Chapter 2: A Night With Him

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Janes POV

"STOP IT!", I yelled right in his face. We both stared at each other with shocked looks for a few minutes. It was silent until he chuckled and said, "Wait, aren't you the girl who was staring at me this morning?" "What are you talking about? I wouldn't even stare at you, you jerk!" I exclaimed flustered. The jerk just smirked and winked at me. I looked at him disgusted.

I was about to say something until I felt a hand grip my wrist and pulled me behind him. It was Samuel.

"Why don't you mind your own business, Kyle? I don't want you messing with her like you did with all the other ones.", He stated. Other ones? I thought confused. "Lets go." Samuel held onto my wrist tightly which hurt me. We walked out if the cafeteria and out of the school walking to some trees behind the school near the football field. I didn't say that my worst had hurt because I knew Sam had a lot on his mind. So I just followed him quietly.

"What was that all about? What did you mean other ones?", I asked wanting to know.

Sam turned to me and just looked at me straight in the eyes. He then hugged me. I was surprised, but then noticed that he was crying. I didn't say anything, and neither did he.

Sam's POV

After five minutes of hugging Jane, I felt kind of relieved. He didn't pull away or say anything, which I am thankful for. I pulled away.

"What's wrong?, she asked concerned.

Then, the bell rang for 4th period. "We should go.", I said. Both of us headed to science.

(Skip 4th & 5th period)

Janes POV

We both went our separate ways, he had engineering and I had culinary. I kept looking down at my map because I was looking for room 602. The next thing I knew I had bumped into someone. I looked up to see who it was, and it was the jerk from earlier. I gave him a nasty look as I walked into the classroom. He just scoffed then reached for my wrist. I stopped and was pulled into the jerks arms. I tried to break away from the grip, but he was too strong. Then, he whispered in my ear, "Now I can get back at you." My eyes grew big and pulled away as he was letting me go.

I walked in and found the teacher being surrounded by a few girls and boys. She looks like she was in her mid 20s.

"Uh, hi. I'm new here and my name is Jane, Jane Harrison."

"Oh, I wasn't expecting a new student, but more fun! Hello, I am Ms. Robinson, but you can call me Ms. R. You can take a seat next to Kyle."

I looked over and saw the jerk raise his hand and waved to me with a smile. I had to sit with him, considering that the only seat open was next to him.

"Kyle, would you please tell Jane here how the class runs?", Ms. R asked.

"Sure. Its fine with me.", He said trying to sound cool.

I walked over to him and I say down. I moved about 2-3 inches away from him.

Kyle's POV

I have the new girl and smirk and patted the seat next to me. Alright, now I need to get her to sleep with me. I thought. Just how did I get myself to do this kind of bet? Oh, right!


It was the 5th month of school since summer break ended. The group I hang out with now, I knew since freshman year. Now that we're in junior year, I had to make a bet. Each year I would make a bet with someone. Jackson, my best friend, and I had made a bet that if I sleep with every girl here, besides the teachers of course, if be the schools player. But I didn't by the end of the school year, I'd have to give him whatever he wanted. Well, considering that since the girls couldn't resist my dark brown eyes and perfect smile. I had agreed.

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