Chapter 6: Confusion

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So I went back in the classroom to get my stuff, started to go to my 7th period, until I was being pulled somewhere. I panicked for a while until the person turned back and said, "Well hurry up! We're going to be late!" It was Sam. My mind was wondering what he was doing here. I wanted to ask him why he came all the way here, but I didn't have any words coming out. Then the bell rang. We were late.

"Look what you happened. You made us late to English."

So we ran. We were almost there until I tripped on a little rock. I got scraped on my arm and knee, but I didn't tell Sam because we can't be anymore late than three mins after the bell. So I was limping while running. It hurts, but I was hurt more than just a few scrapes.

In just a few mins, me and Sam had just arrived a few seconds right before the late bell rang.

"Whew! If I hadn't grabbed your arm, you'd be late."

"Hehe, yea. Thanks, Sam."

We both took our seats. We were individually reading our own books since we had a sub. Then I heard someone whisper my name. "Jane!" I looked up and it was Julia, the smartest girl in the class. She handed me a piece of paper. I opened it up and it was a letter. I was confused and shocked.

(What the note said)

Hello, you have been invited to a party. This is a "start of a new school year" party. Everyone is invited. It's a causal party. There will be lot of food and beverages.
So wear your usual clothing.

Can bring a friend.

When: September 7th
Address: 5739 Blamington Dr
Time starts: 8:00 pm

I asked Julia who this letter came from. She got it from Hannah, who got it from Jesus, then from Alan, from Brianna, who got it from Mark, who received it from Kyle. Why couldn't it just be sent to me directly from him, instead of making people passing it on to me??

But that wasn't the problem. The problem was that I had never been invited to a party. Heck, I haven't even gone to a school party. I was scared of what to wear, even though it said causal clothes. Also by making a fool of myself. Not knowing who to talk to. I had all these thoughts that I didn't even know the bell had rung until Sam shook me until I almost fell out of my chair.

"Hey! Jane, earth to Jane! You in there!"

"Huh! Wh..wha..what?"

"Let's go. The bell rang. Time to go home."

I collected all my stuff even the letter and putted them in my backpack. Then me and Sam left. We always go to the mall after school on Fridays. We hang out there for about 2-3 hours, and whenever we check the time, we noticed that it was almost dinner time. So we'd stop by the gas station to get some drinks. Unless, of course something comes up for one or both of us and we'd just go straight home. Then, hit to the mall around noon the next day.

So me and Sam arrived at the mall. It takes us about 15 minutes to get there. I mean, it wasn't that far, so anyone from school can practically just walk out of school and go there and hang out the whole day. Sam said he's done that once. Said it was cool. Not being at school for one whole day and just hanging out I'm the arcade, stores, and food court. I didn't believe him bc he's seems like a goody-to-shoes.

So, me and Sam went to the arcades to hang for about 30 minutes trying to see who can get the dragon in the claw machine, then we raced each other, next we played Just Dance, which I beat him every time we play it. Finally, we see who has the highest score in guitar hero, which Sam always win in. But I get close. Just not up to his score. Next, we headed towards Pretzel Twisties. For some hot, steamy, soft pretzels in a bag. One was cinnamon and the other was butter. They were good. We'd snack on them on our way home.

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