Chapter 1: The First Meeting

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3 Months Earlier

"Sweetie, it's the first day of school. Come on, you don't want to be late for your first day of school, do you?", my mom exclaimed.

"I don't want to go.", I mumbled.

"Well too bad, because I'm taking you in fifteen minutes. Now, either I have to drag you out of there or you are going to get out and get dressed yourself, it's your choice.", she ordered.

When my mom left the room I mumbled four words to myself," I hate my life." I went to the bathroom to wash up and got dressed. I went down to get breakfast.

"Morning, Jack."

"Morning, Jane."

It's been two years ever since my dad left us when i was 11, and my just remarried about 4 months ago. I like Jack. He was like a real dad to me, considering that I barely saw my real dad of course.

I had grabbed a piece if toast and an orange and ran out the door. My mom was already in turning the car on.

"Good luck on your first day!", Jack yelled.

I waved to Jack with a smile.

(Skip ride to school)

"Have a nice day, sweetie!", my mom said as I got out of the car. We waved at each other. She left and as I turned around I saw a lot of kids talking and walking to the school. I was nervous. As I was walking, I looked around and saw that kids were looking and staring at me. There were comments that were ok and some that were rude.

"Who's she? Is she new?"
"She's pretty cute!"
"She looks like a slut!"

That last comment made me embarrassed as I looked down at my clothes. They were fine, not like that ones I saw and the girl that made that rude comment.

I found the office after roaming the halls of kids looking at me for 5 minutes. I found a woman in her mid 30s on the phone.

"How may I help you?", the lady asked.

I looked around and saw that her name was Ms. Hunt.

"Uh, hello. I'm Jane Harrison and I am new.", I replied.

"Hold on. Let me just print out your schedule and you can go off to class."

"Okay.", I said.

She went to the printer and handed me my schedule. I said thank you and I left the office looking at my schedule.

(Skip walk to first period)

I found the room after a few turns. I walked I and looked around the classroom. Everyone was staring at me in silence. Uh-oh, I thought. I started to get light headed. I thought I was going to pass out, but before I did the teacher asked, "Can I help you?" I walked up to her and showed her my schedule.

"Oh, you're the new student! Well I am Ms.Johnson. You can take a seat next to Samuel, Jane. if you need anything I would be happy to help you.", She exclaimed.

I nodded my head and I turned to look for Samuel. He waved to me. Wow! He was cute! He had black hair and a dark blue shirt that went well with the black jeans he wore. Including blue converse. I walked over and say down.

"Hi, I'm Samuel, Samuel Martinez.", he greeted.

"Hi, I'm Jane, Jane Harrison. Pleased to meet you.", I greeted back.

So first period went by and during the whole time I was taking glances at Samuel. I believe he had noticed, but decided to not look my way. Instead he just smiled.

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