Chapter 4: We Meet Again

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Janes POV



I woke up and I turned off my alarm clock. I was so tired that I couldn't even open my eyes. I took a glance t the alarm clock and it was 7:50. 7:50! I was going to be late for school! I rushed to the bathroom not bothering to take a shower and just brushed my teeth. I ran to the closet and quickly put some skinny jeans on and a black shirt with the Eiffel Tower design printed on it.

I ran down grabbed an apple and a piece of toast. I opened the door and saw Sam waiting for me. He turned and gave me a "what's wrong with you", look. I took the toast out of my mouth and spoke.

"What are you doing here? We're going to be late for school!"

"No we're not. We still have 30 minutes left. Why are you in a rush?", Sam asked confused.

"It's 8:05.", I said.

"No, it's not. It's only 7:25. We still have enough time. School starts at 8:15.", He said.

I looked like a complete idiot. I looked at my phone and it said 7:25. My mouth was open and then I felt a hand against my chin, pulling it up.

"Close your mouth. Bugs will get in."

I was flustered by Sam's movement. I was red as a tomato. Then we started our way to school. We lived about 25 minutes away. If we travel by car, maybe 15, but we walk. So that is about 25, 30 if we stop by the store on our way.

At the store~

We walked in and Sam went to get a few snacks. I went to get us some drinks. I went to get Sam a soda and water. When I went to get my drink, which is a mocha coffee, I saw a guy that I never wanted to see ever again.

"Jane, you ready to go?", Sam asked.

I said nothing. Just kept staring at the boy by the drinks.

Sam's POV

I went over to see why Jane was taking so long. When I saw her just standing there, I noticed she was looking at a boy. He had black hair, brown highlights. Wore black skinny jeans and a blue collar mid sleeve shirt including black converse. So I went over and asked Jane if she was ready to go. I got no answer.

"Do you know him?", I asked.

No answer. I waved my hand up and down in front if her face. She then snapped back to reality and was shocked to see me next to her.

"What are you doing? I thought you were getting snacks.", she said surprised.

" I did. I was waiting for you at the register, but you never came. So here I am. Got the drinks?", I responded.

She shook her head no. She said she just needed to get her mocha coffee. She looked back at the buy buy the fridge with the coffee. So I waited and when the guy left Jane went to go grab her mocha. We paid for the snacks and drinks and left.

We arrived at school and we sat on a bench on the patio. We were talking and then someone came over to us.

"Hey Jane."

I turned to see who it was, and it was Kyle. The biggest jerk on earth.

"Hey Jerk.", Jane responded.

"Aw, still calling me that. Don't break my heart now, babe.", He said.

Jane reached into her bag and took out a pair of clothes. She handed it to Kyle and he gave her a confused look.

Kyle's POV

Jane was with that nerd, Sam. So I went over to how she was doing. After greeting her and all, she held in front of me the pair of clothes I gave her to wear yesterday.

"Keep it. She isn't going to wear them anyways. Since she's not here anymore.", I said.

"You sure?", Jane asked.

I shook my head. Then I said I had to leave. She said ok and said she'll see me later. Then I left.

Authors POV

First and second period went by.then came third period. When Jane got in the room and sat down someone came and sat next to her. Usually the seat next to her was empty. Or so she was told. So she looked up and saw that it was Kyle. Jane had a shocked and surprised expression. Kyle turned and asked, "What? Is there something on my face?" Jane said nothing. So Kyle just stared at her. After about 3-4 minutes, Jane finally said something.

"What are you doing in here? Like in my history class."

"Well, as you can see, I am in this class. Ever since the first day of school. I just wasn't here yesterday, because I had gone on an errand for my previous teacher. That's why.", Kyle explained.

Jane was speechless. She just turned to the teacher and listened to the lesson. Jane couldn't believe the students in the class told her it was an empty seat. She didn't know what to say.

After about 10 minutes, Kyle glanced at Jane. When he did she was sleeping. Thank god the lights were off. Or else she would've gotten in trouble. So Kyle leaned forward and set his head on his desk. He just stared at Janes sleeping face. This went in for another 15 minutes.

The teacher opened the lights and both Jane and Kyle were asleep. Both facing each other. When the bell rang, the teacher noticed that the two were sleeping, and decided to take a picture. She was planning to give it the one in charge of the yearbook. So after the picture was taken, she woke them both up and collected their work, which was only half done. She wrote them both a pass to their next class since they were late.

When Jane and Kyle exited the classroom, they both went their separate ways.

Jane entered her fourth period and shows her pass to the teacher. Sam was sitting down and smiled at Jane. She smiles back. When Jane sat down she looked around the room to see what the girls were staring at. Then she stopped, looking at a boy by the window. It happened to be the guy from this morning at the store. The guy she thought she didn't want to see again. Sam looked at Jane about to explain what they were doing, but notices that she was staring at the guy by the window.

"Oh, that's the new kid. His name is James. He came from Brookridge High school.", Sam said.

"I know who he is. I came from that school. He's the reason why I left.", I said.

"What happened?", He asked.

"Later. I don't feel like telling you right now."

So the rest if the period went by and James hasn't said one word to me. Which is good, because its best if he doesn't. So me and Sam got up and left the classroom. We both went our ways and said we'll see each other in 7th period. I heard my name when I was half way to 5th period.

"Jane? Jane Harrison?"

I could tell who it was by the way he said my name. I turned around trying not to panic. I finally faced him and I felt like I was about to throw up.



I'm so so so so sorry for updating late. I've been busy with my family and school bc I had to catch up with my grades. I don't think I did very good with this chapter, but I'll let you guys decide on that. So, thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it. Thx guys!! Keep reading and thx! ^-^

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