Chapter 5: I Don't Want To Remember

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Authors POV

"Jane? Jane Harrison?", James asked.

Jane turned around to see who it was. Her eyes widening as James came closer to her. They both stood their for about a minute or two. Then one of them spoke.

"Uh, it's great to see you. How have you been?"

"I'm great! How about you?"

"I'm good too."

"Wow! I never thought I'd see you here. After I heard that you moved I was heartbroken that you never called or texted me."

"Hehe, uh well, well, I, uh, I was about to, but I changed my number and I probably forgot to put your number in.", Jane stuttered trying to get the words out.

James shook his head and Jane sighed. There was silence between them for a little bit.

"Uh, well I have to go to class. It was nice meeting you." Jane said as she started to back away, heading towards her class.

"Where you going? I mean, uh, who do you have now? I'll walk you.", James suggested.

"I have math. Mr. Brown.", Jane replied.

James smiled.

"That's great! I have him too. Lets go!", James said happily.

Jane let out a weak chuckle.

They both walked to class together. James arm over Janes shoulders. Jane felt uncomfortable because this reminded her of them before she moved.

"So, how do you like this school?", James asked.

"Uh, it's good. I'm starting to like it. I've met good people here.", Jane said.

James nods his up and down.

They reached Mr. Browns room. They both enter and the room got quiet. Jane went to her seat and James followed. The seat next to her was empty. Mr. Brown walked over and told everybody to continue working. They did, but when he turned his back, everyone looked back at Jane and James. They got quiet again trying to listen to the conversation.

"Jane, why are you late to class, and who is this sitting next to you?", Mr. Brown asked.

"Well, as you can see. He's new and he came from my old school and we happened to meet earlier today. Yep, that's why I was late.", Jane said taking a few pauses trying to come up with another thing to say. But James cut her before she could say anything.

"Uh, I'm sorry,sir. It was my fault that she was late. I was talking to the teacher on where my next class was and she recommended Jane to show me. And she gave us a pass.", James explained.

He took out a little sheet if paper from his pocket and it had both their names on it. It read, "Please excuse Jane Harrison and James Peterson from being late. Ms. Nelson"

"Okay.", Mr. Brown said and walked to his desk.

"When did you get that pass from Ms. Nelson?? And how did you know we were going to be late??", Jane asked confused.

"Well, when the bell rang for 5th period, she asked me who I had next and I told her and she recommended you, but you left already. So she said to catch up with you and I did. So I put the pass in my pocket and I found you walking in the hallway.", James explained calmly.

Janes POV

James explained how he had got the pass and what happened. I have him a, "are you being for real" look. Then he shook his head up and down.

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