You sit confused but you trust Ricky.

"Hey y/n how are you feeling?" Ryan sits next to you.

You look at ricky.
"Ok I think, who are you? "

"Looks like we have a lot of work on our hands." He looks around sad.

You know the room is tense, seeing your brothers face. And how everyone else looks emotionless.

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